The Wayne Group

"If we want to address these illegal activities, we really need to strengthen legal control," Fox asserted, leaning forward in his chair. "And for that to happen, it's crucial that those who break the law face the rightful consequences. Unfortunately, Gotham City is lacking in that department right now."

"That's exactly what I'm aiming to do," Bruce affirmed, a determined look on his face.

"However, one person alone can't achieve this," Fox continued. "You mentioned earlier that a symbol of fear could have the desired effect. But for you, there's a simpler way to achieve the same outcome, and it's legal and straightforward."

He paused, emphasizing his point, "By utilizing the power of the Wayne Group."

"If the capabilities of the Wayne Group extend throughout Gotham, gaining complete control or attracting major players due to the Wayne Group's influence, we can transform Gotham into a top-ranked economic center. All countries would conduct transactions here, turning the city into a thriving economic hub. Essentially, that would solve the problem."

Fox elaborated, "It's all about interests. Gangsters protect their interests by manipulating the system—police, judges, doctors, and others. However, if Gotham becomes an economic center with the power to influence official appointments, they won't risk breaking the law. The fear of losing their positions will outweigh the benefits gained from illegal activities."

"And to get the Wayne Group to that position..." Bruce interjected.

"You need to remove Earl from the picture?" Bruce guessed.

"I didn't say that," Fox smiled mysteriously.

"But I believe we should. What do you think?" Bruce locked eyes with Fox. "I think you're onto something."

After hearing Fox's insightful proposal, Bruce made up his mind.

Jack might deceive him, Fox might deceive him, but Alfred wouldn't.

With everyone suggesting this approach and Bruce finding it logical, why not give it a shot?

"Well..." Fox looked around, then at Bruce. "I've been in this warehouse for quite some time. Moving to another office sounds like a good idea..."


"There you are!" Jack lay casually on the sofa, eyes closed, appearing contemplative. He suddenly opened his eyes and said.

After a moment, the window creaked open, and Bruce rolled in, a bit disheartened. "Are my actions really that obvious?"

"To me, it sounded more like someone yelling, 'I'm coming, I'm coming!' But don't be disheartened. For regular folks, your skills are more than enough to conceal your whereabouts completely," Jack assured him. "So, have you made a decision? Did you consult Fox?"

Bruce, having sought opinions from both Alfred and Fox, found them aligned in their concerns about his solo plan. Seated on another sofa, he urged Jack to share the detailed plan.

Jack, however, deflected, suggesting that some matters needed resolution first. Acknowledging Bruce's investment in equipment, Jack expressed his opinion that it would be a waste not to put it to use. Bruce, nonchalant about the cost, considered the expense as negligible.

Jack proposed targeting the biggest gang leader in Gotham, Falconi, to send a powerful message. Bruce, maintaining his principle of not killing, expressed his reluctance.

Jack, revealing his stance as a policeman with the authority to use lethal force, acknowledged Bruce's adherence to principles but highlighted the legality of his actions. Bruce, unable to refute the logic, reluctantly agreed.

Emphasizing that he was not a murderer, Jack suggested Bruce proceed with arrests and assured him of delivering the criminals to the police station. When Bruce questioned the need for cooperation, Jack explained the legal limitations on Bruce's arrest powers and advised him to let Jack handle the formalities.

Bruce, not easily swayed, inquired why Jack didn't allow him to make the arrests directly. Jack responded that it lacked challenge for him and emphasized his unique skills.

Intrigued, Bruce sought to learn Jack's movement skills, recalling the impressive abilities Jack had demonstrated earlier. 

"You're eager to learn? I'll be your teacher!" Jack suddenly perked up, radiating enthusiasm. "But there's a tuition fee!"

"That's only fair. Will ten million suffice?" Bruce let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't that he was wary of Jack asking for money; he was more concerned that Jack might have other intentions or wouldn't teach at all.

As long as it involves money, there's nothing that, Bruce Wayne, can't procure!

"That's more than enough," Jack's eyes sparkled again. "But, I'd like you to provide the money in a different manner."

"A different way?" Bruce looked puzzled.

"See, I'm a policeman now, right?" Jack explained.


"So, as a cop, it wouldn't look great for me to accept extra money, even if it's for teaching you combat skills," Jack proposed. "How about I assist you in apprehending criminals and teach you in the process? Then, you can donate the money to me as a bonus for courageous and diligent policemen."

Bruce: "..."

Who was it that claimed there's no thrill in taking the initiative to apprehend people? Clearly, it's all about the money, without a doubt!


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