Two old dudes living their lives

Hiruzen had a bright smile on his face when he saw that the supplies. It will go well for him for sometime until he runs out. He didn't immediately smoke the weed and just kept it aside. 

"Corazon came today with the road thing? Are you onboard?" Hiruzen asked. 

"Hokage-sama, it was me who asked Corazon and Urahara to go and ask permission from you." Aoto said. 

"Hmm.. Do you believe it will help Konoha?" Hiruzen asked. 

"Not only it will help Konoha, it will help the Fire Nation if we construct roads around but that will take years so we can try this in Konoha and learn of what not to do." Aoto said. Hiruzen nodded. After a slight pause he asked. 

"Aoto, tell me what is the deal with your new friends." Hiruzen asked. 

"Deal? They are my friends." Aoto said with a straight face that seemed like a boy who was speaking the truth.

"I know they are your friends. But do you trust them?"

"Hokage-sama, I trust them just just I trust my own family and friends Why is there any problem?" Aoto acted like the innocent guy and asked. 

"Are you sure about that?" Hiruzen asked to which Aoto nodded his head. 

"Aoto, it's not that I don't trust you. You have helped Konoha a lot, but suddenly you have new friends who don't belong to the village from childhood and the Will of Fire haven't been passed on to them. I just hope they don't influence Naruto the wrong way." Hiruzen said. 

"Naruto will always belong to Konoha. Now and forever. We are not really interested with what Naruto can provide for the village and just want to live together happily. I have been here all my life. And I have no reason to do something which will ill to Konoha and my business." Aoto said. Hiruzen looked deeply into the eyes of Naruto and nodded. 

"Kisuke Urahara. He is quite the guy." Hiruzen said. This was Hiruzen baiting Aoto to see if Aoto could reveal anything. In fact Hiruzen has also looked into Unohana as he asked to gather information and seeing how well she healed people and helped the injured ones, he was relieved. 

But just like Kisuke, Hiruzen felt the same kind of danger from Retsu if not more and thus wanted to make sure if they were good people. As they were talking a black cat creeped upon them and sat on the lap of Aoto. 

"Yoriichi-san... Yoriichi-san where are you?" A shout came from inside and Naruto emerged from the depths of the home. "Ah here you are.. I brought some food for you.." Naruto said but after seeing Hiruzen he stopped and bowed. 

"Good evening Hokage-sama." 

"Good evening Naruto. Is everything good around?" Hokage asked. Naruto to his reply gave a wide grin while still holding the food in his hand. 

"Naruto if you want to feed Yoriichi-san, you need to give the same food as you give us." Aoto said. 

"Huh! But she is a cat." Naruto said. 

"I know but she can everything that we eat." Aoto replied. Naruto was surprised and just hung his head and went inside. 

"That's a nice cat." Hiruzen said, glad that Naruto was doing much better and happy. He couldn't take care well of Naruto and now he had that burden off his shoulder. Though Hiruzen was still wary of Urahara, he knew that Aoto wouldn't just trust anyone. 

Over the years he had hardly associated with anyone and try to gain any kind of power. Surely they had a business relations with the Uchiha, but from his spying he got to know that Aoto only held business deal with them and nothing more. 

In fact he had the same kind of deal about computers with the three Ino-Shika-Cho clan. The three clans were responsible for the production and manufacture of computers. So Aoto's deals with the Uchiha wasn't something unique. 

Hiruzen talked a bit more with Aoto and then leaving.

"He is quite observant." Urahara emerged from the shadows and commented. Yoriichi was still on the lap of Aoto as he petted her. 

"He is one the oldest surviving leader of a village so of course he is knowledgeable and experienced." Aoto replied not bothered at all that Hiruzen was able to sense the danger of Urahara. Very few people could even sense it and he was sure that it was almost like the 6th sense of Hiruzen which said that something was up with Urahara. 

"One of the? There are more museum pieces like him?" Kisuke asked while putting his fan to cover his mouth.

"Kisuke where did all the guts go when you were near Yamamoto-san?" Aoto asked. This made Yoriichi smirk in human tone. 

"Hahaha.. Well Yamamoto-sama was a good man." Urahara replied. 

"There is another guy. The Tsuchikage. He is almost as old as Hokage if not more and he is one of the most cunning ones." Aoto replied. 

"Oh you seem to know him." Kisuke said as he could easily figure out the intricacies of words of Aoto. 

"Personally no. But I do know a lot about his past." Aoto said. 

"Do they have some kind of anger against Konoha?" Urahara asked. 

"We had three great wars involving each of the 5 major villages so what do you think? Why are you asking?" Aoto asked. 

"We don't have any kind of relations with the 5 major villages, why don't we start with them if we don't have some kind of major history between us." Urahara said. 

"Well the last war we did fight against them and Naruto's father used to wipe away Iwagakure forces alone." Aoto said while keeping an eye that Naruto was not nearby to listen. 

"Naruto's father? You mean the fourth Hokage?" Urahara asked. Aoto nodded. 

"Hmm.. Well we need to start somewhere if we want to progress as a business empire." Urahara asked. "What about the Kirigakure?"

"That village is hopeless. Sunagakure has too much bad blood between us and Kumogakure is just a mad bull." Aoto said. 


Read 40 more chapters ahead on my