Diamensional Wrench Steals The Show

"Now, you can check this box," Daniel gestured with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, his voice laden with intrigue.

"You can get real close to see... Wait a second, sir! The object you just pulled out of your pocket – what on earth is that?"

Jack calmly retrieved the magnifying glass from his suit pocket, or rather, its seemingly impossible storage space, his expression rational and composed.

"Ah, this?" he mused, holding the magnifying glass up to the light. "Just a little tool for the convenience of a closer inspection, my dear friend."

"Convenience?! I meant for you to observe closely, not with a magnifying glass! Who in the world carries around a magnifying glass?" Daniel's internal voice roared.

Daniel's mind was a tempest of incredulity, yet his smile remained affable. "So, that's the story, sir. Please feel free to proceed."

The art of managing expressions was akin to second nature for a magician like Daniel. And really, whether he used a magnifying glass or not hardly mattered; he retained his cool, collected demeanor.

But Jack had other plans.

Here they were, center stage, an opportunity begging to be seized for a bit of early magician's practice. Jack wasn't about to let it slide.

"I must say," Jack addressed the audience, his voice amplified by the microphone handed to each "guest" upon their entry, "using a magnifying glass alone seems a tad underwhelming, don't you think?" His words were met with amused chuckles and intrigued murmurs.

Already tickled by Jack's previous magnifying glass theatrics, the crowd was now thoroughly captivated.

"Indeed," Jack continued, a playful glint in his eyes, "I was contemplating employing some other tools to enhance the experience. What say you to that?"

"Alright!" The audience's response was resounding.

Having already been charmed by Jack's antics, they were now more than eager to see where this act was headed.

"Fantastic! But here's the catch – I require a little assistance from our esteemed audience," Jack declared, a mock-serious expression on his face. He scanned the crowd expectantly, then turned to Daniel, a theatrical sigh escaping him.

"Seems like my plea for tools has fallen on deaf ears, Mr. Daniel. Any chance you might have something, perhaps a hammer or a wrench?"

Laughter erupted from the crowd, shaking their heads at the absurdity of the request.

Daniel, arching an eyebrow, played along. "Well, if you're truly desperate, I might be able to lend you a deck of cards."

Jack chuckled, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes. "No need, my dear Daniel. It appears I'll have to rely on my own stash of tools. A wrench, perhaps?"

He turned sideways to face the audience, tapping his pocket in mock dismay to indicate its emptiness. Then, with deliberate slowness, he plunged his hand into the pocket, withdrawing a wrench – a wrench notably longer than the pocket itself!

A collective gasp swept through the audience, followed by enthusiastic applause. Jack extended the wrench to an eager audience member, gesturing for its passage.

Daniel, however, was barely containing himself.

He was a magician, true, but even he struggled to fathom the mechanics behind Jack's display. Suspicion stirred – could this new colleague actually be a formidable rival, intent on usurping his spotlight?

Ah, yes, there was that former assistant, Henry Reeves. The talented young protege who'd ventured out on her own. Daniel couldn't help but wonder if Jack was cut from the same cloth, a fellow magician trying to mess with him.

In any case, Daniel's attention was now unwaveringly fixed on Jack, a sense of rivalry taking root. After all, magic is all about leaving the audience spellbound, but sometimes, it's the magicians themselves who get ensnared in the web of mystery.

With an air of mischief, Daniel took confident strides towards Jack, setting down the microphone with a sly smile playing on his lips.

He spoke in hushed tones, almost like a secret code, "Hey, buddy, are you up for a collaboration?"

Jack responded with a subtle nod, "Well, I was just planning to watch the show... but since you invited me up, I guess I have no choice but to perform, right?"

"Ha! You got me there!" Daniel inwardly cursed, but kept up his warm demeanor. "So, what's your act?"

Jack leaned in, keeping the intrigue alive, "Oh, just a little performance. Don't worry, it won't take much of your time, and I promise not to steal your thunder. I'm a professional, you know."

"Professional, huh?" Daniel thought, his control-loving nature battling with the situation. He was hesitant, but the idea of their tricks merging successfully was too tempting to resist.

"All right, let's do it your way," Daniel finally conceded, trying not to show how bothered he felt.

Despite his dissatisfaction, Daniel had to admit that Jack's plan was the best under the circumstances. After all, he didn't want their magic to be exposed, and claiming that Jack was a specially invited magician sounded more acceptable to him.

In his mind, Daniel convinced himself that Jack just wanted to piggyback on his popularity. But he conveniently forgot that it was he who had called Jack up on stage in the first place.

"Now, watch closely, everyone!" Jack announced with a flair, showcasing the [Dimension Wrench] before the audience. As the viewers inspected the wrench, some even tried to test it, but found nothing unusual—it appeared to be just an ordinary wrench.

Or so they thought.

But Jack wasn't done yet. With a playful grin, he pointed out a supposed flaw, "Ah, but there's a serious problem here! It seems this box has a loose nail, doesn't it? Perhaps I need a new tool... like a hammer!"

The crowd erupted in excitement as Jack's magic show unfolded before them.

In a blink of an eye, Jack held the wrench, clasping his palms together, and murmured a few mysterious words. When he released his grip, to everyone's astonishment, the wrench had transformed into a hammer!

Daniel's smug expression turned into one of surprise, mirroring the audience's reaction. Even he couldn't fathom how Jack had pulled off this astonishing feat.

Before, when Jack produced the wrench from the pocket of his suit, Daniel had guessed that he concealed it using some special suit modification. But this time, the magic seemed beyond comprehension.

In the midst of the spectacle, Daniel couldn't help but wonder how Jack had managed this seemingly impossible trick. Their performance had just gotten even more intriguing, and deep down, he had to admit that working with Jack brought an unexpected thrill to the show.


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