The end.

Natasha's POV 

I trembled in anger as I watched GK nagging at me. I felt bad in some ways because I knew what Lucas had done to us. 

He betrayed us. 

He tossed us aside at the time when we needed him the most. 

"Let Leon and Ajuk escape through the underground route and I will take care of everything since it's also my fault," I suggested and walked away without waiting for his reply. 

"This is fucking crazy Nat," GK grumbled, following me. 

A smirk made its way to the corner of my lips as I ascended the stairs. "Are you sure we are gonna be okay?" GK scratched his neck. He was nervous like it was his first time coming upon a situation like this. He had always been the strong and fearless man I looked up to but now he was twitching like a wet pussy.