The Oscar Winner Dylan Rhodes

Guys, enjoy the weekend bonus chapter.


Daniel and the others have been taken away. If Jack remembers correctly, Rhodes and Alma, who have failed to interrogate, will later seek Bradley's help, the master puzzle solver, to find incriminating evidence.

"Why are you back?" Bradley doesn't like Jack now.

Although it hasn't been a pleasant year, it's particularly unpleasant today. Probably because he misunderstood the relationship between Jack and Hermia again and became angry after realizing his mistake.

Jack is used to it anyway. He's an old man, so he needs to be considerate and understanding.

"Come back to see if you're cold," Jack responded unceremoniously. Just be considerate and get angry, that's it!

"Cold?" Bradley looked at the nearby air conditioner, picked up the remote control, and lowered the temperature by two degrees.

"Just get to the point!" Bradley sneered, "What are you here for?"

"Nothing, just tagging along," Jack sat on the sofa unceremoniously, shuffled a deck of playing cards after taking them out, and looked around. "Where's Hermia?"

"I asked her to take the car for repairs," Bradley replied.

"Huh?" Jack paused. "Are you sure?"

"What's wrong?" Bradley asked.

"Did you take what I said as a joke?" Jack held his forehead. "She just had a minor accident earlier!"

Meanwhile, inside the Las Vegas Police Department, Dylan and Alma were planning to interrogate Daniel and the others who were locked up in the interrogation room.


Dylan was capable, and he was an actor. After all, he had orchestrated all of this.

As for Alma, Fuller, and the others besides Dylan...

"Dylan," Fuller stopped Dylan as he was about to enter the interrogation room where Merritt was being held, "According to all relevant records, magic has never been proven to be correct."

"So?" Dylan frowned. "What are you trying to say?"

"That is to say... it's not science, just subjective conjecture, more of an entertainment, you know..."

"Okay," Dylan said and continued to walk into the room.

"Anyway!" Fuller stopped Dylan again with some excitement. "No matter what this guy says, just don't believe it!"


Dylan pushed Fuller away and opened the door to the interrogation room. Merritt started talking as soon as Dylan entered.

"Please allow me to sincerely apologize to Mr. Fuller. I didn't mean to utter the words 'Special Tuesday'..."

"Special Tuesday?" Dylan looked at the one-way mirror and saw only his own reflection. This type of one-way mirror in the interrogation room allows people on the outside to see in, but those on the inside can't see out. However, just now, when Dylan walked outside, Merritt looked directly at him and met his eyes!

Of course, Dylan knows what Merritt will do, but at this moment, Dylan is playing his role perfectly—an FBI agent reluctantly ordered to investigate the matter. He is not someone pretending to be a member of the Eye and issuing false missions.

Merritt raised an eyebrow, his expression turning serious as he inquired, "Yeah, it's some little fun between Agent Fuller and his wife... Let's put aside that word. What I'm more curious about is whether every FBI agent has something about men wearing skirts. This tradition?"

Dylan, who had been observing the situation, looked to his left and felt as though his eyes had pierced the one-way mirror. He saw Fuller outside, covering his face and sighing. It was a revelation for Dylan that a seemingly unassuming bald man like Fuller had such a peculiar hobby.

The interrogation, unfortunately, yielded no substantial results. Dylan was a skilled actor, Alma lacked relevant skills, and the others couldn't be questioned effectively. However, there was a glimmer of hope that extracting more information from someone else could be possible.

In the end, due to legal regulations and the pressure exerted by Arthur's team of highly skilled lawyers, they had no choice but to release Daniel and the others.

Fuller, despite Merritt's revelation about his eccentric interest in wearing skirts, quickly shifted into work mode. After all, what was wrong with a little quirkiness?

Fuller shared an exciting discovery, "The guest was hypnotized throughout the whole process, and nearly half of the people in the venue were also hypnotized. After reviewing the audience list again, I found a very important person! He should have filmed the entire performance!"

Dylan was intrigued, "Who?"

Fuller leaned in with a mysterious tone, an expectant smile on his face, "Bradley."

He anticipated accolades from Dylan, but his response was met with silence and a shrug.

Dylan acted as though he didn't know, quipping, "Who are you talking about?" It was clear that he couldn't reveal his hand so easily.

Still feigning confusion, Dylan continued, "Bradley, a magic revealer?"

Fuller explained, slightly exasperated, "He specializes in deciphering the magic process on TV shows and selling DVDs to make money. He is the most famous person in the magic world. Magic Revealer!"

Dylan's curiosity piqued as he said, "In that case, what are you waiting for? Call him, I want to see him."

Fuller was quick to respond, "I've already called him and scheduled an appointment for you to talk for an hour!"

Dylan, with a mischievous glint in his eye, added, "Appointment? If he doesn't explain everything to me today, I'll have him in the interrogation room, replacing those who just left!"


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