
One month passed and everything seemed to be back to normal but in actual senses, it wasn't rather a lot of crises looked like coming my way.

A lot of things have happened in the last month. I was even suspended from school for a whole week because of Miss Addams' issue but thank God nothing occurred to her or else I wouldn't exist by now.

I stood at the entrance door of the De Luna Hotel, my and Claudia's hands crossing each other. Never in my life, I had ever worn a tuxedo because I find it uncomfortable and regard wearing suits as for older men.

I looked at Claudia and smiled gently before signaling her to walk. She's a natural beauty even without makeup she's still more spectacular than these ladies who wear wigs to look more pretty.

I gave the guard our invitation card because no person was allowed to enter without it no matter how rich, handsome, or popular they were. It was an auction arranged by Xena and we were here as guests but in reality, we came to steal her most vogued jewelry worth 10 million dollars.

It's said that heart-shaped jewelry used to belong to the first Vampire and he gave it to his wife in 1370. Sometimes I wonder how can things survive such a long period and I am wondering how that most treasured jewelry ended up in the hands of Xena.

"Are you alright? You don't look to be okay," asked Claudia caressing my cheek with the back of her palm.

"I am alright just nervous. Are you fine?" I replied laughing maniacally pushing her hand off my cheek and looking in the other direction focusing on where I was going.

I excused myself to the washroom because the grotesque between my legs couldn't take it anymore and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the girl I have been crushing on for the past three weeks for I didn't know how to confess my feelings to her.

I stood in front of the mirror, flexed my necktie, and passed a hand through my dreadlocks. I placed my microphone in my ear.

"Is everyone in place? Let's not waste any minute, the auction starts in 5 minutes."

I asked all my teammates who had surrounded the whole floor some pretending to be waiters and waitresses while the others were security guards and Harry was the Master of the ceremony.

I ascended the stairs my eyes fixed on Claudia and nearly knocked a man in his late sixties who was blushing like a teenager talking on the phone.

"I am so sorry." I apologized and slightly bowed my head my eyes searching for Claudia who had disappeared from her previous spot.

"Where did she go?" I muttered looking around when a hand tapped on my shoulders.

"Seems that your eyes are searching for something, looking for a beautiful lady, handsome?" a woman's voice whispered seductively to my ears.

"I am so sorry mom but I came with the most beautiful lady today and I guess she's waiting for me. Maybe later. If you excuse me."

I barely managed to say without my voice cracking because I was dying of outrage inside looking for Claudia.

She was one of a million kind of girl who managed to make my heart beat fast with just a mere touch but this wasn't the time to think about girls so I strode down almost pushing the woman down and commanded everyone to proceed with the original plan.

Our main focus was to get the heart-shaped jade pendant named 'TRINKLES' which everyone assumed was"Jewelry for good fortune". It's also said that whoever touches it his/her wishes come genuine and yet I am wondering why Xena wishes to sell something like that.

"That Trinkles is fake." Natasha hushed into my ears handing me a glass of Champagne

"How do you know?" I questioned

"Look at how it's shining, A pure Gold Trinkle can't shine like that I guess they have the original within themselves," said Natasha

Yeah, she had a point but how are we going to find the original when we don't even know who Xena is? I touched my pant pockets looking for a phone and I retained that I hated carrying phones especially when I had important missions.

I turned my eyes and looked at the stairs. The woman from earlier was still standing peeking at me as if she owed me a large sum of money.

Smiling awkwardly, I approached her with the thought in mind of stealing her phone, and after using it, I flash it down the toilet because I couldn't risk all my teammates because of a mere phone.

" What are you doing GK? " Lucas' voice sounded in my ear but I said nothing and wrapped my hands around the Woman's waist.

"Do you mind a dance?" I asked beaming.

"Is that one of your ways of approaching beautiful girls like me by wrapping your darn arms around their waists?" she asked me sipping on her drinking

"Hahaha, hahaha, recently you've been hitting on me but right now you are acting as a Virgin Holy Mary." I joked pushing my hand into her purse.

"Should I take that as a compliment or as an insult?"

"That's up to you," I replied shoving the phone into my pocket and sauntering to the leaflet pinned on the wall.

I pinned the leaflet, copied down the number, and dialed.

"Hello, Thanks for contacting Butterfly Company. How can I help you?" asked a lady from the other side of the call

I didn't say anything for some second because I didn't give a thought to what I will tell the decoration company and there I was looking like a dummy with the phone on my ear.

Hello, Are you there?

I swallowed hard and replied "I am Teddy Poker, Xena Hernandez' secretary. I would like to inquire about the Suitcase with the Original Trinkles. The boss doesn't yearn for any mistake you know very well what can happen to your company if you give out the Original one instead of the fake one."