You are my first Pokemon

Aoto quivered as he confronted Chomei's mounting ire. The creature's dialogue emerged from a mixture of curiosity and perhaps an inkling of pity for humankind. Aoto's musings drifted to the intricate dynamics between tailed beasts and the jinchuriki. Oftentimes, these majestic entities were exploited as tools of warfare, manipulated to serve sinister agendas.

A perceptible tension enveloped the air, compounded by Aoto's audacity in posing a challenging question to Chomei. Corazon and John exchanged uneasy glances, bracing for Chomei's retaliation against Aoto's daring inquiry – one that explored the notion of whether a world teeming with myriad tailed beasts would truly embody perpetual peace.

"Chomei-san, if we hypothetically conceive a realm brimming with thousands and millions of tailed beasts akin to you, could it be envisaged as a realm defined solely by tranquility, devoid of conflict?" Aoto queried, a query that provoked an involuntary flinch from his companions.

In their eyes, Aoto was courting danger by daring to engage in dialogue that questioned the veracity of Chomei's nature. Yet, this gambit was merely a means of captivating Chomei's attention and invoking deeper contemplation.

"Chomei-san?" The honorific appended to its name was an attempt to foster respect, an olive branch extended to facilitate the discourse.

With an air of irritated resignation, Chomei retorted, "That is an honorific I have yet to hear. Nonetheless, the scenario you outline is implausible. Thousands of us coexisting within a single realm defies reality."

Aoto's grin widened, eyes unwavering as they locked onto Chomei's. This audacious act caught Chomei off-guard, prompting it to reconsider its skepticism.

"Why such certainty? Have you traversed realms where such a phenomenon transpires?" Aoto countered, his retort evoking an uncharacteristic burst of laughter from Chomei.

"Marvelous fabrication, child. You weave an intricate tapestry of falsehoods," Chomei retorted, its skepticism laid bare.

Aoto's smile persisted, steadfastness emanating from his gaze as he addressed Chomei, "What if my words are the truth? Our capabilities minus chakra manipulation have been witnessed by you. Could it not be fathomed that a realm teeming with beings akin to you exists?"

Chomei, succumbing to a momentary lapse, laughed aloud in response to Aoto's audacious assertion, "Your capacity for mendacity knows no bounds."

"Yet, what if veracity underlies my words? Imagine a domain where innumerable tailed beasts coexist, their existence shaped by collective harmony," Aoto probed, inviting skepticism from Chomei.

The skepticism was rooted in centuries of manipulation, a turbulent history that had eroded any vestiges of trust Chomei might have harbored for humans.

Aoto persisted, his determination unyielding, "And why, amidst our discourse, do you engage if you find me untrustworthy?"

Chomei, its curiosity about the technique that eluded its chakra sense heightened, admitted, "My primary interest lies in unraveling the technique that masks your chakra from detection."

"Is this your sole curiosity? If I were to impart this knowledge, would you permit our departure?" Aoto inquired, a delicate negotiation veiled in his words.

"I shall contemplate the proposition," Chomei replied, leaving the matter unresolved.

Aoto, bolstered by his gamble, raised the stakes further, "Your consideration is insufficient. We demand an assurance of our escape, coupled with the knowledge exchange and your release from this realm."

"You are not strong enough for negotiating with me." Chomei roared .

"We aren't but we can escape and you will be trapped here." Aoto said laying out his cards. This made Chomei angry and flapped around. John and Corazon used magical shields to stop the attacks but it never came. His attacks just landed around Aoto and didn't hurt any of them. Aoto just gambled with their life and he won. Seeing that Chomei was just angry and didn't attack meant that Chomei could tell that there was really no escape from this place until he knew the technique.

"You possess an astute intellect for one of tender years. Should you consent to instruct me, I shall grant you your freedom and extricate us from this confinement," Chomei proposed with an air of reluctant respect.

Aoto and his companions released sighs of relief, knowing that the negotiation had borne fruit. Aoto turned to Corazon and John, both of whom gave solemn nods. They comprehended their roles in the unfolding plan.

"To facilitate your tutelage, we must first extricate ourselves from this locale. Does this accord with your terms?" Aoto inquired. Chomei pondered this for a moment before granting assent. John and Corazon exchanged triumphant grins upon hearing this concession. They manipulated their hands, each bearing a sling ring, and within moments, a sprawling portal materialized.

The portal unveiled a dense expanse of woodland, reminiscent of the realm they had departed. However, Chomei, scrutinizing intently, could discern no chakra currents, nor did the techniques bear any semblance to ninjutsu. This revelation left Chomei awestruck.

The portal spanned an imposing breadth, amply spacious for Chomei's formidable frame. The trio entered first, followed by Chomei, who hesitated briefly before traversing the threshold.

The alternate side of the aureate portal revealed a scene akin to their previous setting, suggesting it was an exit technique. Little did Chomei realize, this assumption was gravely mistaken.

Stepping out, Chomei found itself encompassed by a colossal circular edifice. The open expanse beneath its feet was vast, enveloped by towering shelves laden with innumerable tomes that stretched interminably. Countless volumes encircled the area.

"What is this?"

"Welcome to the library," Aoto greeted with a wry smile.

"You dare lie to me?" Chomei's roar reverberated as it lunged at Aoto. Instantaneously, an oppressive force descended like a tempest upon the creature. This coercive might surpassed anything Chomei had encountered, eclipsing even the aura of its progenitor, Hagoromo. Crushed by the weight, Chomei lay prone, its wings splayed wide, immobilized.

"System, induce slumber and ensure Chomei remains incarcerated."


Your will, acknowledged, host


In moments, the beast recoiled into the recesses of its jinchuriki's form, leaving in its wake a middle-aged man sprawled unconscious on the ground.

"Chomei, you are my first Pokemon." Aoto said as he looked at the unconscious man and sighed.


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