She's a man?

"But Principal you can't bring up what happened in the past and it's not like I did everything knowingly. Can't you just spare me this once?"

GK pleaded with the Principal to forgive him since everything she mentioned was done by him but never in his wildest dream had he ever expected that she will get back at him in the same way.

"I haven't done anything yet but look at you, crying like a baby," she replied tilting up his chin

"Aren't you afraid that I will report you to the school board for abusing a Minor like me? I am just 21 years old," asked GK looking direct into Addams' eyes

"Don't you feel any ounce of regret for the things you've done to me? Don't you feel sorry for me? Oh, I almost forgot that being shameless is part of your DNA either from your mother or father."

"No matter how much you hate me, you can't talk shit about my parents. You don't know a thing about them and I won't stand here and watch you talking about my parents."

GK warned the Principal looking fiercely at her like a cat would glance at a rat. But he was right in one way or the other because no matter how bad the situation is between people it's never right to include the innocent ones.

"Or what? Are you going to hit me or Are you just going to kill me this time?" Miss Addams said knocking GK's head with the heel she was holding and laughing like a psychopath

GK let out a sigh since the situation was getting out of his hands yet he was confused about what to do. Beating up the Principal was like digging up his 40ft grave.

He used to be the center of attention everywhere he went but he never expected that the day he decided to wear nicely and chase after the girl he loves will be the day for Miss Addams' vengeance.

(Knock, Knock)

Natasha stood outside the closed wicket of the principal's headquarters waiting for a response but she didn't get any reaction rather heard the sounds of shattering things on the floor.

"Could it be that She's fighting with Gk?" Natasha thought inwardly holding onto the door knob


"How can you be so heartless to reject the boy of everyone's dream in such a harsh way?" MJ asked her hands wrapped around Claudia's shoulder

"Can you stop the drama MJ, I am not in the mood of joking right now better take your ways like we always do I will talk to you once we go back home," Claudia responded tiredly but with anger in her voice

"Talking about the Beelzebub, Did you see your boy minutes back? He was so darm cool in these latest clothes that the models wore three days ago on the runway. They must cost a fortune." spoke MJ almost drooling

"My boy! My ass! When did he become my boy? I know that he filled your heart every time you blabbered about him but still you can't forget the reason why you and I can't date him no matter how much you love him."

"You mean like the bossy and cold CEOs from comics."

"Stop it MJ, I am exhausted already. Can you give me some breathing space? Please."

Yelled Claudia taking fast steps ahead.

Goldie and Alex stood at the window looking outside but they wore worried faces.

"Do you think the Principal will punish GK for what happened last week?" asked Goldie

"It's not like I know what She's always thinking but I guess this time GK will suffer her wrath according to all the things that have been happening between those two. Let's just pray to God that he comes out alive." Alex replied

"How about we go and have a look at what's happening there?" Suggested Goldie staring at Alex.

Alex nodded positively and the duo walked holding hands like a newlywed couple attending an event.


They spotted Natasha standing outside holding the doorknob and wondered what she was doing there.

"Hi, what are you doing he-----?" Goldie didn't finish when they heard a booming sound coming from inside

"How dare you hit me? Don't you have any respect for elders and what have you done to those two men? Why aren't they moving?" Miss Addams' voice tingled with fear taking a few steps back

"Didn't I warn you before not to mess with me? You would have listened to me at least or you would have behaved like a geriatric," spoke GK walking toward her


The Principal slammed her hands on the ground creating unknown pressure and creating deeper cracks in the room blowing the door open.

Everything in the room moved except for the two guards who remained at their original spots.

She dashed toward GK with lightning-fast speed and held him by his collar from behind. She caught him off, guard that he didn't acknowledge when his hands were tucked from behind.

"Let go of me," GK said trying to catch his breath and fighting as hard as he can to free himself from the principal's tight grip.

"How in hell can a woman be this powerful? Don't tell me she's a man." GK thought inwardly

Natasha, Goldie, and Alex open-eyed watched the fight between a teacher and his student wondering who to save.

"Miss Addams" shouted Natasha distracting her and before she could blink her wig was down.