You Are A Wizard Bruce

When Jack trained Bruce, he took him on various adventures, making Batman's name well-known. Falcone remained furious, though it proved futile.

"Not bad," Bruce responded, somewhat surprised. "But this isn't the real me..."

"Do you want the media to know your true identity?" Jack looked at Bruce with a peculiar expression. "Alright, I'll announce to the media that the notorious troublemaker in a black uniform every night is none other than the esteemed Bruce Wayne!"

"No, let's not do that," Bruce quickly refused, understanding that arguing with Jack was futile. He decided to change the topic. "By the way, I think I sensed that feeling you mentioned, and I can use it!"

"Really?" Jack raised an eyebrow. "Let's see it in action."

"Sure." Bruce focused on recalling the sensation and mobilized the energy within his body. The surrounding light dimmed slightly.

"It's interesting..." Jack mused, "What's your innate skill?"

Simultaneously, Jack couldn't help but marvel inwardly.

"As expected of the protagonist, the revered son of the DC universe! How extraordinary!

I was merely joking, but you actually brought it to life? Is the protagonist's aura truly that formidable?"

"I'm not certain. It's like you said, using these magical powers in harmony with nature... and it results in this effect." Bruce hadn't mastered full control yet, and when he got distracted and spoke, the effect dissipated.

"If my observation is correct, it's not just the ability to absorb light but also the power to influence emotions..." Jack extended his hand, placed it on Bruce's shoulder, and channeled mana. "Here, try again!"

The notion of "innate skills" was something Jack mentioned casually while teaching Bruce, a whimsical idea that took root during their discussions.

As mentioned before, the reason Jack taught Bruce magic wasn't just to see what a magical Batman would look like but also to leverage Bruce's "protagonist aura" to expand basic magic.

The subsequent reward turned out to be an unexpected surprise. Jack hadn't even planned to ask for money, but Bruce insisted on being generous.

To be honest, Jack was still a little concerned about whether this money would be counted as his experience points... It all depended on luck! And the current "innate skill" was the result of Jack's playful remark.

"Follow your inner guidance."

According to incomplete statistics, this phrase proved effective for more than 80% of protagonists in various films, TV shows, comic works, etc.

After uttering these words to a protagonist-level character, there was a high chance that the protagonist would enter a state of explosion or enlightenment, subsequently turning the world around in one fell swoop.

Jack never expected Bruce to take it seriously. So, at this time, he asked Bruce to borrow his own magic power to cast this spell. Besides wanting to find out the difference between the principle of the spell released by Bruce and what he taught him, there was also the option of learning this spell directly!

With Jack's [wisdom], memorizing spells was easy, and there was no concept of being too complex but not perfect. Naturally, the more spells, the merrier.

With Jack's guidance, Bruce successfully cast the spell again. Thanks to Jack's substantial magical support, the current spell's capabilities had expanded nearly tenfold. Aware of the potential of overwhelming Bruce with too much mana, Jack had been cautious in his approach.

A sphere of "black light" emanated from Bruce, creating a field with him at the center. Within this sphere, light was absorbed, and a concealed spiritual attack was present.

"Absorbing light, invoking the emotion of fear..." After confirming the spell's effect, Jack delved into the basic composition of Bruce's creation.

As anticipated, Jack identified some distinctions among them. It wasn't that the fundamental magical knowledge Jack had previously summarized and deduced was incorrect; rather, there were elements missing in its execution.

"This new info is eye opening!" Jack noted down the differences, expressing his satisfaction with the progress made.


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