The mad one

Unlike their previous passage through the borders of Iron and Waterfalls, this time it was a pleasant journey. Corazon remained fully alert, anticipating a potential attack. He had made significant progress in his Observation Haki since their last encounter, expanding its range.

Another vigilant presence was Shikuro himself, who unexpectedly released a swarm of enchanting butterflies. Crafted from magic, these butterflies served as scouts for the surroundings. Guy, taken aback by their beauty, made a comment that turned heads.

"So these are your beetles. They look beautiful," Guy remarked. 

"Beetles? They're butterflies," Corazon corrected. He couldn't help but wonder how this man had even attained the rank of Jonin, recalling his previous confusion regarding Neji and other members of the Hyuga clan. Corazon offered a brief explanation, noting the distinctions.

"In reports, it's mentioned that Shikuro Aburame controls beetles," Guy said, seeking clarification.

"That doesn't mean I can only control them and nothing else," Shikuro replied, omitting the fact that these butterflies weren't real, but rather a product of his transformation magic applied to his own beetles.

As they moved forward, the butterflies fluttered around, creating a serene atmosphere. Given the lengthy journey ahead, everyone took their time in transit. To alleviate his boredom, Guy proposed a sparring match with Corazon, and it quickly became apparent that Corazon possessed formidable strength, much like Guy. This revelation excited Guy, who expressed interest in training with Corazon upon their return to Konoha.

After several days of travel, they finally arrived in the Land of Grass, a proxy territory between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire. This region held significance for Konoha, as it was where the infamous Kanabi Bridge incident, involving Obito's supposed demise, had occurred. Since the bridge had already been destroyed, they now stood on the Tenchi Bridge, which held its own historical significance.

The bridge was narrow and suspended, swaying with their movement. It sat at a considerable height, which added an extra element of challenge to their crossing. After successfully traversing the bridge, they entered territory that did not belong to Konoha. Shikuro released even more butterflies to further secure their surroundings as they continued their journey.

They soon arrived at a small village, which provided all the amenities a traveler could hope for. Here, they had the opportunity to unwind, including a visit to an onsen. The soothing waters helped wash away the fatigue from their arduous trek.

While paying for the onsen facility, Aoto momentarily stiffened upon noticing a sign on the wall behind the receptionist. Kisuke, standing nearby, picked up on this subtle reaction. Once they were out of the onsen, Kisuke inquired about the sign.

"What's the significance of that sign?" he asked.

"You noticed?" Aoto was taken aback that Kisuke had picked up on his slight flinch.

"Well, I am a businessman, so naturally, I notice things about customers... hahaha," Kisuke chuckled.

"We might be approached or ambushed by certain individuals soon, or it might not happen at all," Aoto explained. His words shifted Kisuke's demeanor from a smiling and laughing one to a more serious expression.

"What does that sign even mean?" Kisuke knew for certain that Aoto's words were tied to that sign.

"Just some people using religion as a guise to justify their cruelty," Aoto clarified.

"They are powerful?" Kisuke casually asked. 

"No. They are just rogues who wants to kill people but their priest is a bit off." Aoto said. 

"Oh then I want to meet this priest if you are seeing he is a bit out of the circle." Kisuke said and laughed. After proper rest, they moved again and just when they reached the exit of the village they head on man screaming at the top of lungs. 

"Repent.. Repent.. For Lord Jashin is here.. Repent for him and maybe you will achieve salvation.. Because he is our Lord Savior.. Only he can fulfil our desires. He will make us free.. Come .. Hear his Lord's wishes."

Some people around were quite intrigued and went forward to listen. Kisuke again saw the sign he had seen on the onsen on the robe of this person, and somehow he could sense that the robed man eyed them for a second. Kisuke knew what Aoto said might be right. They might be ambushed. 

Aoto looked at the robed person and didn't bother. Kisuke indicated Shikuro what he would have to do. Shikuro was confused but trusted Kisuke. He sent two butterflies to keep an eye on the robed person. 

The whole team went out of the village and after one hour of walking a butterfly came and sat at the shoulder of Shikuro. The butterfly danced around Shikuro a bit and everyone around waited for an answer. Of course, Guy too by now knew that the butterfly might have relayed something. 

"That priest we saw before has messaged some of his friends and some rogue people are coming for us." Shikuro said. 

"People? Not ninjas?" Corazon asked. Shikuro shook his head meaning they were just ordinary people and not ninjas. 

"So let's give them a warm welcome." Aoto said with a smile and continued on his journey followed by others. They didn't seem to care and after minutes the butterfly sent the information, rustles were heard from the surrounding. Unlike the land of fire, this land here wasn't filled with trees, but very tall grass. 

Grass and Bamboo.

They were so tall that it looked like they were in some kind of unique forest so the movement around was more loud than ever. And these people weren't ninjas at all, thus they didn't have any special movement to make it quieter. 

With moments they were surrounded by a group of men who basically looked like zombies. They had huge eye bags under their eyes, looked malnourished and each one had different weapons on their hands. There was nothing but cruelty in their eyes and seemed like they were here for some kind of vengeance or maybe freedom. 


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