Web Tightens

Chastain sat at his desk, the weight of impending scrutiny bearing down on him. He glanced at the financial statements he had personally prepared, a web of intricate details and figures that could make or break his career. Jack, with a mischievous glint in his eye, had questions. The initial query seemed manageable, just a small loophole that could be explained away with confidence.

Chastain, ever the professional, began to elucidate, his voice steady and confident. "Very good," Jack acknowledged and then directed his attention to another section, one that harbored a larger, more ominous loophole. Chastain's composure wavered briefly, but he retained his cool and addressed this new challenge with poise.

The process repeated, and with each subsequent discovery, Chastain's anxiety grew. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and his once-impeccable hair fell into disarray as he subconsciously scratched his head. He felt the air thinning, his face turning a shade of crimson, and his thoughts jumbled as his heart raced.

"It seems that you also need some time to think about this issue," Jack's voice, dripping with intrigue, taunted Chastain. But Chastain couldn't take it anymore. He erupted, standing abruptly.

"That's enough!" His voice rang with a mix of frustration and surrender.

Chastain, having reached his limit, bowed to Arthur, a solemn figure who observed the ordeal. "I'm sorry, sir. My skills fall short, and I must resign immediately." He then turned to Jack, who wore a half-smile, and admitted, "Mr. Jack, I apologize for my earlier arrogance. Please forgive me."

Jack accepted the apology with a casual wave, enjoying the taste of vindication. "You can leave. Now, it's time for me and Arthur to discuss business."

As Chastain departed, Jack turned his attention to Arthur, who had worn a perpetual scowl throughout the encounter. With a sly grin, Jack remarked, "Well, now, Mr. Arthur, what's on your mind?"

Arthur's response was laced with sarcasm, "You've done a splendid job of worsening my already terrible day. So, Mr. Jack, what do you want?"

Jack shook his head, replying, "It's not about what I want, but what the law dictates."

"Are you suggesting we meet in court?" Arthur sneered, "You know the prowess of my legal team..."

"Yes, yes, I'm well aware of your legal team's track record," Jack interjected. "They've managed to win unwinnable cases, preventing rightful insurance claims from being paid."

Jack continued, leaning in with a sly grin, "I'll give your team credit, they're top-notch, but have you ever considered one crucial detail? Your past opponents were all civilians..."

"How good a lawyer can civilians get? They can only accept voluntary lawyer assistance from the government. Although I hate to say this, it is really fantastic to enjoy top-notch services without spending money. Even if a lawyer is truly capable, how much energy will he be willing to spend on doing thankless things?"

Jack raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with intrigue, "Everyone is aligned with interests."

Arthur nodded, acknowledging the truth in Jack's words.

"But this time, Mr. Arthur, you have to face what we are all dreading - the IRS, the most brutal department in the entire United States. It is one of the two things that American citizens are born to avoid, death and paying taxes."

A wry smile touched Arthur's lips.

"So, you can imagine, your lawyer... Are you willing to litigate with IRS lawyers for some money, especially since your personal tax situation may be investigated later? Well, I think they must also know how to avoid taxes, but whether there is tax evasion, then it's not very clear..." Jack continued.

Jack leaned forward, his voice low and compelling, "So, if you go to court, you will lose, Arthur, you will lose miserably, and your group will suffer even more than the 140 million you lost not long ago. A serious loss."

With a subtle and confident smile, Jack leans in closer to Arthur, making his point crystal clear: "Do you understand?"

Arthur takes a moment to ponder, his sharp mind at work, and then he raises a thought-provoking question: "You mentioned that everyone is aligned with interests, right?"

Jack, intrigued by Arthur's curiosity, arches an eyebrow in a way that suggests he's ready for an engaging exchange. "Uh-huh."

"So," Arthur inquires, digging deeper into the conversation, "are you aligned with an interest here?"

Jack decides to counter with a question of his own, a glint of challenge in his eyes, "Why do you think that?"

Arthur, showing a keen understanding of Chaston's remarkable abilities, vividly highlights how the IRS had never investigated his group before, thanks to Chaston's adept concealment. But when Chaston faced Jack, the contrast was stark—crushing defeat.

This leads Arthur to a pressing question for Jack, delivered with a hint of excitement in his voice: "With such remarkable abilities, are you content with a modest IRS salary and bonus, or is there room for negotiation?"

With an air of intrigue and a touch of theatricality, Arthur reaches into his pocket, retrieves a check, and begins to fill in a generous amount. He extends it to Jack with a flourish, presenting it as an enticing proposition, "How about we keep this matter discreet, as if nothing ever happened?"

Jack, always sharp and calculating, examines the numbers on the check, raising an eyebrow as he contemplates the offer. "Are you attempting to bribe me?"

Arthur quickly clarifies, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, "It's not a bribe; it's a gift."

Jack takes a moment to think, his mind whirring as he calculates the significant difference between the gift and his regular salary and bonus. However, he hints with a sly smile, "But... it might not be enough."


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