IRS To The Rescue

Bradley strolled over to the desk with a sly grin, a mysterious glint in his eyes. From a concealed compartment, he pulled out a long, narrow box with an air of intrigue. With an expert flourish, he opened it and extracted a tightly rolled parchment. Extending it out, he presented it to Jack and Hermia, his voice tinged with anticipation, "You can see for yourselves."

Jack eagerly reached for the parchment, his curiosity piqued. It was surprisingly petite, with seemingly innocuous names listed. However, there was an astonishing surprise awaiting them. As Jack tapped on one of the seemingly plain names, a wealth of information unveiled itself - details about the individuals, their misdeeds, and the challenging tasks that lay ahead.

With a raised eyebrow, Jack inquired, "Are these all wealthy folks engaging in illegal activities?"

Bradley nodded knowingly, his tone a blend of amusement and conviction, "You've hit the nail on the head. The Eye doesn't dabble in politics; we exclusively target wealthy individuals who are already treading on the wrong side of the law."

Jack couldn't help but express his disapproval, muttering, "Going after the week guys, huh. While catering to the strong."

Bradley couldn't resist rolling his eyes, retorting, "As if you have the audacity to provoke them?"

Jack grinned mischievously, and a spark of mischief danced in his eyes as he glanced at Bradley, leaving him guessing. "Well, if it's absolutely necessary..."

Their banter continued, ending in laughter. Jack decided to pick his target, and as his fingertip made contact with a well-known name, it disappeared from the parchment. He revealed his choice with a smirk, "Arthur Teaser."

Arthur, the man behind an insurance empire with a colossal fortune, was their target. In the world of "Now You See Me 1," the Four Knights, led by Rhodes, executed a grand illusion to rob and redistribute the wealth of a rich man, and that man happened to be Arthur Tresler.

The Eye was aware of this caper but chose not to expose Rhodes since he and his crew aligned with their goals. They tested them further, welcoming them into the society. Now, Jack aimed to eliminate this boss figure before Rhodes created any trouble, setting the stage for a unique twist in the storyline.

With the main antagonist gone, Jack wondered about the future actions of Rhodes and the other protagonists. It promised to be a captivating turn of events, and the fact that this world was relatively safe eased his concerns. Even if the main plot deviated, it wouldn't impact Jack significantly.

As for the Four Knights and their allies, Jack believed in resolving conflicts through communication. He planned to offer them a chance to join The Eye if needed. His confidence in this endeavor was unwavering; he would force his way in if necessary.

After completing his tenth performance, Jack's magician profession had advanced once again, providing him with an array of skills and a newfound sense of freedom. With [Magician·Advanced (100/10000], he felt empowered to explore this world to his heart's content.

Bradley, though, was cautious. He warned, "Arthur... He's a cunning one, and his legal team is formidable. If you choose him as your target, tread carefully."

Jack waved off the concern with a confident smile, "Don't worry, I have my ways. I've got a hundred tricks up my sleeve if I decide to make him pay."

Bradley raised an incredulous eyebrow, "So, you're that confident?"

"Heck yes," Jack replied, "Even if his legal team has pulled off the impossible, there's always a way around it. Why not find an even more powerful legal team?"

Katerina chimed in, her curiosity getting the better of her, "How do you intend to find such a team? Aren't they hard to come by?"

Jack's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned forward, offering a tantalizing tidbit, "Evil people tend to have their connections. But first, I need to join a certain department and borrow their influence."

The air was thick with suspense as Catrina leaned in, eager to learn more. "Which department?" she inquired, her curiosity unquenchable.

"I believe you're familiar with that department," Jack said with a smile. "Its full name is the United States Internal Revenue Service, and the abbreviation is..."


"What?" × 2 ...

Jack's idea was straightforward.

His career as an IRS in the previous world wasn't just for show; it yielded tangible results! Whether it was the skills of a "Senior IRS Officer" or the experience he gained while working at the IRS, Jack knew well that companies without any tax issues were exceedingly rare.

Not to mention a group like the Arthur Group, which began by siphoning off all the insurance funds from policyholders. To say that their group's taxation wasn't tricky, Jack felt it would be more accurate to say that there was no such thing as magic in this world!

Now, Jack was well-versed in nearly every method of tax evasion. In terms of accounting, he even knew how to manipulate financial records to avoid taxes.

With Arthur Insurance Group's financial records in hand, Jack could undoubtedly uncover irregularities.

When that time came, all he needed to do was establish a cooperative relationship with the IRS and employ some clever strategies... then collecting what was owed would be a breeze!

While Jack wasn't currently an IRS employee, he could become one. With his skills as a [Senior IRS Officer] and some magical assistance, he had no reason to fear being unable to join the IRS and become a member.

By now, his magician profession had reached an advanced level. Therefore, the order in which he upgraded his professions mattered little. He had the flexibility to choose which profession to enhance.

After refining his plan for the system, Jack shared it with Bradley and Caitrina.

"So, you're saying you self-taught all the knowledge that IRS clerks need to master, but you became obsessed with magic before you could take the certification exam. Now, you plan to pass the IRS test, obtain the certificate, apply for a clerk position, and then confront Arthur?"

Bradley was taken aback.

Your plan seems overly ambitious!

And the effort you need to put in doesn't seem commensurate with the potential rewards!

"Don't worry," Jack reassured him with a smile. "I'm confident in myself, and...the real advantage of becoming an IRS member lies elsewhere. Even when dealing with other wealthy individuals, as long as their assets are in the United States, I can handle them effortlessly!"

In simple terms, Jack aimed to synergize his two professions, accumulating experience points along the way. Regardless of which profession he obtained, it would be a guaranteed gain.

"It sounds quite plausible..."

Hermia pondered for a moment and asked, "But how can you ensure that the IRS will agree to such a deal with you?"

Jack glanced at Hermia, smiling. "Isn't this where your abilities come into play?"

"What do you mean?" Hermia was momentarily perplexed, then realized, "No, my ability is currently limited to mind-reading and doesn't encompass control or hypnotism."

"I'll teach you a new form of magic," Jack interrupted, "Specifically, the magic of enchanting people's hearts."


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