0022 Chapter Twenty Two : Did you Say Frankenstein?

In that way that the world believes does not exist, I behave, in my mind the recording begins from the first moment in which I care about you, you see me as a natural fool, you see me as a good-hearted person who is not strong, perhaps he is not even strong on you.

I distinguish whether you are writing this letter to me, or writing this text on a personal note for me and another. I feel how you will behave with me. Yes, I am also surprised at myself, as if the jinn helped me.

I am not delusional, I am not delusional at all, I can smell your thoughts and actions simply. Your anger, your silence, your attempts, etc. do not change me.

Just wait to collect enough from you, to bring you back a little filth that intrudes from person to person, I have enough street experience, don't trust my silence.

War is the path into the unknown

Chapter Twenty Two : Did you Say Frankenstein?

Safety is very beautiful, I think it is the only feeling that is worth the trouble of searching, to be safe when you speak, get excited, and express your feelings, to be safe that your spontaneity is loved and accepted, That you don't need to pretend to be desirable, and that whatever you suffer from yourself, is not a problem for another.

"Did you say Frankenstein?" asked Hermes inquiringly.

" Frankenstein? Did you hear me say that Frankenstein.. no no.. that didn't happen I was saying " Frank stein " You seem to have heard it, Frankenstein." Kayden hesitated and pointed with his hand

" In fact, this is the worst argument I have heard in my entire life so far.. Let me tell you that the manufacturer of this stick is Frankenstein, so it is impossible that what I said was a coincidence? Hermes asked

Meanwhile, Caiden felt tense, not knowing whether he was supposed to continue his lie or not, then he suddenly said

Well, I will tell you this secret.

The system I have gave me a skill called weapon recognition

This skill makes me know more details about weapons without anyone telling me about it, such as the components, the name of the manufacturer, etc.

Caiden said nervously

"Okay..I get it, let's go back?" Kayden said calmly and started moving toward the elevator again

Kayden turned to him and said, "What, are you just going to drop that? Don't you have to ask how I got it or how can I use it or something?" Kayden asked strangely.

Hermes looked at Caiden and said

"Well, I was thinking of not surprising you too much when I saw Valencia's weapon and yours from Charlie.. I thought it was very strange but who would have expected you to have such skill .. As for the questions, you have the freedom of opinion whether you want to tell me or not.."

Then he pointed to the elevator and said, "Let's go back?"

Caiden and Hermes go up to the ground floor... They exit the elevator and stand in front of the hotel's front door

Then Hermes said, "Don't you want to go upstairs or talk to Valencia?"

Caiden hesitated before saying

"It's too late so I have to go to bed and so on.. Also Valencia I'm going to see her after a week at school right? So it doesn't matter much at the moment."

" Well, do whatever you want," said Hermes, letting out a breath

Then Kayden gestured with his hand as if to say bye, then Kayden walked out of the hotel


Hermes climbed through the elevator to the hundredth floor again..

Then he sat on the chair again.. A maid entered him and gave him a cup of coffee.. Immediately after that, she entered Valencia

" So.. What will you do now, Valencia? Hermes said as he sipped some coffee

" In fact, I think I'm going to the land of the elves again. I'll tell my parents that my school will be in a week from now.. Time is running so fast..." Valencia sighed after saying that.

" Well.. that's good.. do you need to connect it? I think my boat will arrive faster than those cheap planes," said Hermes, looking directly at Valencia After he intertwined his ten fingers together and put his chin on them

"No.. No need.. Looks like you have work to do too.. So I beg your permission to go." Valencia nodded respectfully.

" Well..bye," Hermes said courteously

Then Valencia came out of the room and started to go..."


"So you even let the little boy into the secret room too? Didn't you go a little overboard, Hermes?" A little mysterious voice appeared at the corner of the room. He chose a dark spot to speak from which did not show his face.

" Well, I don't think so either, because this child needs help at this time," Hermes said, as if he wanted to say any justification

"Help, I said? How is he going to look for himself if all you do is help him?"

This world will never leave you alone, even if you turn into a cloud that will not survive.

The wind will push you to places you don't want and will squeeze harshly until the water dries up from you.

And if you were a hermit in a forgotten mountain, the seekers of a savior would pursue you and insert your name into their supplications, and you would end up being righteous, slaughtering sacrifices at the doorstep...

If you remain celibate, they will ask and answer without giving you a chance to defend yourself, and if you get married, they will also ask and answer if your wife's pregnancy is delayed. They will chase you with their disturbing thoughts until you hide in the sleeve of your shirt.

They will tear your body apart with the looks of one of the blades of swords.. to know your little secrets, your favorite team, the name of your sweetheart, the number of times you go to the bathroom.. your political leanings..

They don't do it out of concern for you, they do it because they want to see something worse than them.. Only then will they feel happy!

You are not really helping him but rather spoiling his search for himself .. "

Derek said in a slightly angry voice because of what Hermès had done

Well, life has changed now.

Don't let your past with the men of heaven affect you like that," said Hermes calmly

He knew full well that sadness would not make him immortal, but solid and impenetrable. Sadness made him wild, completely transparent, imbued with everything that could happen, and at the same time invisible if necessary.