[Chapter 26 - Ordo Ab Chao : Out of Chaos Comes Order Pt.3]

"As many of you may know my name is Sir Leon Karl." a large man spoke. He was a wide build dressed in lighter casual armor with a storm gray cape attached at the shoulders. His audience was a quiet and captive cluster of students, myself included. "Up until this point you have all gone through the standard baseline combat class to build your endurance and foundation" he briefly glanced at me "Well most of you anyways. But now as you may notice your group has changed. That is because in that time you were all watched and evaluated to place you with people in a similar skill level and congratulations" he stretched the last word sarcastically "You were deemed the best".

Upbeat murmurs broke out amongst the students, though not knowing anyone I obviously stayed silent. Instead I maintained a serious focus as he spoke. I guess they placed me in here based off of that old man's report, regardless, I don't plan to mess it up.

"Regardless of this fact, remember that at any point should you fail to meet expectation, my expectation that is, you will be removed with or without warning" the murmurs grew silent

"Good. Now that we have that out of the way, can anyone here tell me why you would want to fight tooth and nail to stay here? Besides to stare at me, that is?"

A young man raised his hand and Sir Leon lifted his back signaling his response "Possibility" the boy said in a soldier like response

With a sarcastic tone Leon responded "Care to POSSIBLY elaborate on that?"

"Yes sir. Every year a select group of 1st year students are placed into a class under the direct supervision of yourself. During this period said students will experience a unique elevated curriculum in contrast to standard in what is commonly known as the Ironside trial. Students that finish their first year still within the class are then permitted to join the Academies Ironside division that are granted authority, opportunities and permissions not available to other students. Additionally Ironside students are permitted to graduate starting after 3 years at which point they are guaranteed a position in one of the FSE special divisions as well as the possibility to obtain a trial of the gods."

"Perfectly said, I expect nothing less from you as does your father I'm sure"

"Thank you sir" the boy lowered his head in a bow causing his medium length light stormy blueish hair to fall scruffily over his face. Leon chucked in response and nodded

As the interaction occurred I stared at the boy, I couldn't place my finger on it but he seemed oddly familiar. As he began to raise his head he caught a glimpse of my stare and met my eyes with his. He stopped briefly before smirking and raising his head the rest of the way, redirecting his attention to Leon who resumed speaking

"Yes it is as the young prince has stated. So work hard and then some and if you're lucky you will be one of the handful that end the year still standing here. So without further ado let us start by assigning links." he pulled a rolled paper from his back pocket and began reading names in pairs but it became nothing more than background static to me.

My mind had stuttered for a second as I processed my thoughts

Young prince? Wait…

I cleared my mind and thought clearly. 'Patron?! Wouldn't that make him my brother?'

<"Incorrect. He is Reigner Valhorn Hurthe von Selkath II, prince of Lindor and son of the current King Branson.">

"Elwen" a voice echoed in the distance. Though being enveloped with the conversation I did not notice nor react.

Continuing my conversation with Patron I replied 'So then he would be Cere's?'

"Elwen" the voice repeated slightly louder, still I was unaware

<"Nephew, thus making him your in law">

"Elwen Vinswain!" Leon's voice boomed quickly snapping me back into a reality of blank stares as my face flushed cold and pale

"Y-yes sir! Sorry sir!" I bowed quickly and clearly in a panic. I could feel Leon's stare as he took a moment to respond

"You will be with Prince Reigner. Maybe he can pay attention for the both of you, or maybe soon he won't need to" I could feel my mouth dry as he said that.


"Good" and with that he continued listing off pairs, except this time I would not make the mistake of being caught with my attention diverted. Instead I remained still and silent trying to fight through my embarrassment.

"Now that we have that settled let us establish what is going down. You have all been paired with an opposite of your base class, meaning one of you is a mage and one of you is not. Start by convening with your link so that you can gain an understanding of who they are and what they do. First through words then through combat. Begin!". At his word the once semi organized cluster of students broke apart as people broke off in pairs of two in the surrounding area.

Before I had an opportunity myself Leon called out "Elwen, Reigner. You two with me" he clicked his tongue and neck signaling us to join him a little away from the group.

The three of us now stood together though Leon towered over us both, Reigner was close in my height but I couldn't be sure who was taller. I was doing my best to keep my attention on Leon and avoid eye contact with Reigner.

"So, you two are actually part of the only group of three, though it seems your other member is clearly not here today. I will go ahead and at least pull you two up to speed."

We both remained silent

"See it's not exactly common for us to receive first years with such, unique backgrounds, let alone three of them. Nevertheless your situations have created it so that you have come to us as warriors already. With that said we obviously can't have you pitted against other first years even in this class. Instead starting next class you three will be assigned an instructor who will prepare you to join the second year Ironside class mana zone hunt. Until then you are dismissed."

In sync Reigner and I bowed and began to take our leave back through the open green plains and to the Academy building. I had done my best to maintain my distance and divert my attention almost making it to the building


I stopped, slowly turning to face Reigner slightly behind and to the side of me. It's not that I have anything against him, but he is Arbor's grandson and I know I definitely don't trust that guy. So I guess maybe I do have something against him in that sense…

" I can tell you're clearly apprehensive towards me for some reason but I promise I am not your enemy."

His directness caught me somewhat off guard. "No, its not that I see you as my enemy! It's just"

"Look" he sighed somewhat "You just moved out here right? Join me for lunch and a tour of Balor"

"Oh, uh" I was somewhat apprehensive. In response Reigner's tone became more matter of fact

"What, it's not like you have class?" he smiled slightly "C'mon my treat"

Despite my apprehensive attitude his intentions seemed really genuine. I decided to try and move past my initial reservations exchanging a slight nod and raised the corner of my mouth "Mm, it's a plan"

Reigner nodded back and with that we made our way side by side back towards the Academy with our destination being the Fort City behind it.