Perfect Score

"Should I head back and wait for further instructions?" Jack inquired.

"Just head back and wait. Once you pass the preliminary exam, headquarters will tailor different tests for each individual based on your resume and the knowledge you provided. That's why I advised against writing so much beforehand... but since it's already submitted, there's no turning back now," Stephan explained, trying to offer some reassurance. "But don't worry, even if you're only proficient in one or two areas, it'll suffice!"

"Is there another way to put it?" Jack asked, seeking clarification.

"Seriously, how could someone possibly master so much knowledge? It's rare enough for someone to excel in just one field, let alone multiple disciplines relevant to Jaeger development and design!" Stephan waved his hand dismissively. "To be frank, most of the so-called Jaeger designers out there are frauds! Essentially, if they can demonstrate proficiency in just one or two skills, they're already considered Jaeger designers!"

"The criteria for being a Jaeger designer are overstated. The Jaegers we produce today are the result of collaboration among top designers worldwide. Many technologies are shared and resources are pooled, allowing us to manufacture numerous Jaegers successfully!" Stephan continued, his tone becoming more animated.

"I'm only saying this to motivate and uplift people..." he trailed off, suddenly realizing his slip-up, and quickly covered his mouth, cutting himself off.

"That's quite enlightening," Jack nodded thoughtfully.

"No, it's not!" Stephan shook his head vigorously. "Forget everything I said, you didn't hear a thing!"

"Got it, my lips are sealed," Jack affirmed. "Well then, I'll take my leave?"

"Don't tell anyone about this!" Stephan quickly pleaded, "I signed a confidentiality agreement, but I slipped up..."

For Stephan, sitting in the office for two years meant hardly anything ever happened. Honestly, he almost forgot what his workflow entailed. It took him ages to figure out how to transfer data once. How could anyone expect him to be vigilant about the confidentiality agreement all the time?

Reacting at the last moment was already a feat in itself!

"Don't worry, I'll become a Jaeger designer in the future too. We'll have our own responsibilities then. I'll understand these things, and I'll probably have to sign a confidentiality agreement too, right?" Jack reassured Stephan. "It's not a big deal!"

Jack still held a favorable opinion of Stephan.

Putting himself in Stephan's shoes, Jack couldn't blame him. If a young man in his early twenties claimed to be proficient in so many subjects... it was obvious he was just stirring trouble, right?

Who would believe that? Even without knowing Jack was cheating, Stephan still managed to maintain a good work ethic, do his job well, and even tried to counsel Jack... Though it didn't have any effect, Jack appreciated the gesture.

"I'll treat you to dinner!" Stephan interjected, brushing off Jack's concerns. "

"Alright then." Jack assumed there wouldn't be much to do after that. Stephan seemed content, so he nodded. "Where should we go? Isn't it still work hours?"

"It's fine, my treat. Just take the day off!" Stephan waved dismissively. "Being the only one in the department means there's hardly any workload. Taking a day off is a breeze!"

Jack didn't object.

Though he had no intention of mentioning 


Shatterdomes Headquarter

A data file from the branch system was transmitted to the headquarters system. Once stored, it would be automatically forwarded to the appropriate review department for assessment by a staff member.

"Holy smokes, a perfect score of 100 points?"

"It's not like I've never seen a 100% score in the physical test. What's so surprising?" one colleague remarked skeptically.

"It's not a physical test, it's a preliminary test for Jaeger designers! Let me see the answer time, five minutes? Fake? Right?" another chimed in, examining the results incredulously.

"You passed the Jaeger designer's first test with a perfect score in five minutes? Are you sure you weren't dazzled?" Stephan quizzically questioned.

"Come and see, seeing is believing!" Jack urged, inviting them to verify.

"Damn, it's true! Could it be that the system is wrong?" someone pondered aloud.

"I don't know, how could such a simple test answering system make mistakes?" another mused.

"If I remember correctly, the question bank for this preliminary test is confidential and not repeated!" someone recalled.

"Yes, that is to say, can this person answer these questions within five minutes and get them all correct? Five minutes is too late to read the questions!" another remarked in amazement.

"I'm curious about what you said. Let me look at his identity information... Damn, he is twenty-one years old? What a genius. This is it!" Stephan exclaimed.

"Damn, is it real or fake?" someone exclaimed.

Conversations buzzed around the office as speculation ran wild.

"I don't know what to say. If it's true, he's so awesome with such outrageous abilities. If it's fake how dare he!" someone pondered.

"Could it be that he doesn't know this kind of thing? Even if you pass the preliminary test, there will be more stringent subsequent tests?" another questioned.

"If he doesn't know, how can the staff not know?" someone countered.

"Then what should I do? Should I send it to the Jaeger design team according to regulations and let them come up with questions? Or...what should I say?" Stephan deliberated.

"Of course, I sent it to them!" someone affirmed.

"But it looks too fake, doesn't it?" Stephan expressed concern.

"Are you stupid? What does it have to do with us whether it is fake or not? We are only responsible for reviewing identity information. It's just a matter of whether there is a problem. As long as there seems to be no problem, it has nothing to do with us!" someone retorted sharply.

"Even if this person's results are fake, it is the responsibility of the branch people, or if there is a problem with the system, it is the responsibility of the system engineer. It has nothing to do with us, do you understand? If we detain it, if anything goes wrong, it will be our responsibility!" another emphasized.

"Damn it, you have a point!" Stephan conceded.

"Of course, this is how we review and handle things. Learn from it and don't take responsibility if you can!" someone advised.

The topic speed in the office began to deviate from the original subject, becoming more and more offbeat.

Amidst the banter and distractions, Jack's assessment results and identity information were reviewed and approved, then sent to the Jaeger designer department.


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