Son of a bitch.

Natasha banged her arm on the wall as she attempted to knock the man but missed since the man moved sideways dodging her.

"You mother fucker!" She uttered profanity pulling out her pistol but before she could use it the man knocked her with his head losing control of the pistol and it went flying hitting the stairs and shooting a bullet into the man's right leg.

Lucas pulled out two guns from his back and let them go but controlled them with his mind shooting everyone that came his way.

"Watch out," exclaimed Pitt from behind Lucas since a man was behind him, his trigger pulled.

Smiling gently, Lucas lengthened his right hand in the air while his left hand was still controlling the revolvers and slammed the man to the right, left to the ceiling, and then to the right wall to the left barricade finally to the tilted floor.

"Everybody get out of here," shouted Lucas his two hands in the air.


He firmly stood on the tilted floor blocking all the bullets that were shot at him and sending them back at Xena's men sending them flying and passing through the walls.

"I said all of you go," Lucas shouted again panting laboriously when a bullet hit his other shoulder, and he fell on the tilted floor with a thud.

"Naume cover me, I can't let our boss be killed," said Natasha looking at Lucas who was flinching both hands placed on the spot where they had shot him.

He looked at them signaling to them to flee but none of them seemed to be working at his orders.

Natasha flipped in the air, swaying her hands in the air, her eyes turning from black to blue, and knocked the man who was about to put a bullet in Lucas' head.

Nat wrapped her hands around Lucas' waist and Lucas' hand wrapped around Nat's shoulder before walking out of the house.

Outside the mansion, around ten men wearing ebony, hoodies were standing their hands crossed along their chests, and none of the men's faces was visible.

"Bull shit."Cursed one of the girls as her eyes landed on the men.

"What?" questioned Kevin looking at the girl

"Those are 'Pomanates' they are looking for us," said Claudia looking at MJ whose eyes were widely open

Two days later,


I suddenly woke up,

"Where am I?" was my first thought since I clearly remember a force hitting me and going flying hitting my ass on the tilted floor, I remembered arguing with Win and suddenly I remember seeing blood.

I tried to move my limbs only to realize that I couldn't move my legs. "Could it be that I am dead?"



I shook my head disapprovingly shrugging off the thought that I maybe have died and reluctantly opened my eyes.

'Wait' I can't open my eyes! What's going on with me? I asked no one in particular as I pushed myself to sit.

I moved my hands on the mattress when a voice sounded in the room.

"Take it easy, I'm right here."

I could hear footsteps walking toward me. I raised my eyebrows and attempted to touch my eyes when a hand held me middle ways.

"Don't touch your eyes yet the doctor will be here any minute from now, Okay?" she warmly said still holding my hands.

Without replying to anything, I lengthened my hand to feel her face since I believed that a woman's voice could tell if she was stunning or not but then I recalled Lucas telling me that touching anybody without their consent can be considered a perversion and I wasn't ready to be called a pervert.

"You must be new here?" I raised a query as I could feel her warm breaths on my skin and she seemed to be taming me into doing something I wasn't ready for.

She leaned on her lips almost kissing my ears and whispered " What do you think? Handsome."

I smiled gently feeling her hands tickling mine when my mom's voice resounded in my head multiple times " I don't give a fuck about who you want to be with or how many ladies you've so far fucked all I want is a grandson and remember the most hazardous thing on this planet is a lady so watch out she's a green snake in the green grass."

"She's a green snake in the green grass." those words resound in my head again and again. What if she was one of Xena Hernandez's temple dogs?

I nearly died at the hands of a woman and right now another woman is here seducing me. I pushed her off the bed and the next I heard was screaming and cursing at me.

"You ungrateful son of a bitch. No wonder you lost your front tooth." she hissed and I could hear her footsteps fading as she angrily walked.

"Did she just make fun of me," I cried out in my head remembering that the scumbag Arthur kicked my ass and I lost my tooth.

" I will revenge my tooth," I whispered to myself scratching the back of my head. I missed my medication for a couple of weeks and I didn't know what was going to happen to me now my eyes are patched for I don't know what happened. It's been almost a month since I don't attend the academy, and I don't know what punishment I will get from Principal Addams. She may think that I am hiding from her because of what happened and I am still scared for some reason I can still breathe in trouble coming my way.

I pardoned all those thoughts running through my head and nervously bit my lips as I jumped off the bed but my hands missed one step down and the next minute I was screaming for help with something that seemed like water dripping on my head.

"Where the fuck is the girl from earlier?" I blurted out pushing myself aside ways hitting the wall.

"Fuck, my legs." I cursed resting my head on the wall and regretting why I had to puss the lady from earlier

Creak, creak, creak, creak........