[Chapter 28 - Memento Vivere : Remember To Live Pt. 2]

After a little more wandering we eventually made it to our destination which was a restaurant called Blóm. It was a decent sized building with cloth covered tables placed intermittently ; we sat at one near the window. At a quick glance the other customers seemed to be various official looking types conversing either 1 on 1 or in small groups. It wasn't the highest end restaurant but definitely not a cheap one either. I found myself feeling rather excited, after all, this was my first time coming to a place like this in either life.

After being seated we were brought beverages and told the menu options. I opted for something called Glazed Lorgue which I was informed is a type of goat-like animal covered in a sweet gravy sauce and is only available seasonally. After the waitress left I couldn't help but say something

"Hey, I'm sorry if what I got was rude."

Reigner looked at me with a puzzled expression

"It's just that this is actually my first time eating out like this so I wasn't really sure what to pick but after her explanation it sounded kind of expensive"

A small held back laugh burst from Reigner's mouth completely throwing me off my approach of an apology.

"What? Is it that bad?"

"No it's not that. It's just that the way you set that up made it seem like you were about to drop something serious on me." his voice changed from a cheerful to more consoling "Don't worry about it. I might not know or like the guy but if nothing else having your dad be king means not worrying about funds."

"Yeah, I guess, but still how can you say that so lightheartedly?"

He replied with a smile "I've been in Lindor a little month now and the closest I've got to him is when he sent a berserker to accompany me for my first week. I don't mean to pry but when was the last time you saw the queen?"

I didn't expect it to but that question landed rather hard. In all honesty I don't think I have seen her in almost 2 weeks now. Thinking this my eyes drifted down and Reigner quickly interjected trying to restore the mood

"It's not like you did anything! That's just how nobles here are. Most value their position and the FSE above everything, even their families and themselves. The higher up you go the truer that is. We were both just kind of lucky in the fact we got to grow up a bit more normal. At the end of the day you just have to be grateful for those memories and push forward ; Remember to live." he smiled

I couldn't help but think back to the day of our arranged meeting where I was presented with the Valkyrie in my mothers stead. The same Valkyrie who laughed at my thought that anything else would happen.

"Yeah, you're right."

Warm rays of sun gleamed through the window as I dressed. Two days had passed since my lunch with Reigner and after our initial talk everything else was rather lighthearted. Discussions of childhoods and skills. In the end I learned that Reigner was a magic swordsman which seems to be rather uncommon in this world in that they can use ki and mana simultaneously.

Leaving my room I made my way down to the dining room to await breakfast. On my way I saw and exchanged greetings with Louse. Things had pretty much returned to normal between us in regards to the fact it seems we both opted to pretend the other day didn't happen.

Upon arriving I noticed Cere sat down with one of her attendants standing ready off to the side. Her clouded eyes seemingly stared off into the distance as she stared out the window. As I entered she turned to face directly at me "Good morning Elwen"

It still threw me off. Cere is blind yet her perception seemingly surpasses my own. Nevertheless her voice was soft and kind and she looked at me with a hopeful expression waiting for my reply. A light smile formed as I replied "Good morning Lady Cere" and made my way to sit adjacent to her, as she was at the table's end.

"Has something come up?" she asked as I sat down

"Wha?" I wasn't sure what she was referring to

"I apologize I do not mean to pry, only as it is Wednesday I expected you would be at the Academy?"

"Oh, that. No need to apologize at all. I was notified that because the third member of our special group still hasn't arrived I was not expected to return until Monday."

"Special group?" she tilted her slightly

"Mm." I nodded, though I'm not sure why. "Apparently I am to be part of some experimental group with Reigner, the king's son, and another third mystery member. I guess we can't start without everyone present so they are just postponing until then."

"Oh, I see." she replied with a matter of fact tone before transitioning into a more soft inflection "Then since you are free perhaps you will accompany me to Lindor? I plan to depart later today and return tomorrow eve."

"Wait, you mean you're going to walk around Lindor?" I didn't mean to say it like that and to be honest I instantly regretted it. But this is the same frail girl who couldn't handle the garden using a cane, how is she supposed to survive the capitol? Luckily despite my rude manner of speaking I was let off rather easily

Cere's face just slightly drooped, gaining a level of sternness, as did her face "Do not worry, despite what you may think I do have my methods."

My tongue tightened as did my throat "R-right, sorry. I would love to."

She lightly smiled and nodded "Lovely, we can prepare after breakfast"

Two of her handmaidens emerged from the kitchen and served our meals. From the corner of my eye I watched briefly as Ceres' hand trembled holding her fork. I seriously don't know how this trip is supposed to work…