Who is on whose side?

After much deliberation, Aoto eventually succeeded in arranging for the man-beast to take residence within the library. He ensured that the creature would be provided with food and water just like an ordinary human. However, Aoto took precautions to soundproof and isolate the area around Chomei within the library, preventing the creature's screams from disturbing others who were studying.

Although everyone reluctantly agreed to this plan, it was eventually settled. They went on to discuss the recent events, and the more they heard, the greater their surprise.

"John has made significant progress."

"Corazon has as well."

"Both of them possess a warrior's spirit. Shikuro, you must keep up, or you'll fall behind."

"Come on, my magic skills surpass Corazon's."

"Skill isn't the only factor. We all need to put in the effort."

They engaged in conversations about the recent occurrences and even reflected on how they could have handled the situation better.

"What are your thoughts on Itachi?" John inquired.

"What about him?" Aoto asked, his confusion evident.

"Wasn't he a member of the Anbu?" Corazon questioned.

"So? There's a strong possibility that Danzo deliberately used Itachi and informed the Land of Waterfalls about our plans. Maybe that shit sought the assistance of the Seven-Tails jinchuriki, maybe he didn't. But in the end, we emerged victorious and managed to deal with Chomei. Danzo will probably receive a report from Itachi, which will make him fear us even more. After all, even a tailed beast is powerless before us," Aoto explained. John and Corazon both smiled at this.

Aoto had thoroughly considered the situation.

"We should seize the opportunity and deal with him," Corazon suggested.

"This scoundrel doesn't even value his own shinobi," John added, his anger evident.

"He's willing to sacrifice anything for Konoha's so-called 'safety.' However, we're not yet capable of dealing with him unless he willingly comes to our turf here. Our chance will come, so don't worry. We need to remain vigilant. I want him to suffer and witness all his allies giving up on him willingly. That would be true justice for him, considering his past actions and what he's likely to do in the future," Aoto declared.


"Hokage-sama, I present the report," Kakashi stated, placing a substantial file on the table before the Hokage. While Kakashi typically reported directly to the Hokage only for high-level missions, this time he felt it necessary to provide a written report due to the mission's nature.

Hiruzen, the Hokage, didn't expect anything out of the ordinary as he began reading the report. However, his usually calm expression transformed into one of astonishment as he read further. He revisited certain passages and then glanced at Kakashi, trying to determine if the contents were indeed real.

After several minutes of reading, Hiruzen finished the entire report. He swiftly ignited the file with a burst of fire, surprising Kakashi and the concealed ANBU guards who were observing.

"Please leave us," Hiruzen instructed.

Subtle movements were followed by complete silence as the ANBU exited the room.

"Where is the Seven-Tails currently?" Hiruzen inquired.

"They claim to have sent it into a different dimension. Based on the information provided by Guy and Itachi, this seems plausible. If there are no reports of the Seven-Tails appearing in other parts of the world, it's likely that they did indeed send it to another dimension," Kakashi explained.

"Do you trust their words?"

"They've shown compassion in saving us and have cared for the children we rescued. I don't believe there's a reason to doubt their intentions or words. However, they did mention that they won't teach their techniques to just anyone; it's at their discretion whom they choose to teach," Kakashi replied.

"Are these techniques highly valuable?"

"They involve creating portals, which is a significant skill on its own. However, Aoto mentioned that the techniques are relatively slow and not particularly suited for shinobi use," Kakashi answered.

"What do you think, Kakashi?" Hiruzen asked as he valued the thoughts of Hiruzen.

"I think that Aoto is making progress in whatever he is doing and this is just the start. John and Corazon would be great assets if they can be shinobis but I don't think Aoto would allow and nor will the policy of Konoha. It will be good if we support Aoto and make him believe Konoha more. From what I have seen he doesn't see Konoha as place which he can trust completely, probably due to the fact of what happened during the Kyuubi attack." Kakashi said.

Hiruzen hearing this just smoked his pipe and looked at the ceiling with contemplation. He had noticed the fact too that Aoto didn't trust Konoha completely. Probably due to the Kyuubi attack and also whatever happened between Danzo and him.

He was confused before about what had happened because he had seen Shikuro being loyal to Aoto instead of Danzo. At the beginning he thought it as a façade and till this day an Anbu watches over Shikuro to see if he was being sneaky and maintaining his communication with Danzo.

But after several months, there was none. So it only meant one thing and that something happened between them and Danzo had backed off. But this definitely put a scar on him and he wasn't ready to trust Konoha as of yet.

"Sigh! I hope that Aoto teaches those techniques to others too. Can you ask from him? He seems to trust you a lot." Hiruzen asked.

"Hokage-sama, if I go now and ask him, he will probably think that you asked me to do this. He is quite intelligent. If he wants to teach me, he will do so by himself." Kakashi said. He didn't have any intention to go and ask Aoto. Aoto had helped him a lot and he doesn't want to do anything malicious to him.

"I understand. You can leave. Don't mention whatever happened to anyone. The world has one less tailed beast, that is a topic to rejoice."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kakashi replied and with that he had vanished.


Read 37 more chapters on my p@treon.com/thelightedghost