
"Intriguing," Jack mused to himself, halting his initial plans and pivoting to face the source of the sound.

Gotham's police force was often perceived as mere decoration; otherwise, these audacious gangsters wouldn't be comfortably squatting in alleys near the police station, unchecked and uncontrolled.

The unexpected twist unfolded before Jack's eyes - a policeman in a crisp uniform brandishing a Glock pistol, aiming directly at him. In the faint moonlight, Jack's keen eyesight revealed the true identity of this unexpected law enforcer.

Recognition dawned on him. Ah, it was none other than Batman's old flame, the future Gotham Police Chief Gordon!

"I'll say it again, and I won't say it a third time," Gordon warned, his tone firm. "Put down your weapons, put your hands behind your heads."

The lead gangster, recognizing Gordon's reputation for incorruptibility and a strong sense of justice, muttered a curse under his breath. "Why is this nosy guy always around? Let's bail!"

Despite their disdain for Gordon's unwavering commitment to justice, the gangsters knew better than to provoke him actively. To them, his righteousness was nothing more than rigidity and a persistent irritant.

Yet, even though the criminals in Gotham looked down on the police force, they didn't dare to recklessly confront them. This particular gangster, well aware of his lack of standing, swiftly decided to release his would-be victim. After all, Gordon had a firearm, and that changed the equation.

"Get out of here," Gordon grumbled, displaying his reluctance to keep the gangsters around.

While the criminals had their fair share of misdeeds, they usually stuck to petty crimes like theft and robbery. Such offenses typically resulted in a brief jail stint, and this time, they hadn't even initiated their illicit plans. Detainment followed by release was the likely outcome, rendering their efforts futile.

Even Gordon, with his commitment to justice, had acclimated to the gritty reality of Gotham's local police station. Initially driven by passion for change, he had weathered numerous setbacks, learning to accept the limitations of his influence. Sometimes, all he could do was offer help when possible, knowing that he couldn't fix everything.

In the heart of Gotham's shadows, Commissioner Gordon caught sight of Jack strolling into a dim alley. Intrigued by Jack's distinctiveness – a foreigner with an air of sophistication and an aura of uniqueness – Gordon's instincts kicked in. He couldn't let potential trouble brew for this extraordinary stranger.

Without the ability to read minds, Gordon assumed Jack might be a hot-headed foreigner oblivious to the dangers lurking in Gotham. Determined to prevent any mishaps, Gordon trailed him, ready to intervene if needed.

As the gangsters confronted Jack, Gordon discreetly observed, weighing the potential consequences. When the gang's leader, prompted by Gordon's presence, signaled for a retreat, a mysterious voice, none other than Jack's, halted their departure.

"Planning to leave so soon?" Jack's voice echoed, catching Gordon off guard. "I haven't said my piece yet."

Gordon's heartbeat quickened. What was Jack up to now?

The reason Gordon let the gangsters off the hook was more about convenience than leniency. Years of experience taught him a crucial lesson – never corner these criminals too quickly. In Gotham's twisted reality, where corruption ran deep within the police force, pushing the villains too hard could lead to unpredictable and dangerous outcomes.

Gordon, armed with caution and a firearm, hesitated. The alley's narrow confines and uncertain circumstances made him wary. What if these gangsters were armed? What if things spiraled out of control?

In a stern tone, Gordon urged, "Leave. And you, keep quiet!"

The leading gangster hesitated, weighing his options, before choosing to retreat. This time, Jack had no interest in prolonging the verbal exchange. Action spoke louder than words, and Jack was ready to assert himself in this dark dance of Gotham's underworld.


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