The Magic of The Eye

Hey everyone, exciting news! We've got a cool challenge ahead. If we can gather 100 power stones by Friday, brace yourselves because there's a fantastic bonus chapter coming your way on Saturday! Let the power stone hunt begin! #ChallengeAccepted


The performance went off without a hitch, except for a somewhat chaotic moment during the final farewell session with the audience.

Jack had kept a secret from Daniel until they were on stage. The surprise twist was that almost every part of Jack's body, including his clothes, face, and pants, was covered in lipstick marks. It was a chaotic scene, and Jack couldn't pinpoint who had kissed him. They were all enthusiastic fans, so taking direct action seemed inappropriate. Jack understood their excitement and tried his best to protect his clothes. After all, can a few kisses really harm anyone?

Of course, Jack firmly rejected the advances of some male attendees. While he possessed the looks and figure to attract both men and women, he had no intentions beyond that. His values were unwavering.

A few days later, Jack met with Bradley, who seemed a bit puzzled. "So... Mr. Jack, did you need something from me?"

Jack glanced around the room before turning his attention back to Bradley. He didn't rush to get to the point. "Why don't you get me something to drink?"

This situation was quite interesting. Besides Daniel, who played Luthor in "Batman v Superman," and Dylan, who portrayed the Hulk in the Marvel Universe, Jack had encountered Bradley in a previous world. In "Wanted," Bradley played Sloan, the leader of the League of Assassins. Although Jack hadn't directly interacted with Sloan, seeing the same actor in different worlds with distinct roles felt peculiar.

Bradley smiled and nodded, not in any hurry. He knew who Jack was. Over the past year, Jack and Daniel had built a reputation as a magical duo. As a member of the Eye, Bradley could see the magical elements woven into Jack's performances.

However, joining the Eye required more than just being a magician who could perform magic. While being a proficient magician was a prerequisite, it wasn't sufficient. The Eye evaluated individuals based on their character and other factors.

From its origins, the Eye had been a grassroots organization that used magic to liberate slaves by stealing food from their oppressors. Consequently, even after discovering that Jack and Daniel were magicians, the Eye had shown no interest in recruiting them.

Of course, they had noticed Jack's inquiries about the Eye, but they hadn't given it much thought. Jack was free to explore as long as he didn't misuse magic or bring trouble to the world.

In this regard, the Eye had a rather lenient stance.

But now, Jack had come to visit, and Bradley couldn't help but be curious. What was the purpose of this visit?

Jack contemplated for a moment, then his eyes lit up. "I'd like a cup of freshly squeezed spice carrot and coriander juice!"

Bradley blinked, perhaps a bit surprised by the request, but he nodded in acknowledgment.

Confusion enveloped Bradley as if three question marks were floating above his head.

"Your preferences are quite unique, Mr. Jack. Unfortunately, I don't have any of those here. Can I offer you something else?" Bradley said bewilderment

Jack looked disappointed. "Are there no common beverages available?"

Bradley smiled apologetically, sensing the oddity of the situation.

For a brief moment, silence hung in the air.

"No, this is not a common beverage!" Bradley suddenly realized, his frustration boiling over. He nearly flipped the table as he exclaimed, "Take a deep breath, Bradley... Take several deep breaths until you're dizzy from the excess oxygen," he muttered to himself in an effort to calm down.

After regaining his composure, Bradley offered, "Sir, may I suggest a glass of wine?"

Jack raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Just wine? Can't you add a touch of coriander and carrots? I can provide the spices myself."

With a casual sweep of his hand, Jack conjured a pile of spices onto the table.

Bradley was left speechless. "You carry spices with you?"

"We're going for coriander and spice carrot juice today, aren't we?" Jack chuckled.

Bradley's patience was tested. "Mr. Jack..."

"Alright, I won't put you through this any longer, Mr. Bradley." Jack waved his hand, causing the spices to disappear. He then reclined on the sofa with a serious expression. "You already know the purpose of my visit, don't you?"

"What?" Bradley discreetly wiped away a smudge of edible dye from his hand. He had intended to use it for a dramatic reveal, but Jack had seen through his act.

"Let's get straight to the point, Mr. Bradley," Jack urged, interrupting Bradley's pretense. "I know you're a member of The Eye."

"The Eye?" Bradley maintained a poker face. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, Mr. Jack. Are you referring to that nonexistent organization?"

Jack sighed. "You're not taking this seriously, are you?"

"That's not my concern," Bradley replied after a pause, refusing to be drawn into Jack's rhythm. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm not here to join The Eye," Jack stated casually.

"You couldn't join even if you wanted to," Bradley retorted.

Jack spread his hands in a defeated gesture. "Are you trying to roast me again?"

"Nevertheless, what I said is true," Jack continued. "I know you're a member of the The Eye. But I'm not here to recruit you into the society."

Bradley leaned in, intrigued. "Then why are you here?"

"I want to learn the magic of the The Eye," Jack declared.


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