Welcome to the family

"Now everyone, please go back. There has been enough drama today." Hiruzen said and this time it wasn't a plead, but an order. The people around didn't stand long and disappeared within half a minute leaving Naruto, Aoto and Hiruzen.

"Let's discuss more inside." Aoto said as he invited both of them. Seeing the Hokage nearby Naruto got more courage and followed him inside. They went up to his home and Aoto served them tea. Naruto was the curious who looked everything around in wonder and a part of him if he would live here in the future.

"Good tea." Hiruzen said as he took a sip.

"I didn't like tea once. Glad that I changed my mind later."

"Hahaha .. I always liked tea." Hiruzen said.

There was a moment of silence after this as Hiruzen took couple more sips. His eyes wandered around to see his place and everything seemed to be at it's place. Shikuro had gone back to his home after Aoto told him to do so, John and Arya had already moved to a new place because Arya felt like she needed some space and Aoto was happy to get her and her brother a new home.

In fact, now Hot Pie too had a separate home. Of course that didn't mean they didn't meet. The reading and training in the library still continued like always.

"Hokage-sama, I want to adopt Naruto." Aoto straight up spoke his thoughts. Hiruzen just looked at Aoto for a second and took another sip. Naruto shuddered when he heard someone was willing to adopt him. He had seen many family coming and taking away children at the orphanage.

He would get himself ready and hoped that someone would adopt him but none of the families paid attention.

"Naruto, can you go out for a second and let me talk with Aoto here privately?" Hiruzen asked. Naruto nodded and slowly got up, but from his face one could see the excitement. Naruto stepped out of the house leaving Aoto and Hiruzen alone.

"Do you really wish to adopt him?" Hiruzen asked.

"Why not. He is being ostracized by the whole village and I don't wish to see that." Aoto said with calm tone.

"But that demon killed your parents. Are you sure you can look at him without hatred?" Hiruzen asked.

"Hokage-sama, I think you very know what actually killed my parents and who was actually responsible for the death of my parents and innocent lives in Konoha that day. Sure the demon was the only who killed my parents, but we both know there is something more here." Aoto said.

Hiruzen looked at him for quite a few seconds and then replied.

"You seem to know a lot. Kakashi told me that you and your friends knows techniques never seen before. Is that true?"

"Yes." Aoto didn't deny at all. "And before you ask anything I will say this. I know of the new knowledge because it was the heritage of my parents. My father wasn't very good in those techniques nor did he care to learn. Before he died he told me of the books left behind at our home and after I got the books I understood that this thing is more valuable than I thought and thus taught myself." Aoto said in one breath.

Hiruzen was surprised that Aoto's father had access to other kind of techniques and never showed. It was acceptable as many people weren't born talented and only a few could bloom. Hiruzen was glad that Konoha had gained another genius.

"Hmm.. So if Naruto joins your family, will he learn your techniques?" Hiruzen asked.

"Yes. Of course, but I had said before, that I won't share the books or the techniques with the Konoha, it's too dangerous." Aoto said and he was very stern in his words with no space for negotiation.

"I understand. Konoha will not ask anything from you. Naruto will handed over to you and I hope you teach him well. If he doesn't learn the techniques of your clan, that is also fine, but I hope he can have a normal life." Hiruzen said. He was ashamed a bit for not able to remain true to his promise to Minato and thought maybe Aoto keeping him was the best part.

Another reason being Aoto and his friends had already handled a tailed beast once so their techniques might be some kind of sealing jutsu, just like the Uzumaki clan. Hiruzen didn't doubt Aoto's loyalty ever, because he had given Konoha a lot by now in terms of money and knowledge.

In the future, if he grew well, he was even ready to give away the Hokage position to him if he continued to grow well and powerful. Aoto didn't expect that Hiruzen would say yes to his conditions this time too. Did he understand him wrongly or was the butterfly effect so strong that the mentality of Hiruzen had changed. Though he was nothing like Danzo, Hiruzen still wanted to control things from behind.

"Aoto, I hope that you can make Naruto a very capable and upright shinobi who will protect Konoha." Hiruzen said.

"You don't need to worry about that. I will make sure that Naruto's home will be Konoha now and forever." Aoto reassured.

"From now on, Naruto will be handed over to you. There will be an Anbu always with him until he graduates from the academy." Hiruzen said.

"Sure. As long as the Anbu doesn't barge inside my place, he or she can do anything he or she wants." Aoto said. Hiruzen promised not to interfere into his life and will only care about Naruto. Hiruzen then called up Naruto.

"Naruto, Aoto here wants to adopt you. Do you wish to be with him?" Hiruzen asked.

"I.. I want to live with Aoto Uncle here." Naruto.

"Naruto, I am not some uncle. At best I am big brother here. I am not that old you know." Aoto said.

"I am sorry." Naruto felt bad and apologized.

"Hahaha.. don't take things too seriously. Welcome to the family Naruto."


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