
Whether it was a matter of right or wrong, the outcome of this incident was clear. Jack and Stephan were allowed to depart freely, while the guys were detained on administrative grounds for inciting trouble.

Stephan's retaliation had been precise, targeting the sensitive area between the legs, effectively rendering their adversaries unconscious.

"You're free to go, but tread carefully next time. It's best to avoid any further incidents," the policeman advised sternly.

"Sure, sure, thank you!" Jack and Stephan expressed their gratitude with nods, ready to make their exit.

"Just hold on a moment," the policeman interjected, halting their departure.

"What's the matter?" Stephan inquired.

"I heard one of you is a Jaeger designer and the other a Jaeger pilot?" The policeman's demeanor shifted from official to casual, a hint of curiosity in his tone. "Could we snap a quick photo together?"

Stephan scratched his head sheepishly. "Well, we're not..."

"But we definitely will be in the future," Jack chimed in confidently.

In this world, Jack had crafted a persona for himself: that of a flawed genius. A genius with imperfections. Too much perfection would ring false, he believed. Thus, he aimed to embody a genius with flaws, exuding confidence bordering on arrogance, unafraid to criticize others.

In Jack's view, nobody is flawless. Only by embracing imperfections could he portray a character that felt genuine and believable. This persona, he reckoned, would serve his future endeavors well.

Even if his confidence and confrontational style rubbed some the wrong way, Jack remained unfazed. After all, who could truly fault a genius for being himself?

People tend to be quite lenient towards those with talent.

"That's great! We should definitely snap a group photo!" The policeman beamed, "Steve, you got an Polaroid, right? Mind lending it to us?" The policeman asked his partner.

"Sure thing! Here it is!" Steve handed over the Polaroid.

"Come on, let's capture the moment!" Officer John grinned, "Make it a good one!"

"Got it, bro!" Steve replied.

When taking photos with police officers, one must mind their posture and avoid posing with two officers simultaneously. Otherwise, a group photo might look more like a mugshot.

After snapping the picture, the Polaroid quickly spat out the print. Jack took it, examined it, and added his signature.

"Keep this safe," Jack handed it to Stephan to sign, then passed it to Officer John, saying, "This signed photo will be worth something someday!"

"Haha, sure thing!" Officer John chuckled, still in good spirits.

As Jack and Stephan departed, Officer John glanced at the photo, and mumbled to himself.

"That Kid seems a bit cocky, but I wonder if he's got the chops... He's not a bad bloke, though."

"Steve! Don't forget to email me a digital copy. I'll include it in the official report!"

"Got it! Yes, sir." Steve nodded. "John, who were those two anyway? One looked familiar, like a celebrity."

"A celebrity? Well..." Officer John hesitated.

"What's the deal?" Steve pressed.

"I can't say for sure, but... it's possible, just possible... celebrities are nothing compared to them!"


"What's got your attention?" Jack noticed Stephan's constant focus on his phone during their journey, his expression troubled. He inquired curiously.

"Just reading a news commentary article," Stephan replied, shaking his head. "Remember how I mentioned that the rate of Jaeger production and upgrades is falling behind the rate of monster appearances?"

"Of course," Jack affirmed.

"Well, there's been a lot of talk about it lately," Stephan explained, handing his phone to Jack. "Seems like not everyone's buying into the narrative."

Jack glanced at the commentary article.

"Haha... it all boils down to a struggle for power," Jack scoffed after perusing it. "The emergence of monsters and the Jaeger project have lined some pockets, but there's only so much to go around. Some get a bigger slice of the pie, while others get less."

"So, you're saying... they're doing it deliberately?" Stephan's eyes widened in surprise.

"There will always be those who can't see beyond their own self-interests," Jack shook his head. "For them, money and power trump everything, even their own survival. That's why I need to step in, to prevent them from making foolish decisions."

"Building high walls and hiding behind them... Even if Jaegers suffer losses, they can still fight back. But relying on walls and nuclear bombs for survival... How long can that last? Can people really live like that? We might end up living underground!"

"And besides, even if they build indestructible walls..."

"Can't monsters fly?" Jack's couldn't help but sigh.


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