Pristine White Batman Uniform

Jack, with his keen strategic mind, devised the development plan for the Wayne Group, leaving its execution to capable hands.

While engaging in a business war felt like second nature to him, he couldn't ignore the Wayne Group's formidable financial resources and the genuine capabilities of individuals like Fox.

With politics, law enforcement, and public opinion all favoring Wayne Group, the prospect of establishing a monopoly seemed inevitable.

Meanwhile, the gangs of Gotham found themselves in a deep freeze with Batman assuming the role of a "special police officer." His newfound mastery of magic not only bolstered his combat abilities but also cast a chilling psychological shadow over the criminal underworld.

The mere sight of bat-shaped lanterns illuminating Gotham's night sky sent tremors of fear through their ranks, quelling their mischievous intentions.

In the realm of justice, Rachel, now a steadfast and impartial figure, waged war against illegal activities, overturning unjust convictions and ensuring fair treatment for all. Though her actions stirred controversy, she found protection in the form of Bruce and the grateful citizens who appreciated her efforts.

Under Chief Gordon's leadership, corruption within the police force was eradicated. Officers no longer entertained bribes, knowing that dismissal and legal repercussions awaited those who dared to stray from the path of integrity.

Initially met with skepticism, the citizens of Gotham could no longer deny the positive changes unfolding around them. The city, long known for its traditions, experienced an unprecedented wave of prosperity, surprising even the most cynical observers, including the incarcerated Dukka within Arkham.

Despite his imprisonment, Dukka received special treatment as Bruce's mentor, enjoying privileges such as a private room, gourmet meals, and access to entertainment. Amidst these comforts, however, he couldn't shake the nagging doubts plaguing his mind, a testament to the profound transformations sweeping through Gotham City.

"Could it be... that I was truly mistaken?"

No one provided an answer to this lingering question.


Meanwhile, Jack gazed at his career panel within the police department, a smile involuntarily gracing his face.

No, it was more than a smile—it was ecstasy.

As Bruce had declared, "In recognition of Officer Jack's significant contribution to saving Gotham City," he generously donated 10% of Wayne Group's shares to Jack.

Indeed, this could be considered legitimate professional compensation.

And as for the reason... isn't it abundantly clear now that Jack has ascended to the pinnacle of the police profession?

"There's no experience bar beyond this title. It seems Master level is the pinnacle," Jack pondered. "And as for the effects of these skills... they're truly formidable!"

During this period, Jack was anything but idle.

Every gangster in Gotham City served not only as Bruce's training dummy for honing his magical skills but also as crucial subjects for Jack's skill experimentation.

After numerous trials, meticulous control of variables, elimination of outliers, and rigorous data analysis, Jack successfully discerned the approximate effects of these three master-level skills.

The Heart of Justice imbues individuals with a heightened sense of righteousness, fostering self-assurance and instilling trust in oneself, particularly among those with a strong sense of "justice."

The Eye of Justice reveals the sins of individuals. At the master level, it grants Jack the ability to penetrate through the veil of sin and discern the root causes behind their misdeeds, even amidst a haze of wrongdoing.

As for the Justice Halo... Jack theorized it served to counteract negative influences. For example, activating the Justice Halo within Bruce's fear-inducing aura would instantly dispel its effects.

Gaining mastery over these three high-level abilities proved immensely advantageous for Jack.

Of course, in return, Jack helped fulfill Bruce's lifelong ambition... In the original storyline, Bruce faced numerous obstacles in his mission to govern Gotham completely.

While the outcome might diverge from the original narrative, it remained uncertain whether this deviation was ultimately beneficial or detrimental.

Jack merely offered Bruce a choice and an opportunity, leaving the decision and negotiations in Bruce's hands.

Regarding the consequences of this decision, whether they resulted in positive or negative outcomes...


Surveying the transformed Gotham City, Jack felt a surge of optimism.

Bruce, with a smile adorning his face, was preparing to propose to Rachel. Alfred, perhaps envisioning himself as a grandfather, found contentment.

Rachel, now serving as a judge, dispensed justice impartially. Gordon, as the new police chief, worked diligently to rectify past errors. Fox, now at the helm of Wayne Group, made significant strides in the corporate world. And the citizens of Gotham, their expressions alight with genuine happiness, reaped the benefits of these changes.

From his perch atop Gotham City, Jack activated his Eyes of Justice, granting him a new perspective on the world.

Though the city was far from peaceful, it represented a marked improvement from its previous state of constant turmoil. Jack harbored no intention of eradicating all traces of evil. He recognized the intricate balance between good and evil, understanding that light could not exist without darkness.

Quietly, Jack closed his Eyes of Justice, allowing the sun's rays to bathe the city in light. "Sometimes, clarity can feel like a burden," he reflected.

"What brings you here?" Bruce, clad in his Batman attire, inquired, having sensed Jack's presence.

Now, with official recognition, he could operate as Batman during the day as well. While his black suit was ideal for nocturnal stealth, it drew attention during daylight hours.

Bruce pondered the notion of a Pristine White Batman Uniform. Upon research, he discovered the existence of albino bats, leading him to consider the possibility.


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