The balls of these people

This made Aoto speechless for a bit. Aoto wanted to 'seduce' Deidara a bit, the same way Itachi did to him, giving this guy an obsession. But that obsession was another kind of obsession, an obsession to beat that guy in the future, which trickled towards Sasuke. 

In all hindsight, Sasuke should have lost that battle against Deidara, especially after C0, but he still survived. And Aoto didn't actually think of triggering any kind of obsession from this guy, he had noticed that Onoki had seen things which others couldn't. Maybe it was the magic talent in him speaking but seeing the positive feedback, Aoto was happy. 

Now here was Deidara, who actually wanted to learn, which he didn't expect. Maybe this new obsession of his could help him save his life. 

"System, how high is his talent?" 


Host, Deidara has a high level talent in magic. 

Pantheonic Magic


Everyone around looked at Aoto as he was he leader and he would get to decide. Deidara too got the cue and looked at Aoto with puppy eyes. 

"You do realize that you asking me this is a betrayal of your village." Aoto said with a smile in his face and Deidara didn't even flinch before nodding his head. 

"Deidara, we can teach you but you can't do this now and if it happens the cooperation we have at the moment will break down. If you want to learn, you will have to think of a way to learn it in a safe away without jeopardizing the whole agreement between us. You don't want to start a war between us, do you?" 

Deidara face changed color when he realized that even he ran away with them, which he was all up for running away with them, but now that he realized the future problems, he didn't know what to say. In hindsight, he was still very young and hasn't seen the world. 

"Hmmm... I will get away from the village and once I do.. Teach me." Deidara said and actually demanded at the end with the tone. Aoto didn't mind that and just nodded. After getting the promise he left hurriedly. 

"What do you want to do with it if Deidara comes knocking?" Corazon asked. 

"I don't want him to come and knock, I want Onoki to come and knock." Aoto said. 

"That old geezer? Why?" Kisuke asked. 

"Because he needs to be the Sorcerer Supreme." Aoto said. 


"What the hell?"

"Oh Hell, no." 

"Nope.. In no way." 

Aoto just smiled and called on to Guy who had went forward to see if there was any ambush. Guy getting the cue came back and Corazon opened a portal to Konoha. 

"If you could use that, why didn't you use before?" Guy couldn't help but complain. 

"But then Guy-san, where will be our youth energy go if we take the easy route always." Aoto said. This made Guy's eyes shine and commended Aoto to think in this way. He asked Aoto to join but in return, Aoto told him of a guy name Lee who could follow his footsteps that was currently in the Academy. 

Soon they were back at home. As they went through the gate, Corazon who was in a happy mood suddenly stiffened. 

"What's up?" 

"Naruto is missing!" Corazon said. 


"What are you talking about?" 

"What is going on?" 

Corazon had heard all of it as his Observation haki had caught some of the words spoken in a distance away and his devil fruit allows him to amplify the anti-silence too. It's something like Enel used to do but the range was very small.

After signing on the gate, they ran to home and when they reached there, they saw Retsu, John and others at home sitting and having a blank look. Only Restu had a look that seem to speak any volumes of emotions of what was going on. 

Even Yorichi, was sitting on her hind legs and had an expression of anger on her face. If at all a cat could have such expression. 

"What is going on?" These were the words that came out of Aoto's mouth when he arrived and looked at everyone. 

"Naruto has been kidnapped." 

"I know.. John.. Have you searched?" Aoto asked. John just nodded in silence. "And?" Aoto continued. 

"He has been kidnapped by a joint mission done under the orders of Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado." John said. This gave Aoto a surprise because he didn't hear the name Danzo along with them. John wasn't gullible enough not to mention his name so what was going on?

"Danzo and Hiruzen does know of it but they haven't done anything about it." John said. 

"Is he safe?" Kisuke asked. Since John knew what was going on, so he must have used the mirror dimension to look at him, so he might know how Naruto was. 

"He is a bit bad shape but in other words he is fine." Yorichi said as both she and John went on their mission. Winry and Grandma, meanwhile had tears in her eyes. She had treated Naruto like a son and thus having her son kidnapped gave her trauma. Edward was fuming in anger, but was calm. 

"It seems Konoha thinks they can push us around. It's time we show what we are really like." Aoto said. 


Late at night. 

Few figures moved from rooftop to rooftop silently without making a noise. These figures had mask on their faces and soon they reached at one a rooftop that was adjacent to a very huge mansion with tall walls and one could see many shinobi guards on the corners and edges looking over the while mansion and safeguarding the home. 

As these figures emerged, a portal opened and more figures came out of the portal. Everyone had their masks on and a cape that covered their back, like a haori. Of course, these were Aoto and his friends. 

Aoto's haori was different. It was red in color and it was the Levitation cloak which had chosen him. 

"John, has everything been been mapped out." Aoto asked.


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