The League of Shadows

"Remember what I told you before," Jack mentioned, "This matter is related to The League of Shadows."

"The League of Shadows Alliance has perished and was destroyed by my own hands," Bruce frowned and replied.

Bruce did have a no-kill principle, but when his life was threatened, he wasn't so rigid. He let go and felt at ease. Although he learned his skills from others and then destroyed their territory, what could be done? Who made him the protagonist and the The League of Shadows the villains?

"No, you are wrong, you did not completely destroy The League of Shadows, you just destroyed a stronghold," Jack corrected, shaking his head. "The League of Shadows is a very large organization, and its predecessor's name is the Assassin Alliance!"

The League of Assassins in this world can be described as a bunch of lunatics with extreme ideas.

The assassins in John Wick's world had the idea of "killing one person to save a thousand people." But the Assassins here believed in "killing tens of millions of people to save the world!"

In order to achieve their so-called salvation goal, they created many incidents, such as the Black Death in Europe. Their goal is to "eliminate the filth in the world!" An extremist organization composed of world-weary people, all of whom have real abilities.

Of course, to Jack, they were nothing, but in this world where the highest level is ordinary people with no extraordinary powers, they posed a great threat. If Bruce, Fox, and others hadn't turned the tide later, the entire Gotham would have been destroyed by them!

"Is this... their order?" Bruce asked, after Jack roughly explained these things. "What is their purpose? Is it simply destruction?"

"They destroy everything they think cannot be saved. Things, including a city," Jack said, "Obviously, their minds are not smarter than yours, and they may be a little dumber."

"I always feel that you are mocking me," Bruce stopped the car, "I'm here."

"Just come in directly. With your status, no one will stop you," Jack said, "Besides... I am indeed mocking you, no need to doubt it."

Bruce: "..."

Why don't you be so straightforward?!

Are you really not giving me any face? After all, I am also the father of a financial sponsor... It seems that I am not yet?

Bruce's previous idea of buying Jack's current rental house began to stir again.

Just as he was about to enter Arkham, another car arrived.

Bruce looked sideways and found that it was Jim Gordon.

Bruce knew about Gordon and wanted to bring him into his team. Later, when Jack suddenly showed up, Bruce changed his plan and went to find Jack first. After a while, Bruce forgot about Ragdon's joining the gang.

"What is he doing here?" Bruce was stunned for a moment, didn't care, and wanted to enter Arkham.

Now naturally what Jack said is more important.

"Sir, you can't go in," Arkham's doorman stopped Bruce dutifully. "You need a voucher to enter and leave here."

"Do you know who I am?" Bruce looked at the doorman.

"...I know, sir." The guard wanted to say he didn't know, but he was still very honest.

"That's right, that car belongs to you. The door is unlocked, and the key is on top. Just go and drive away," Bruce casually informed the doorman, giving him access to a luxurious vehicle. Pleased with himself, Bruce then inquired, "Can I go in now?"

Gordon, who had just parked his car and approached, overheard this exchange. Experiencing the might of money for the first time, he found himself overwhelmed by the impact. Despite understanding that Bruce was considered one of his own, the sheer extravagance of the operation left him in a state of bewilderment.

"Of course... of course," the guard stammered, still in a state of confusion.

He didn't doubt Bruce's words, as he knew Bruce's identity and could vouch for the authenticity of the information. However, as someone who had just encountered the power of money, he found himself perplexed. 

Entering Arkham and handing out a car—was this even possible?

Bruce, satisfied with the guard's response, proceeded into Arkham. Reflecting on his actions, he marveled at his financial prowess, having managed to enter Arkham quickly and efficiently using an unexpected car. Financial management truly proved to be a valuable skill.

Since Gordon wasn't a direct beneficiary of the money-making ability, he quickly shook off the astonishment of the "world of rich people" and moved forward to enter Arkham. The guard instinctively stopped him.

"Why? Are you asking for a police car?" Gordon's expression darkened.

"Don't you dare!" The guard, now fully aware of Gordon's status, hastily stepped aside.

The police were not to be offended.

As Gordon entered, he overheard Bruce on the phone, inquiring about the location. The conversation took an unexpected turn when Jack mentioned another person, and Bruce reacted to seeing Gordon entering.

"...Mr. Bruce?" Gordon looked at Bruce, recalling Jack's earlier mention of Bruce's transvestite tendencies. Connecting the dots between Bruce's eccentric behavior, the lavish gift of a car, and the possibility of a peculiar hobby, Gordon's eyes revealed a mix of regret and understanding.

It seemed a shame that such a wealthy and young individual harbored an unusual pastime.

Bruce, caught off guard, was left stunned.

Despite being certain it was the first day he met Gordon, Bruce couldn't help but notice the peculiar look in Gordon's eyes.

Ignoring the odd glance, Bruce began, "Officer Gordon, I've been keeping an eye on you for a while, but I didn't expect..."

Gordon interjected, "Let's focus on the task at hand first."

As they descended the stairs in Arkham, Bruce and Gordon, indifferent to the curious gazes of the staff, headed towards their destination.

Arriving at the bottom floor, Jack, sprawled on the railing, greeted them, "Are you here?"

Gordon's eyes widened as he beheld the hundreds of iron barrels. Recollecting Jack's words from the phone call, he questioned, "Are these all... that kind of poisonous gas?"

Initially, there was no cause for concern, as the quantity, though substantial in appearance, would be inconsequential when dispersed across the entire city. Jack reassured, "But now, The League of Shadows organization is involved. That means they'll exploit this opportunity for something significant."

Gordon, unfamiliar with the term, asked, "What is The League of Shadows?"


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