As my eyes finally adjusted to the light I could see the face of a woman. She had eyes like amethysts and hair the color of silk. Her face was red and covered in beads of sweat as she cried tears of joy while I was handed to her.
'My mother?'
No sooner after I had that thought
The next thing I knew everything went black for a bit. I'm honestly not sure for how long but it felt like seconds. Then a purple window with bold white text appeared
As my eyelids peeled back a smooth wooden ceiling was above me. I lay on a soft wooden bed in a room full of various items. But none of them mattered, the only thing I could focus on was the searing pain in my head. I lifted my hand to my forehead trying to grasp at any clear thoughts as my mind and memory scattered around itself. After what felt like ages, a single question of 'What happened?'. Suddenly my mind was filled with the last thing I could remember
"The Patron..."
<[The Patron] has now been activated>
<"Hello"> the clear monotone voice of a man spoke
<"I am the Patron. I am an autonomous extension of the system this world relies on and am offered to assist any individual who has a tie to the gods. Are you in need of assistance?">
I pried my eyes open darting my gaze all around the room but there was no one.
"Who are you?!Show Yourself!"
<"I am the Patron. I am an autonomous extension of the system this world relies on and am offered to assist any individual who has a tie to the gods."> the monotone voice repeated
My mind began to calm and the image of a beautiful woman became clear. I recognized her instantly.
"Freyja.. What happened?"
<"Answer"> the monotone voice spoke
<'' You have successfully been reincarnated as Elwen Vinsain, first son of Ventris Vinswain and current blood heir to the Vinswain name. Due to reincarnation your consciousness exceeded the maximum difference in age to your soul's body and was suppressed with [Hibernation] by the laws of this world. In that time your body grew up as it normally would. The memories of your soul and host have merged, please allow up to 1 month for seamless integration">
"I see"
Actually now that I think of it, the language I'm speaking isn't English yet my mind and body know it flawlessly. This room is somewhere I know well too. It is my room at my family's country estate. As the thought of family entered my mind it is filled by memories of a mother who was kind and gentle. Yet I never had a mother. The memories conflicted in my head causing a feeling of tightness .
"Can you please give me the spark notes of my life, of everything?"
<"Understood. You have been reincarnated as a noble and high elf as a direct result of [Freyja's Blessing(3)]. You are currently located in the Ashen countryside towards the bottom of the Silver Continent. The Elven capital of Lindor is around a fortnights journey by horseback. As of today you are 10 years of age. You will be trained by your mother Ventris -the lightbringer-. Up until now you have lived only here with your mother. The only other individuals you have met are your grandfather Yeldan -iron ear- and the housemaids Aela and Louse.">
"What about my father?'
<"Warning, information is unknown and considered sensitive within the Vinswain family. It is advised you do not press the matter">
A memory then entered my mind of my mother in tears as she feuded with my grandpa speaking of exile. It was covered with haze and absent of detail, it was from when I was very young.
"Mm, I understand. I won't bother with it since I never had one to begin with. But I remember something about my mother in exile"
<"Correct. Ventris Vinswain has been exiled from the capital as a direct result of association to your father. Further information is unknown">
After allowing my mind to calm I stood up and walked to a tall oval mirror. The glass was encased by a brass frame that was designed to look like interweaving tree branches. Looking back was a young kid with a slender face and build. He's dressed in loose clothing and his ragged silk white hair is to his cheek in length with small curls at the end. Behind the strands covering his face rested eyes the color of deep amethyst. As I lifted my hand to my face the boy did the same.
"Yes that's right…I am Elwen Vinswain"