Not like Gear 5 awakening

The following was probably the most uninteresting match among the two matches. Corazon and the jonin class shinobi faced each other. In fact during the fight, many of the people watching the match actually booed to the fight. 

And the boo was specially directed towards Corazon. It was because of his technique that the boo was strong. The 'silent' technique of his. As soon as Corazon entered the match, he made the whole arena silent. No bit of sound could enter the arena and neither any sound from inside could go out. 

It was a like a silent black box. 

"This .. What kind of technique is this?" The shinobi could see the blue layer of hemisphere surrounding the arena. He was confused but he soon understood what kind of technique it was.

"This technique.. I have never heard of this technique.. It is great for reconnaissance. " Onoki mumbled under his breath. He felt a bit of greed for this technique but reigned himself. If it was an apple from the tree, he would grab it but if it didn't then he wouldn't bother to try. The more he was dealing with Aoto, the more he felt something was wrong with this guy. 

And he also felt a weird vibe when he came near Aoto and his gang. Only Kisuke gave him a very dangerous vibe, while the others gave him a feeling that he was looking at a book that he had never opened before in his life. It was a feeling that Onoki couldn't describe but it definitely intrigued him. 

Corazon and the fight with the shinobi went on with taijutsu at the beginning and soon the shinobi realized that no matter what kind of kicks and punches he pulled, he would be countered quite easily. 

"What the hell.. How can he always come up with moves that can counter my attacks." 

The shinobi was confused. And thus seeing no other way out of it, he used ninjutsu. He used water bullets at him and Corazon easily dodged them. Onoki and others also noticed this weird trend of Corazon and how he was able to easily dodge the attacks. 

This was unprecedented. Since water bullets didn't do any damage to Corazon and he had been dodging all attacks, the shinobi went for an attack that wouldn't allow him to dodge. He tried to box Corazon from all sides. 

He used rock walls the emerged from the four sides of Corazon. 

"Now dodge, bitch!" 

The shinobi cursed under his breath. He had a smirk in his face as now he could just make long innumerable spikes inside, thus defeating Corazon and making him heavily injured. The last fight was already a loss and they couldn't afford another one. 

"Surrender.. If you surrender, I can let you go. Or else the next technique might hurt you." 

The shinobi shouted. Of course, the people around couldn't hear anything. This was a little creepy for the shinobi but he didn't care about it. In all sense, this technique was useless in this arena. There was no response from the open cage as he waited. 

Seeing no reaction, he did the required hand signs and allowed the spikes just com out of the Earth walls. 

"You should have accepted the surrender." The shinobi mumbled. But then he heard a small clapping sound coming from high up in the air. He looked up and it was there he saw a scene that couldn't be explained at all. 

He saw Corazon, high in the air, jumping, while his feet seemed to stepping on air. With each step there a slight clap sound. It was as if he was making the air some kind of floor. This made the shinobi's jaws and even then surrounding audience who could only look at the man 'flying' in the air. 

"My turn." Corazon said and then said. 


The shinobi though was surprised, but was ready to accept because he had seen their own Tsuchikage fly in air, but then a small wave hit him. It was a very calm wave but the moment that near invisible wave hit him, he felt like his body went limp. 

His thoughts, his actions, his blood flow and everything around him slowed. No, it didn't slow down, it just 'calmed' down. the shinobi could feel that even this own thoughts wasn't functioning. He wanted to think why it was happening but his brain stopped listening to any commands. 

This sensation only lasted for a few seconds and the next moment, he felt like he was back to normal he saw a bring orange colored rope around his neck while Corazon was holding a knife at his neck. Any movement and he could be stabbed at the neck, forfeiting his life.

He looked at Corazon in horror as he realized that it was some kind of technique Corazon must have used to make his actions and thinking stop altogether. 

"Fuck.. A genjutsu." the shinobi cursed but gave the sign of surrender and thus Corazon stepping out. He lifted the calm technique around. The people around were just silent. They had never expected that their second match too was lost. 

They lost to businessmen. The people around knew that he wasn't an official shinobi since he wasn't carrying a badge of Konoha. So this was a great slap in the face. Nobody cheered or clapped, unlike the last one. There was just dead silence. 

Onoki who was looking at the whole match had creases in his half white eyebrows. Aoto and others smiled as Corazon came back after bowing to the audience. As he came back, he sat on the chair and almost looked like he collapsed. 

"This technique takes a toll on me. How does my brother do it so easily." Corazon asked. 

"Awakening of a devil fruit isn't easy and it is very draining. I think the more broken the awakening is, the more stamina it takes from the body. Your devil fruit awakening basically silences the things and even thoughts around, so in a way it is broken." 


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