How about road tax

After getting to the hospital, Shikuro took her to the supervisor. The supervisor after hearing that the person was someone Aoto had sent agreed to let her see the basic medical facility. Unohana was soon led to the main facility and was allowed to show how the ninjas healed the patients. 

Most of the patients were ninjas who came back from missions and some normal people among them. 

"Unohana-san.. What do you think?" 

"Can I try my technique and see if they work?" Unohana asked while asking permission from the supervisor. The supervisor hesitated for a bit and then nodded. Unohana getting the green signal approached a patient who had a cut on her arm. She was chunin of Konoha. 

She placed her hand over the huge wound and uttered a small chant which was not listened by anyone. Within seconds the hand of Unohana lit up like some led bulb and the wound of the woman was getting healed in a visible speed.

The supervisor who had been keeping an eye was now surprised of how fast the woman was healing the wound. One look and he could already tell that speed at which she was healing could be considered as the fastest. In the war he had seen such speed only from one person and that was Princess Tsunade. 

"This is so cool. Thank you." The woman got up and thanked the new 'doctor'. She had been suffering from the pain. 

"You are welcome. The wound has some poison in it, you should take care more while fighting your opponents." Unohana replied. 

"Poison? No wonder I was feeling dizzy on my way as wounds such as this shouldn't have been as impactful as it should be. These sand shinobis still use poison like always." The woman replied. "Thank you doctor for the advice. I will write it down in the report." 

Unohana just smiled in return as she didn't care what her mission was. 

"Doctor Unohana.. I want to appoint you as one of the doctors here. You will be the provisional junior doctor for the first six months and then you will be promoted if you do the work well." The supervisor said. 

"Thank you. I will do my best at work." Unohana replied. This world didn't have any kind of standard for becoming a doctor or a medical ninja. So her acceptance didn't require any certificate of some kind though with the new school it might be the standard soon. 

The only thing that was required was a proper background check since she never studied in Konoha and thus the provisional time for her was just Konoha and roots doing a background check on her. 

Shikuro was happy seeing their new colleague being accepted. Unohana decided to start her work at that moment itself and Shikuro let her be at work. According to Aoto, she was very powerful so he didn't have to bother of her safety, and also because he had felt the bloodlust from her. 

Such kind of blood lust meant she could definitely handle herself. 

Corazon and Urahara went to meet the Hokage of making the roads of Konoha. Urahara was new but that didn't mean that he was stupid. Corazon gave him a run down of the administration of the village and he was quickly up to speed. Meeting Hokage was easy for them as Aoto was behind them. Within minutes, they found themselves at the office of Hokage. 

He was alone going through some documents while typing on the computer. The amount of paperworks had gone down a lot so he was having a good time.

"Hokage-sama, Good morning." 

"Good morning, Corazon. Every time I look at you I feel like the world had given all the height to you." Hiruzen said with a chuckle. This made Corazon blush but he was right. Corazon was really very tall and had to bend his head on many of the doorways to get inside. Aoto had to refit his doors for this person at his home so that he wouldn't bump his head. "This is?" 

"This is my friend Kisuke Urahara. Aoto had hired him to be the manager of all the shops. He is here with a business plan which needs your approval and help." Corazon said. 

"My approval?" Hiruzen was confused but was curious about what kind of proposal Aoto had come up with. 

"Hello.. I am Kisuke Urahara. I am new to Konoha and the manager of Aoto's shops. I would like to open a company and then make better roads which will.." Kisuke went to speak for almost an hour laying down his plans of making better roads which will help in better commute among the citizens and in turn save the loss of the people which the citizens faced.

This was a long term plan and Kisuke, in order to convince the Hokage, spoke of the future plans of how they would like to introduce vehicles that could operate without any muscle power. This surprised Hiruzen but he chose to ignore the future part at the moment and just concentrate on the road part. 

Having roads not made out of mud or cobblestones was a new kind of technology so he was quite curious. 

"This is a lot of capital." Hiruzen said as Kisuke had provided the total amount of money they would need to make the roads better. 

"Yes and for that we will introduce road tax. Those who use vehicles will have to pay taxes for the time they would drive yearly. The capital gain would be very slow but it would be recuperated in a few years and the administration will be well fed in the years to come." Kisuke said. 

"Are you sure people will buy these vehicles in the future?" Hiruzen asked. 

"Aoto and I have already discussed a lot about this and we already have models ready. Konoha is expanding very fast at the moment and soon we will need vehicles that could go for longer distance. Roads will be quite good for the village." Kisuke assured Hiruzen. 


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