Luxurious Dinner

Daniel had a hidden agenda that evening – he wanted to use it as a pretext to ask Jack to share some of his magical secrets. However, Jack, a master of eloquence, once again managed to dupe Daniel with his persuasive words, leaving Daniel convinced that he was witnessing a genuine magic performance. This particular magic trick was known as "the magic of intuition."

Because Daniel had only recently started learning this magic, he wasn't quite proficient in its execution. A small mistake almost exposed the trick to Daniel, who had a keen eye. It was a blend of truth and falsehood, skillfully woven together to maintain an air of credibility.

But, the real secret weapon in Jack's arsenal was his thick skin. His unwavering confidence and shamelessness made his performances even more convincing.

In the end, all Daniel received for his participation was a lavish dinner courtesy of Jack.


"What's that?" an audience member inquired, curiosity piqued.

"The dining table? It's set for a dinner presentation," someone replied.

"Is today's magic act related to food?" the audience wondered aloud.

"It seems like Daniel is revealing his magic partnership to the audience for the first time," another voice chimed in.

"Yes, I heard he invited a special partner who also performed in a show a few days ago. It was quite impressive!"

"Today's performance is said to have a new twist, right?"

The audience buzzed with excitement as they discussed the upcoming performance.

As they chatted away, Jack and Daniel made their entrance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this magical extravaganza. Our theme for today is 'A Luxurious Dinner!'" Jack's voice boomed through the speakers, captivating the audience and prompting cheers of anticipation.

"A few days ago, Jack mentioned treating me to a luxurious dinner, and I happily accepted," Daniel began with a smile. However, his expression quickly changed to one of bewilderment. "But is this what he meant by a luxurious dinner?" Daniel gestured dramatically to the grand dining table that stood between them.

The table, adorned with a floor-length white tablecloth, could easily seat ten people, yet it held only a small dinner plate concealed beneath a hemispherical, opaque cover.

The stark contrast elicited laughter from the audience.

"Nevertheless, Jack promised me a substantial meal today," Daniel continued, looking puzzled as he surveyed the audience. "What do you think?" He turned to them and asked, "Shall we reveal it together?"

Keeping his promise, Daniel approached the table with great anticipation and slowly lifted the lid.


On the dinner plate sat two French fries, crossed like an 'X,' with a small dollop of ketchup beside them.

Daniel's expression shifted to one of disbelief: "Fuck"

"What is this? What on earth is this?" Daniel exaggeratedly displayed the French fries to the audience, holding them up as if they were a rare treasure. "Two French fries?"

The audience burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"And look at this tiny bit of ketchup! Remarkable, absolutely remarkable!" Daniel nodded, clapping his hands sarcastically, and then scraped the minuscule amount of ketchup onto the French fries, showcasing it to everyone.

"Have you ever seen such perfection? Golden-brown fries paired with fresh, red tomato sauce. Oh my goodness, this is the ultimate culinary masterpiece! It's simply divine. This dinner, my friends, is the epitome of luxury dining!"

As he spoke, Daniel tossed the fries into his mouth, chewed them twice, and swallowed with theatrical delight. Then, he widened his eyes in exaggerated ecstasy.

"This is amazing, truly the most luxurious dinner I've ever had!" Daniel exclaimed.

The audience was in fits of laughter, struggling to catch their breath.

In the past, Daniel had always portrayed himself as a cool and composed individual. However, in this performance, he not only abandoned his previous persona but also turned it on its head, becoming a larger-than-life, comedic character.

Whether it was his exaggerated facial expressions or the stark juxtaposition between the "luxury dinner" and the humble fries, the audience was thoroughly entertained, and the show was filled with infectious laughter.

But, of course, this was just the beginning of what promised to be an unforgettable performance.

"Bravo, bravo!" Daniel enthusiastically applauded, his voice carrying through the venue. He began to address the audience while walking towards the backstage, but Jack promptly pulled him back, muffling his words with his hand.

The futile yet exaggerated struggles of resistance as Daniel was dragged back with his mouth covered sent the audience into fits of laughter once more. They were well aware that this was all part of the show, and they were thoroughly enjoying it.

Compared to the typical magic performances that relied on illusions and suspense, this exaggerated and comically tasteless act was a breath of fresh air, and the audience appreciated the change of pace.

"Ahem, let's not be hasty," Jack exclaimed as he dragged Daniel back. He moved deliberately around the table, drawing the audience's attention, and then addressed them, "Do you think I would go to the trouble of setting up such a grand dining table just to serve a single dish?"

Daniel, standing by with an expressionless face, sneered, "I might doubt others, but you, my friend, are in a league of your own." The audience erupted in laughter once more.

"Ahem, that was just a pre-dinner appetizer, you see? It's not the main course!" Jack explained.

"What?" Daniel looked puzzled.

"That wasn't the dinner!" Jack clarified.

"Then... where's the dinner?" Daniel glanced around. "I don't see any food truck nearby."

"Where are you looking? It's right here," Jack pointed to the dinner plate under the lid on the dining table.

Daniel blinked in confusion. "???"

"I think you're underestimating me," Daniel retorted, his tone tinged with resentment. The audience burst into laughter again.

"Of course not. Do I look like the kind of person who would deceive you?" Jack waved his hand dismissively. "Wait a moment, I'll conjure up the luxurious dinner I promised you tonight!" The audience gasped in amazement.

Approaching the dining table, Jack lifted the lid from the dinner plate.

"Wait a minute!" Daniel interjected hastily.

"What's the matter?"

"We mustn't forget the rule," Daniel reminded the audience. "As I've said before, the closer you get, the less you see!"

"So..." Daniel addressed the audience, "You, you, you... come up!"

"Since that's the case, I suppose I need to prepare something for our guests to enjoy," Jack pretended to ponder.

"Well, that's only fair," Daniel agreed.

"Then..." Jack hesitated, "How about a luxurious dinner appetizer?"

As he finished speaking, Jack lifted the dinner cover, revealing that the dinner plate was now brimming with French fries!

"Walt?", "How did he do it?", "Wow!" The audience marveled and whispered among themselves.

While they had seen many magic tricks before, Jack's actions had them captivated. To their eyes, Jack merely covered the dinner plate and never removed his hand, but when he unveiled it, the empty plate was now filled with French fries!

Their surprise, however, was far from over.

After distributing the fries to the audience members that Daniel had invited, Jack asked them to examine the plates and covers for anything unusual.

"Alright, our guests have checked the plates and covers. Everything seems fine..." Jack began to show the plates and covers to the rest of the audience when Daniel suddenly interrupted him.

"No, there's a problem!" Daniel declared.

"You're undermining me?" Jack looked surprised.

The audience erupted in laughter.

"Of course. Do I look like someone who would compromise his integrity for the sake of a performance?" Daniel chuckled, then walked over to Jack, placed the dinner plate and lid on the table, and stated, "Even if you can conjure delicious food on a dinner plate, it's not enough, is it?"

"How could it possibly be enough for me to eat?"

There was a brief silence before the audience burst into laughter once more. They had expected Daniel to expose the magic trick or reveal a hidden secret, but instead, he amusingly emphasized the issue of the dinner plate being too small to hold a proper meal.

Amused and curious, they wondered if Jack could indeed produce an abundance of items.

"Well, in that case," Jack frowned, "I only prepared one dinner plate today..."

"That's simple," Daniel casually picked up the dinner plate and turned his back to the audience.

When he turned around again, his hands held two dinner plates!

"Wow!" Jack exclaimed at the right moment, and the audience was captivated.

Daniel continued to turn around, producing more dinner plates until there was no space left on the large dining table.

Jack widened his eyes, approached Daniel, and extended his hands, pretending to start pulling items out of his clothing. He muttered, "I suspect there are dozens of dishes hidden in this attire. Wait a moment, dear audience, let me fetch them for you..."

Daniel, of course, wouldn't allow Jack to have his way and playfully resisted, inciting more laughter from the audience.

"Alright, let's not worry about where you've procured so many plates for now," Jack conceded, shaking his head in mock frustration. "But I'm even more curious now. With so many plates at your disposal, could you really finish all that food?"

Jack playfully poked Daniel's belly, asking, "Are you truly such a voracious eater?"

"It's finished!" Daniel declared with a smile. "With the support of our wonderful audience, we'll make sure not a single plate goes to waste!"

"It's finished!", "You can do it!", "I want to join the luxurious dinner!" The audience cheered enthusiastically.

After a prolonged buildup, the atmosphere had reached its peak, and the stage was set for what promised to be an unforgettable performance!


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