[Chapter 17 - Bona Fide : In Good Faith Pt.1]

With the leather bunched in my hand I pulled firmly until my boots were snug. I stood and walked to the tall oval mirror fixed on the wall of my room. In its reflection was a 5'8 elf. His eyes were a deep purple that contrasted against his colorless silk hair. He had a lean toned physique and on his hip was a sheathed silver dagger.

"Time to start another day" I said with a swift exhale heading out of the room and to the dining area below. Though it had been a little over four years now the estate looked the same as it always had. The seamless wooden walls and floors accompanied by beautifully integrated staircases made it feel as if the entire house had been carved out of a single tree. Various paintings and art pieces adorned the house creating a sense of elegance and class

As I walked into the kitchen my mother was sat at the end of a long table with various assortments of cut fruits and berries as well as freshly cut bread and a small variety of cheeses.

"Good morning Elly" she said warmly

"Good morning mother"

"You seem to have quite a spring in your step. Perhaps you have some plans for the day?" she said inquisitively

"Yes" I replied "I was hoping I could take a quick training trip to the mana zone. Nothing more than a few days"

She nodded softly with a smile "Indeed you may. Take your black stallion, Louse will help you with your preparations as usual."

A large smile formed across my face as I bowed respectfully "Yes, of course, thank you mother!"

She let out a slight chuckle "Honestly Elly. Ever since our first trip together you're almost obsessive when it comes to training. Some people might even call you a battle junkie" she said teasingly. I heard Aela's muffled giggle from the kitchen nearby as I looked up to make a face at my mom

"Oh come now I am only teasing. Now go to the stables and fetch your horse before it starts getting too late!"

A smile once again filled my face as I made my way to the door grabbing my cloak from a notch on the wall as I did. Opening the door I was met with a gust of wind and dirt being thrown around.

I quickly lifted my arm and covered my face with my cloak to protect my eyes from the various debris that were being blown around me and into the house. An array of small thuds could be heard as the gust settled and I lowered my arm.

Standing in front of me was now a beast clearly meant for combat. It was a large white horse bigger than any I had ever seen. Protruding from its back were large bird-like wings that began to fold and tuck along its side. Its white mane was twisted into small tight buns that went down its length. Its face was covered by a thick and intricate armor made of silver as was a majority of its body. Even the wings were lined with a sheet of curved silver to protect the edges.

Sat atop was an equally intimidating rider. A warrior clad in silver armor. The helmet had a pointed and sharp appearance giving it an imperialism like aesthetic that matched the rest of the full silver suit. From the helmet emerged a braid of lightly blue tinted hair that rested against her back making it seem even more prominent in color.

As I arched my head back to look up at her I slowly began to step backwards without even noticing it. Her presence alone was able to create an aura so intimidating I instinctively wanted to move away.

"Young master, what is it?" I heard Aela call from behind me yet I couldn't reply. I could only stare back at the warrior who now returned my gaze, looking down upon me like I was a bug.

With the absence of my reply Aela began rounding the corner "Young Ma-" as the exposed doorway came into her view, the sight that filled it did as well. A loud slam followed by a various array of clangs and shatters soon filled the house as she dropped the metal tray of dishes she had been holding. With a petrified look she rushed over to where my mother was seated.

Soon my mother and Louse rounded the corner with a haste and seriousness completely contrary to how they just were.

"Louse" my mother began to speak

"Worry not m'lady I already know"

She nodded "Thank you"

Louse began making his way to the door. When he did he walked past and then in front of me in a way that pushed me behind him as he did and placing him to face the soldier on our doorstep. Immediately my mother signaled me to come to her and as I did Louse bent the knee to the soldier as he began a basic yet proper welcome greeting.

"Elly" my mother spoke in a serious and hushed voice as I approached her "Listen and listen carefully. That woman out there is a valkyrie. They are the most elite soldiers in the entire Elven country to the point some people view them more like deities than mortals."

As she spoke, Aela hurried down the stairs carrying a large clumped ball of what appeared to be clothing in her arms making her way to us as she stumbled from her haste. She then dropped the ball onto the ground and immediately began to pull various garments and items out before adorning them on my mother in a stressed and rushed manner. From rings and necklaces to different pieces of clothing that transformed my mothers nightgown into a proper dress fit for royalty. While this happened my mother continued speaking as if paying no mind at all

"I do not know why she has come but nevertheless she has. Remain as quiet and low key as possible. Hold your head down and remain proper."

Aela then rushed to and began the same process as with my mother though it was substantially less complex. The key item for me was a banded ring implanted with a purple jewel that covered the rune on my finger and it was made very clear to me that this ring was not be removed.

By now Louse had finished his greeting and the soldier had dismounted from her beast. I couldn't be sure but based on the fantasy books from my past life that thing has every marking of a pegasus.

I was positioned standing next to my mother and on her other side was Aela stood straight, her hands nervously held behind her back. I wonder if she's one of the people who see these soldiers as above mortals.

As I stood still Louse moved beside the doorway and raised his hand to his chest fixing himself in a permanent light bow as the soldier began to make her way past him and into the house. With each step she took a thud followed by the systematic metal scrapes and clinks of her armor reverberated through the entryway. Once within a few feet of us a deep yet feminine voice emerged from behind the mask of silver that was her helmet

"Ventris Vinswain… the lightbringer" she spoke with a nonchalant and slightly sarcastic tone as she moved her gaze in my direction "I suppose it really has been some time…"