The Departure

"What's the situation?" Wesley and Fox followed a stern-looking Templar, hurrying towards the secret room.

"I don't know what in the world happened, but that ancient loom suddenly started moving on its own," the Templar leading the way explained, a mix of bewilderment and awe in his voice.

"And the strangest part is, it had no source of power! It was as if it was possessed!" Wesley and Fox exchanged intrigued glances and quickened their pace.

As they entered the secret room, the loom had come to a stop, and before them lay a pristine piece of cloth on the table.

"Let's decipher this together," Wesley suggested, and Fox nodded in agreement, excitement dancing in their eyes.

With magnifying glasses in hand, they meticulously examined the intricate binary codes on the fabric, recording each symbol as they worked to decipher the message.

The Templar's eyes widened as he watched the duo's expertise in action. "You two are like modern-day cryptographers!" he marveled.

"It's not too complicated; it just needs a bit of patience," Fox replied, smiling.

Before long, the duo cracked the code and revealed the hidden message on paper:

[The intersection of fate, the return of the gods, they have returned to this world, and are about to set the right track of fate in motion, altering it once more.]

Word by word, Fox read the enigmatic message aloud, causing an air of mystique to fill the room.

"Hmm... Should we call Mr. Jack in this situation?" Wesley pondered aloud, seeking Fox's opinion.

Fox gave Wesley a playful look and said, "Call him right away! This seems like something right up his alley."


Meanwhile, outside the Continental Hotel in Rome, a spectacular display of power unfolded as a bolt of lightning crackled among armed adversaries at a high table.

Viewed from above, the lightning's path was marked by the falling bodies of armed personnel, like wheat being harvested in a storm.

This lightning bolt was none other than Jack, who wielded the Holy Sword of Eden as though it were a scythe of death, an unstoppable force reaping the lives of those who threatened him.

With a final flash of light, Jack put away the Holy Sword, standing calmly amidst the aftermath. His unique ability had ensured that not a trace of blood or filth soiled his person, leaving only a lingering smell of perfume.

"Once this world's affairs are done, I need to find a place to rest and unwind," Jack contemplated, feeling the toll his recent actions had taken on him. He knew he needed a break from the constant bloodshed and violence.

Jack, despite his powerful abilities, wasn't someone who enjoyed killing. Yet, the sheer number of deaths he had dealt with recently worried him. He sensed a dangerous mentality growing within him, one that could make him indifferent to human life if left unchecked.

This experience had taught him that too much killing could scar one's soul, leaving a dark stain that could change a person fundamentally.

He made a promise to himself that he wouldn't allow this path to harden his heart. Once this world's mission was over, he planned to find the next world to explore. If it was a simpler and more peaceful world, he'd take some time to relax and regain his humanity. And if it proved too harsh, he had a plan to return to the world of Fast and Furious and rest for a while.

As Jack was contemplating his next move, something caught his eye—a small glimmer of light in the sky. He immediately focused his gaze on it and was astonished to see what it was.

"Crazy?!" he exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and amusement.

Just as he was trying to process what he was witnessing, his phone started ringing. He quickly picked it up, eager to hear what was going on.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jack left the scene at his full speed.

To be completely frank, Jack had entertained the thought of the High Table's retaliation before, but he never anticipated it happening so decisively. The Continental Hotel in Rome hadn't even become fully his, when suddenly, the opposing party launched an inter-continental missile at it!

The situation was dire, and Jack had no choice but to think quickly. With his peak speed, escaping the impending danger seemed feasible, and that's exactly what he set out to do. Activating his [Advanced Knight Bloodline] and entering stealth mode, Jack swiftly made his way away from the Roman Continental Hotel.

Amidst the frenzy, a call came in with important news from Fox, but it was interrupted by the blinding light of the missile striking the hotel. Jack's superhuman speed had put him far enough from the impact point that he witnessed the scene in silence.

The explosion's shock wave and sound couldn't catch up to him, thanks to his stealth skill. After pausing to catch his breath and take in the distant explosion, he refocused on the pressing matter—the instructions from the Loom of Destiny.

Confusion and curiosity filled his mind. "The return of the gods... are there really gods in this world?" The idea of divine beings existing in this world was bewildering for Jack.

Feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension, he understood that the Loom of Fate possessed knowledge beyond ordinary comprehension, as it had accurately identified him as an "extraterrestrial visitor." He decided to treat its instructions as a valuable reference, if not something to follow blindly.

As he pondered these thoughts, a radiant beam of light descended from the sky, precisely five meters away from him. Jack's senses heightened instantly as he observed a man appearing before him, wielding a spear and exuding an aura of power.

"You are quite extraordinary," the man spoke in English, confirming Jack's suspicion about the language barrier. "Jack Daniel you are a descendant of the Isu people."

Jack's curiosity was piqued, "Isu people? What does that mean? Also my name is Jack Ashborn and not a brand of whiskey?"

The man's smile revealed a hint of intrigue, "Even the Isu people don't possess the physical strength you have. Your body seems to have undergone some extraordinary mutations." He gestured to the glowing spear in his hand.

"I'm very curious about your body. Please cooperate with me, and I'd like to conduct some research, if you don't mind." The man said while looking at Jack with a greedy gaze.

"What the fuck man." Jack was in no mood to comply. Without hesitation, he activated his stealth mode and prepared to slip away.

Jack's heart was racing faster than ever. He couldn't believe he was facing an alien race that rivaled gods! Moreover some pervert as well.

The Isu's advanced technology, like the Apple of Eden and the Holy Sword of Eden, were nothing more than standard weapons for them, leaving Jack awestruck and bewildered.

As he mulled over the Isu's capabilities, he couldn't help but curse inwardly at the bizarre and chaotic nature of this world he had stumbled into. "This is insane, just completely madness!"

However, despite his frustration, Jack knew he had no room for carelessness. Facing a race capable of interstellar travel, he wondered if they had any mental defenses. Could they read his thoughts? The idea itself was spine-chilling. After all, they must have witnessed his previous actions.

With a wry smile, he answered his own questions rhetorically, "No-brainer, right? They must know everything."

Despite his curiosity and desire to vent, Jack understood the gravity of his situation. He had to be cautious; otherwise, disaster loomed large.

"I didn't expect it, but here I am again," he muttered in reference to the note from the Eden Holy Sword, feeling utterly overwhelmed by the surreal events unfolding around him.

"I'm not asking," the Isu man's voice resonated, his eyes glowing golden as he fixated on Jack. Even when Jack activated his stealth ability, the Isu's gaze pierced through the concealment.

A sly smirk crossed Jack's face as he tried to flee, now moving at a speed faster than before, evading the missile strikes with precision. But the Isu was unimpressed, quickly charging his spear and launching a lightning bolt towards Jack.

"Nice try," Jack thought to himself, knowing he couldn't outrun the speed of light. In a flash, he disappeared from sight, leaving the Isu puzzled by his sudden vanishing act.

The Isu man's gaze darted around, trying to figure out the mystery behind Jack's vanishing act. "How did he do it?" he wondered aloud, vexed by the unexplained phenomenon.

Meanwhile, back with Fox and Wesley, their worry for Jack was evident as they frantically worked the loom to unravel another section of the gauze's message. With bated breath, they deciphered the cryptic words.

"The visitor has left, but when he returns, he will bring a long-lost balance. True, balance!"


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