True Identity

"Who is this?"

When Bruce laid eyes on Jack again, he noticed another person standing beside him.

"Selena," Jack introduced, "my dance partner."

Selena sported a radiant smile, clutching Jack's arm. Despite her outward composure, she had no desire to play the role of Jack's dance partner. Jack, however, left her with limited options: either wait to be apprehended and returned to the police station or accompany him to a dance and gain a temporary reprieve.

It was only at this moment that Selena discovered Jack's true identity – a police officer! Damn it, the police? As a seasoned diamond and jewelry thief, Selena harbored a natural aversion to law enforcement.

In the past, the police were merely pawns she could manipulate. However, Jack had dealt her a surprising blow. He wasn't just any man; he was a cop who knew her name. Knowing her name implied knowledge of her entire criminal history. Faced with the prospect of incarceration, Selena reluctantly agreed to Jack's unequal and explicitly stated conditions.

Controlled by external forces, she begrudgingly assumed the role of Jack's temporary dance partner.

"Hello, I'm Bruce Wayne, and this is Rachel Dawes," Bruce greeted, raising his eyebrows as he introduced himself and the woman beside him.

Jack had never mentioned a female companion before, so her sudden appearance intrigued Bruce. He doubted someone like Jack would settle for just anyone, leading him to speculate about her special status or potential ties to the IRS, an organization Jack supposedly wouldn't get reinforcements from. Bruce's thoughts spiraled into wild conjectures.

Just then, a newcomer interrupted Bruce's musings.

"Bruce, you need to meet this gentleman," a powerful man asserted, approaching Bruce with the intention of making an introduction.

"I have something to do now..." Bruce's mind buzzed with the usual hustle and bustle of his social circle. He often found himself caught in a web of connections and investment opportunities.

Among the esteemed guests at his birthday bash, there lurked those hungry for his financial backing. To Bruce, money flowed endlessly like a river, but to these guests, it represented a challenging sum, an intangible fortune.

Due to various obligations and social niceties, even Bruce couldn't easily turn away these eager suitors. Yet, even if he declined their proposals, any fleeting disappointment would be swiftly masked behind polite smiles, their intentions remaining veiled.

This was the privilege of wealth, the luxury of abundance.

"No, you must meet this one. Let me think... his name is... Ra's al Ghul?" The powerful man struggled with the pronunciation.

Bruce exchanged a glance with Jack, who gave a subtle nod of confirmation, prompting Bruce to acquiesce and follow the influential figure.

After all, when the principal himself graced the occasion, it was only fitting to extend the courtesy of a meeting.

As for strategies... Bruce remained confident in his abilities, especially with Jack by his side!

"When Ra's al Ghul was mentioned, you seemed uneasy. Your pulse quickened, and your breaths grew shallow." Jack, ever observant, remarked to the startled Selina, whose frozen smile betrayed her discomfort. "Could Mr. Ra's al Ghul be the one who invited you here?"

"No, I'm familiar with his true identity and affiliations," Selina replied, her tone tinged with apprehension. "But the perpetrators of the poison gas attack you mentioned earlier... they couldn't be linked to him!"

"Spot on, but alas, no prize for guessing." Jack ushered Selina towards Bruce's vicinity. "Need me to spell out the plan for you? Or are you content with just being a spectator?"

"I'd rather not discuss it," Selena replied stiffly.

"Fair enough, let's just enjoy the show," Jack grinned.


"You're not Ra's al Ghul." Bruce's brow furrowed as he scrutinized the unfamiliar figure before him in a tailored suit. "I already took care of him."

"Or perhaps, the deceased was merely a stand-in." A voice interjected from behind.

Bruce whirled around, startled not by the newcomer's sudden appearance but by the unmistakably familiar voice.

It couldn't be... could it?


How was this possible?

Jack and Bruce shared an intense stare, both trying to decipher the other's thoughts. It was a moment of tension, broken only by Jack's sudden realization. He turned to Bruce and pointed at a figure standing nearby. "Hey, remember him?"

Bruce, still reeling from the shock of their misunderstanding, let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He glanced at the man, recognizing him as Henry Duca, his mentor.

Duca, one of the most esteemed assassin s, had been presumed dead after Bruce took over the alliance's headquarters. Bruce had almost killed him, only to realize later that the person he had struck down was merely a decoy, not the real Duca.

Now, as Duca stood before him, Bruce couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse. He had been manipulated into believing Duca was dead, and now, seeing him alive, Bruce couldn't help but wonder what other lies he had been told.

Duca, on the other hand, was feeling a mix of emotions. He had planned on using this moment to assert his dominance over Bruce, but Jack had stolen his thunder by revealing his presence first. It was a blow to Duca's pride, and he was struggling to maintain his composure.

"Surprised?" Duca asked, his voice calm but tinged with irritation. He had hoped for a more dramatic entrance, but now, it seemed he would have to settle for a more subdued approach.


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