FBI Open Up

Curiosity got the better of Merritt, and he subconsciously attempted to use his hypnotic magic on Jack. However, what followed left Merritt in a state of shock.

In Merritt's perception, his hypnotic magic was swiftly dismantled by a formidable surge of magic within half a meter of Jack's body, completely obliterating it. It didn't even come close to affecting its target as intended.

Jack raised his eyes to look at Merritt but didn't seem bothered. In comparison, Merritt's magic seemed woefully inadequate.

While Merritt struggled to process this development, he realized that, over the years, he had encountered individuals with strong willpower or innate magical resistance. Yet, he had never encountered someone who could independently unleash their magic power to annihilate his hypnotic magic directly. In their brief interaction, he could feel the overwhelming might of Jack's magic, crushing his own like a small boat in a tempestuous sea.

Merritt was now too apprehensive to attempt any action against Jack.

After Arthur noticed that Jack was unyielding, he turned to Merritt, coughed, and gave him a meaningful wink.

However, Merritt, overwhelmed by his recent experience, didn't even acknowledge Arthur. It wasn't deliberate; rather, he was preoccupied with concerns about his future course of action.

Why had this formidable individual sought out Arthur, and how would it affect their plan?

Meanwhile, Dylan's assistant, Fuller, led a team as Dylan was still at headquarters, discussing the mission with ICPO Officer Alma. Their objective: to apprehend Daniel and others to prevent any escape.

Fuller noticed something amiss. "Wait, why are there only three people here?" He scrutinized Daniel and the others, asking, "Where's the other one, that bald guy named Merritt? Has he already fled? Don't think you can—"

Daniel interrupted him, "He didn't run away. They're in the nearby conference room."

Fuller looked bewildered. He signaled his men to follow and pushed aside the doorkeeper, urging them into the conference room.


Fuller shouted instinctively.

In the room, Arthur, Merritt, and Jack turned their attention to the commotion.

"I'm Agent Fuller of the FBI, and you, Merritt McKinney, are under temporary arrest on suspicion of bank robbery. Please come with us," Fuller declared, starting with Merritt and then turning to Arthur. "And you, Mr. Arthur, as their supporter, I need you to accompany us."

Originally, Fuller hadn't intended to say the next sentence because he knew how it would go. Arthur would call his top-notch lawyers to fend off the FBI, and in the end, Arthur would be released. It was inconceivable for him to enter the interrogation room.

However, upon seeing Arthur on the scene, Fuller found himself blurting out the rest, "Of course, let's go right now—" Arthur beamed with realief.

He paused, a realization dawning on him. "Wait, what did you just say?"

Fuller found himself in a puzzling situation. Midway through the conversation, he suddenly realized that Arthur's response was entirely unexpected and almost contrary to what he had anticipated.

"These days, does anyone still willingly step into an interrogation room?" Fuller's thoughts were filled with confusion.

But then, a glimmer of hope began to dawn within him. Regardless of Arthur's plan, as long as he managed to take the person in question back with him, at least his reputation and pride would remain intact.

"After all, it was inconceivable that Arthur would willingly enter an interrogation room, yet he readily agreed as soon as I mentioned it! Isn't this a sign of fear?" Fuller thought, bolstering his confidence.

However, his triumphant reverie was shattered when an unfamiliar voice disrupted his mental jubilation.

"I'm sorry, Agent Fuller of the FBI. You are free to take Merritt, but Arthur must remain here," the voice asserted.

Fuller responded with a sneer, striding over to confront the speaker. He peered down at the chair and taunted, "Boy, do you have any idea who we are? We're the FBI! Do you understand? As long as I decide to take him with us, even if..."

Fuller's words exuded arrogance, and his demeanor was equally haughty. However, once Jack presented his credentials, Fuller's tone instantly softened, and he struggled to maintain his composure. With newfound humility, he stammered and inquired respectfully.

"We received information suggesting irregularities in the accounts of companies under Mr. Arthur's purview. It appears to involve substantial tax evasion, which is why we've come to investigate Mr. Arthur," Jack explained, pocketing his identification and lightly tapping his fingers on the table.

"In light of the priority and gravity of the matter, I believe it would be more appropriate for Mr. Arthur to remain under my jurisdiction. What do you think, Agent Fuller of the FBI?"

Fuller, now in agreement, nodded seriously, saying, "You're absolutely right!"

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Merritt and others couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, with Arthur struggling to conceal his true feelings.

"You change your tone too quickly! Maintain at least a semblance of dignity!" they thought.

If Fuller could read their thoughts, he might exclaim, "What's so shameless about this? It's the fucking IRS, do you want them to come to my door steps next?"

Just as this bizarre exchange unfolded, a surprised voice echoed from the conference room door.


Jack glanced at the entrance, offering a smile.

"Daniel, long time no see. You look... not doing well?"

Today, Jack had decided to fully embrace his role as an IRS agent and wield his newfound authority to its fullest extent.


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