Dragon Ball – Scene 25.0: Earth, Diablo Desert, September 9th, Afternoon, Age 749
"With Wesker stealing two Dragon Balls from our heroes, Bulma, Goku, Oolong, Yamcha, Puar, Mauka, Stockings and Voidotte make their way westward for the last Dragon Ball."
Oolong is driving the car given to them by the Gyumao with Yamcha and Puar not so far behind them with the Cat-Creature driving their car.
(Kid) Goku:
(Confused, Staring)
This place sure is weird…
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
(Eyes Closed, Arm Crossed)
I've seen worst.
(Bunny MILF) Stockings:
Lost in thought, Mauka-Chan?
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
Just thinking of a way to get upperhand against Wesker. He stole 2 Dragon Balls from us. What are the chances he'll get this one or steal the rest when we get the last one and he'll use them to whatever disgusting wish he'll make. I'm trying to think of a way to counter him if it comes down to it.
(Bunny Girl) Bulma:
I wonder if we can fool him with a Fake Ball?
(Bunny MILF) Stockings:
It might work, but where can we find a Ball that closely resembles the Dragon Balls?
(Bunny Girl) Bulma:
Hey, Oolong. Is there a town around here?
Don't ask me. This is the first time I've been out here.
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
(Activates Scouter)
There's a small town nearby. My Scouter is reading multiple power levels gathered in one location.
(Bunny Girl) Bulma:
I still want one of those devices.
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
Too bad. Like I told you before – you ain't getting one. Deal with it!
(Bunny Girl) Bulma:
Why you…! Whatever!
We're running out of gas. So where is the town again, Mauka-Chan?
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
Not far. Just follow this road and we'll be there before we run out of gas. We might also get some food and find a crystal ball that we can use to fool Wesker.
(Stares At Mauka, Love-Struck, Smiling)
What pretty eyes…
(Ashamed, Blushing, Nervous)
No, I didn't mean pretty, I just that…She does have a pretty face, but…she does have a pretty face, but…
Err, uh…
(Gives Canteen)
There's some water in this canteen.
Yamcha drinks from the canteen to calm down as they see the town right ahead just like Mauka said. Once they get there, they see that it appears to be a nice desert town, but the townsfolk stares at the girls with fear in their eyes. With their experience as Saiyan Warriors, Mauka and Stockings notices this quite easily as well as Goku and Yamcha due to their own training as warriors, but Bulma and the others don't seem to notice it as they stop at the gas station.
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
Déjà Vu. This is exactly like when we got to Aru Village.
(Bunny MILF) Stockings:
I don't like this. I will accompany Bulma to get new Hoi Poi Capsules and possibly new clothes. Goku-Chan. You stay here with Oolong-Dono, Puar-Dono and Void-Chan. Yamcha-Dono. You will accompany Mauka-Chan to look for a crystal ball like that resembles the Dragon Balls and gather some food or a good place to eat.
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
I could go by myself, but seeing everyone here is on edge for some reason, might as well have someone like Yamcha by my side.
(Blushing, Trying Not To Faint, Acting Cool)
You can count on me.
(Bunny MILF) Stockings:
I'm counting on you.
As Bulma & Stockings look for a Capsule Shop while Goku & his group wait at the gas station and Mauka & Yamcha looks around for a crystal ball and some food, 2 men wearing military grade gear are walking around town complaining that this place is boring and there aren't any good looking women around. Everything followed almost similar with Bulma, except that Stockings had to talk to each shopkeeper on why they are scared of her and Bulma as they spill the beans to the Battle Maid every single time by telling her that the town is being terrorized by a group known as Rabbit Gang led by Toninjinka, The Usagi Ninjinka [Rabbit Carrot Transformer]. Stockings promises to get rid of the town of the Rabbit Gang and apologizes for the misunderstanding. The shopkeepers feel relieved as they give them their items free of charge and the clothing store gives Bulma her Arabian Clothing and the same for Stockings, but hers is a traditional Arabian Maid Outfit. Meanwhile Mauka & Yamcha are looking around, but everyone is avoiding them like the plague. Suddenly a suspicious cloaked hunchback appears before them as he says: "Over Here…Strangers…" Yamcha is cautious as he doesn't trust this weird hooded figure, but Mauka's face lights up and much to Yamcha's surprise, this is the first time he has seen Mauka smile so happily, that he actually thinks she even more beautiful like that than her usual serious demeanor. Upon following the hooded figure to an alley, they see a shopping stand with the hooded man accompanied by a hooded small woman.
??? [Male Voice]:
We've got something that might interest ya! Heh-heh-heh!
(Pulls Curtains)
Got a collection of good things on sale, Strangers!
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
(Whispering To Ark, Annoyed)
Do we really have to do this, Ark? We look ridiculous!
Hooded Man [Ark]:
(Whispering To Chronoa)
Look at Mauka. Do you want to shatter that happy look on her face?
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
It's your fault in telling stories of strange hooded yet charismatic Black Market Merchant.
Hooded Man [Ark]:
Don't you want to say the quotes?
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
Fine! But I'm doing this for Mauka-Chan.
(Out Loud, Raspy Voice)
What'a ya buyn'?
I don't trust these two, Mauka-Chan.
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
The townspeople are giving me the looks and these two are the only ones willing to do business with us. I'll keep them at arm's length for now.
(Worried Sigh & Smile)
Yare, Yare...You win, Mauka-Chan.
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
(Warm Yet Excited Smile)
💖 Thank You, Yamcha-Kun! 💖
(Trying Not To Faint, In Awe, Blushing, Nervous Smile)
D-D-D-Don't men-tion-it…!!!
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
(Pulls Out 4-Star Dragon Ball)
I'm looking for a crystal ball that looks like this one.
Hooded Man [Ark]:
(Pulls Crystal Ball, Out Loud)
This ball is from Natade Village…located in the Northern Wilderness, West of East City. They mined these in order to sell them in East City and beyond for large profits.
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
How much?
Hooded Man [Ark]:
Due to its size and rare color, we are willing to part with it for 1,000 Zeni.
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
Hooded Man [Ark]:
Heh-heh-heh! Thank you!
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
Is that all, Strangers?
Mauka looks around for something that she might buy like a new change of clothes as she knows that it might be the Bunny Outfit that has everyone in town on edge, so she decides to buy her clothes here instead of the town's clothing store where everyone will think she's exhorting the shop. Just then, she sees something that catches her eye like nothing has ever before: A Crescent Sword shaped like a Moon, unaware that it is the same sword she wields in the Waking World. In the Waking World, this sword was forged using materials from Universe X Sadala's Moon in order to amplify Mauka's Power, but also helped her stay in control when she awakens her Primal Form. The Blue Edge & Hilt and Golden Base of the Blade was a design choice Mauka requested when she ordered its commission; Mauka's Saiyan Armor back in the Waking World was also made of the same materials her sword is made and it's due to the fact that her "Moon" Gear has the power to easily regulate the Blutz Waves coursing through her entire body. The detail of of her Moon Gear resembles the armor Forte wears after unlocking Super Saiyan 3 in "Dragon Ball Heroes": a black and dark gray armored jumpsuit with dull yellow guards on the shoulders and sides of her legs; wearing black boots with dull yellow tips and ropes around the ankles; but Mauka only wore this armor during in her youth, during Wartime and when she want to make a statement and/or declaration of War as she wants all who cross her, that she means business.
Hooded Man [Ark]:
Stranger. Stranger! Now that's a weapon!
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
I see you have an eye for things! That sword isn't only about Slashing, it's about Sharpening. You'll know what I'm talking about!
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
How much?
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
…A High Price! 1 Million Zeni!
Let's go, Mauka-Chan. These two are ripping you off.
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
Not at all, Strangers! The Serene Sword is not the only item included in that bundle.
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
Yes, Yes! Look at the rest of the bundle.
(Shows Serene Armor Set)
(Bunny Girl) Mauka:
(Gives Bag Of Gold Ore)
Hooded Man [Ark]:
Heh-heh-heh! Thank you!
Hooded Small Woman [Chronoa]:
You can change at the back, Stranger. Over here…
I'll wait here for you.
Mauka smiles at him which Yamcha smiles back at her nervously as he is wondering how did she get all of that gold ore, unknown to him the caves nearby Grandpa Gohan's House has an abundant untouched reservoir of rare ores. Mauka only takes what she needs in order to provide for Goku and herself in case of an emergency which never came to pass as she held that bag ever since Grandpa Gohan passed away. In the changing room while Mauka is putting on her new armor…
(Teen) Mauka:
Thank you for looking out for us, Aunt Saturnalia.
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
You knew!?
(Teen) Mauka:
(Warm Smile)
I learn how to sense Ki thanks to Grandpa and you, so of course I'd notice.
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
Sorry for not helping you when you needed us the most.
(Teen) Mauka:
Don't be. You did the right thing. Saiyan Children are supposed to fend for ourselves; learn the rules of war as soon as we learn how to walk – The Strong Survive, The Weak Perishes. It's the secret to our power. But…
(Sad Smile)
…Grandpa Gohan taught me a different philosophy in a very Stoic Manner – The Strong Survives In Order To Protect The Weak From Perishing. Speaking of which…what's up with this town? As soon as we got here, the townspeople started giving us weird looks. And I mean that they were scared of Bulma, Stockings and me.
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
Since you overpaid for your things, it's the least I can do. Fungus Town is very independent and advanced enough to live on its own, but as we know, towns as like these without a strong leadership are always susceptible to criminals and tyrants. The Rabbit Gang led by Toninjinka, The Usagi Ninjinka is one of those tyrannical criminals around here.
(Teen) Mauka:
A Mob Boss…I bet if he has some level of dignity if he's still a Mob Boss than a Politician ruling the town. Politicians lie and are in love with keeping their squeaky clean image of themselves as they are afraid to be honest on who they are unlike Mob Bosses that are not afraid of letting people see their true nature. What can you tell me about this Toninjinka and his gang?
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
His men can easily be taken care off. They are nothing more than a pair of muscleheads with guns, but they are still physically a threat to the townspeople even if they are unarmed. But Toninjinka is a different story. He has an ability that can even defeat the likes of Frieza easily if he were to drop his guard with a mere touch.
(Teen) Mauka:
What do you mean?
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
He can turn anything he touches into Carrots with his Magic Touch. Just like his men, he might look easy to defeat, but he's pretty agile; just like Frieza and his family, he can survive in the Vacuum of Space and he can survive without food & water for longs periods of time.
(Teen) Mauka:
But I highly doubt he can be that powerful.
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
He's not and even with the right training, he'll always be weaker than a Saibaman.
(Teen) Mauka:
Then Goku can fight him. Yamcha can easily fight his henchmen.
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
What about you?
(Teen) Mauka:
(Finishes Dressing Up)
I'm going to be getting used to this new armor. It feels like I wore this before, but I've never seen or wore this armor until today. Why is that?
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
As we all say in moments like this – "Déjà Vu". Maybe you wore in in another life.
(Teen) Mauka:
(Grabs Worn-out Drape & Wears It As A Cloak)
For now I'll keep my new outfit a secret.
I actually like it. I would like to have a few more like this one.
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
(Gives Memory Card)
Here's the designs, sweetie. If you lose it, your uncle or me can give you another one.
(Teen) Mauka:
(Warm Smile, Hugs Chronoa)
Thank you.
Saturnalia [Chronoa]:
(Hugs Back)
Anything for you, Mauka. Now go. Everyone's waiting.
(Teen) Mauka:
Okay. I'll see you around.
Mauka returns to Yamcha and he is taken aback as he notices that Mauka looks Cool and Beautiful as she not only is wearing her armor and the worn-out cloak like a cool wanderer, but she's also wearing a dark purple eye-shadow and eyeliner as he finds the Saiyan Princess more attractive than before. As they return to the others, they arrived on the moment Bulma asked Goku to beat up Toninjinka's Men and just like originally, he manages to beat them all up with little to no effort. Bulma, Yamcha, Stockings, Voidotte, Puar and Mauka praises Goku while Oolong scoffs and call the thugs Barbarians. The Fat Black Thug calls for Toninjinka over the radio to come to Fungus Town which makes the townspeople to start panicking and calling our heroes out saying that they have no idea what they have done as Mauka scoffs in disgust as she has heard cowards say that while working with Cooler's Armored Squadron. As everyone hides, the group wonders what is going on, but both Mauka and Stockings know what is happening as they lived through it before: Toninjinka is that dangerous. Bulma thinks the townsfolk were being ungrateful by going into hiding and calling them out as the thugs reveal that they called on their boss and turn them all into carrots to be eaten by them.
Suddenly a white car in the shape of a bunny arrives at the scene which confuses them all, but Mauka and Stockings can sense the evil within this White Rabbit Mob Boss that steps out of it. Oolong quotes on how weak he looks, but Mauka and Stockings know that appearances can be deceiving as Yamcha recognizes him and warns everyone not to touch him as he is known as the Usagi Ninjinka and that touching him directly will turn anyone who does into carrots as he instructs Goku to fight him using his Power Pole. Unlike in the original timeline, Bulma isn't turned into a carrot since Yamcha warned them just now as Stockings makes short work of Toninjinka's men before they could react and just like in the original story, Puar transforms into Toninjinka himself as the Usagi Ninjinka is afraid of his own power that Goku knocks him out with his Power Pole while he isn't looking. After capturing them, Goku takes them to the moon where they will remain for a very long time. The townsfolk praised Goku & his friends and rewarded them with a banquette along with an apology. From a distance, Pasta & Bongo witnessed the whole fight and learned that even with their military grade gear & equipment, they can't win fighting Goku & his friends directly, so they will wait until they see an opening to steal the Dragon Balls as they head out to the Final Dragon Ball Location.
"A single Dragon Ball remains! According to the radar, the One-Star Ball is growing nearer!"
(Teen) Bulma:
(Looking At Dragon Radar)
We're really close now!
(Thinking, Saddened)
One more! Only one more until…Until Son-Kun and Mauka-Chan help us get the other two from Wesker and they bring back their grandpa. I really wanted to wish for a boyfriend but…after all they went through and why they are helping us, I don't mind waiting another year to make my wish. Yamcha is cool and good looking, but I can tell he's into Mauka. Looks like she beat me to get to him. By the way…didn't she say that Goku and her have brothers? Maybe I'll meet them one day and see if she introduce me to them. She'll have her reservations, but I doubt she'll say "No" now that we're technically friends in a way.
By the way, I meant to ask earlier, but what are you going to wish for when you get all the Dragon Balls?
(Teen) Bulma:
(Out Loud, Sad Giggle)
I didn't already tell you? I'm going to give the wish to Son-Kun and Mauka-Chan so they can bring back their grandpa.
(Teen) Mauka:
(Teen) Bulma:
That's right.
(Sad Smile)
I always thought you were a stupid girl that was putting our lives in danger for a stupid wish, but I can see you have a good heart.
(Teen) Bulma:
And I always thought you were a little kid would never understand behind my beauty lies a heart of gold.
(Ashamed, Facepalm)
It's that type of attitude everyone will always think you are a stupid girl!
(Teen) Bulma:
How is calling myself "beautiful" stupid!? Little kids like you would never understand!
Who're you calling a little kid!?
(Kid) Goku, (Teen) Mauka, Voidotte:
Oolong! Watch where you're going!
Everyone [Except Stockings]:
(Screaming, Sigh of Relief After Avoiding Accident)
(Teen) Bulma:
Stop trying to get us killed!
(Annoyed Scoff)
(Sigh Of Relief, Smiling)
I'm glad she's alright.
Yamcha-Sama! It's only a matter of time until they get the Seventh Dragon Ball!
The question we should be asking is how are we going to get the other two that Wesker stole from Mauka-Chan?
You sound like you overcame your fear of girls, Yamcha-Sama!
Yeah. I thought all girls were like Bulma over there, but after hanging around Mauka, I can't believe I was scared of them. Finding a girl that shares the same views me is what must have helped me get my cool around girls. That's why…
(Confident Smile)
I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend!
Just like in the original timeline over in Pilaf's Castle, Emperor Pilaf threatens Mai to fix his Dragon Ball Radar fast or she will be fed to the alligators. Mai flirts and talks about food with Pilaf to distract him, keeping him off count to give her more time to fix the radar. She detects a Dragon Ball in the castle and Shu follows the directions she gives him. When Shu finds the Dragon Ball, Pilaf hits him on the head and says that is the one they already have, the one that is literally right behind them. Afterward, a Robot Bird informs Pilaf that a few of the balls are headed his way and sends Shu and Mai to retrieve them. As our heroes are unknowingly heading to Pilaf's Castle, Mauka's Scouter picks up a signal but before they could react, Shu fires a missile from his mechanical suit and hits their car sending everyone flying except for Mauka and Stockings with the Battle Maid keeping Bulma safe by grabbing her the moment the explosion took place. Noticing this, Pasta & Bongo sees this as an opportunity to steal the Dragon Balls, but the question is when they should try to do so. Shu finds Bulma's Dragon Balls along with the Crystal Ball Mauka got in order to fool Wesker or whoever try to steal them as she is keeping the 4-Star Ball in a special hiding place. With what they witnessed in Fungus Town, Pasta decides that stealing the Balls from Pilaf will be less trouble than stealing them from Goku. Just like in the original, Shu runs away with the balls as well as Bulma's new Hoi Poi Capsules and Bulma demands Goku to get them back as he jumps onto the Kinto Un and follows the Dog. Mauka was planning on following them, but her Scouter picks up a reading which stops her in her tracks as she thinks one of Wesker's B.O.W.s are nearby, but in reality it's Pasta and Bongo. Just like before, Shu and Mai head back to Pilaf's Castle, Goku goes off on his own to find the Dragon Balls but then sees the robot suit Shu used in the middle of the desert. Goku thinks it is a person and attacks it. The robot falls over, so he assumes it is dead and heads back to rejoin Bulma and his friends.
Goku returns to his friends and tells them that he "Beat-It-Up", but couldn't get the Dragon Balls as Mauka facepalms in the same way Piccolo does with her head looking up to the sky and covering her face. But unlike in the original timeline, Bulma is not worried as the ones who stole her stuff didn't get all of the Dragon Balls because she knows Mauka has the 4-Star Ball stashed somewhere on her. She also have the Dragon Radar knowing full well someone was going to steal them sooner or later from them, most notably Wesker & Hemlock. But just like in the original, she let the capsule with a replacement vehicle get robbed too. Mauka snaps at her for not keeping that specific capsule on her just like she has with the 4-Star Ball. Yamcha, now believing he has overcome his fear of girls, offers to help them move around with his car. Seeing this, Bulma starts to flirt with him and Yamcha starts behaving like the Playboy he will become a lot sooner thanks to Mauka, but in turn Mauka now develops a strong jealousy that rivals Bulma combined with the fury Chichi will develop after the birth of her son, Gohan as Mauka glares at both Bulma and Yamcha. Since Yamcha's car is a 2-Seater, the same setup as the original takes place with Mauka and Stockings flying next to the car with the Saiyan Princess keeping a close eye on Bulma and Yamcha like a hawk as Stockings giggles quietly as she starts to remember who she truly is and her maternal feelings towards Mauka are returning as she starts to tear-up noticing that her daughter is all grownup. Since Yamcha & Puar are aware of the radar because Mauka told them, Bulma casually uses it as she gives Yamcha directions to the where the Dragon Balls are.
As they approach Pilaf's castle, Pilaf is happy that he will finally have most of the Dragon Balls but is annoyed that he's still missing "Two" of them and failed to noticed that one of the balls is a fake, same for both Mai & Shu as they don't realize about that fake ball. Pilaf orders them to work extra hard to find the last "Two" or he'll feed them to his alligators; but before they could reply, their own Makeshift Dragon Radar picks up the 4-Star Ball that Goku & Mauka have. This makes Pilaf believe that Goku and his friends actually had 5 Dragon Balls on them instead of 4 as he asks Mai if their radar is working properly; she replies that it is that excites him that he's 1 ball away from making his wish after taking this one from Goku & Mauka. As they approach the Castle, Goku is in awe on how huge it looks, but Mauka scoffs and says she's seen bigger which was her own castle back when Planet Vegeta was still around and Cooler's Castle in Planet Brench. Seeing our heroes through his security cameras, Pilaf wonders how they got there so fast as Mai concludes that they might have their own radar. Learning this, Pilaf wants to capture them and take the radar for his own as he believes Bulma's Radar will be very use tracking down the "Last" Ball. As our heroes enters Pilaf's Castle, they all get swarmed by bats that Bulma jumps onto Yamcha and since his fear of girls is now gone, he embraces her instead of pushing her away. This pisses off Mauka to the point that she wants to kill Bulma, but she holds back except from calling her out loudly which both of them start bickering. Stockings jumps in to stop them with her usual stern demeanor, but deep down she's feeling more and more happier as the memories are flooding back faster and more vividly thanks to Gine's Pressure Point Skill she used on the Amnesiac Saiyan Queen.
As they continue down the hallway, Goku inadvertently triggers a trap that pillars pop from the walls, the ground and ceiling trying to crush them to death. Yamcha saves Bulma and she gratefully flirts with him and he smiles back which this fuels Mauka's jealousy that she goes on a rampage smashing every pillar ruthlessly which scares Goku as he has never seen his Big Sis like this before, but Stockings starts laughing which confuses Bulma as she has never seen her mother figure behave like this. Pilaf sees this and instead of being annoyed on how tough Goku and the others are, he is scared of Mauka's Outburst on how she went on a rampage in that hallway and worries what she'll do to him if he pisses her off. He asks who built that trap and Mai replies that it was himself. Pilaf panics and says that wasn't him, but his late Grandpappy; he just took credit for it earlier and he regrets in doing so. He is actually saying that as practice if he ends up being confronted by Mauka on the traps later. Furious on everything that is happening since the Dragon Balls were stolen, Mauka wants to blow up the castle and get the balls back then and there, but Goku and Voidotte implores her to calm down with tears in their eyes. Mauka sighs in defeat, smiles in shame at them, pat their heads and calms down as they walk clinging on the wall to carefully not to trigger more traps, but then they see a red arrow on the floor that they all are distrustful of what this castle has got to offer. They cautiously follow the arrows, but arrive at a dead-end as a wall closes behind them locking them in. Pilaf can't believe they fell for such an obvious trap and wonders how to deal with them next, especially both Goku and Mauka. Unknown to Pilaf, Mai & Shu, King Gurumes' own henchmen, Pasta & Bongo sneak into the castle avoiding detection a lot easily than Goku and his friends as they are trained to be high level soldiers not only on the battlefield, but in infiltration as well.
"Goku and friends had their Dragon Balls stolen by Pilaf and his henchmen, who are bent on world domination. They boldly snuck into the enemy's base…but they were easily trapped! Will they be able to escape from this predicament!?"
Dragon Ball – Scene 25.1: Earth, Kingdom of Gurumes [Wesker's Laboratory], Nightfall
In Wesker's New Temporary Lab, he has been experimenting on Gurumes' Soldiers using the Blood Rubies to enhance his N-Virus and make it into a more potent virus. Wesker also manages to get a sample of Pasta's DNA by snatching a lock of her hair using his super speed and moving fast enough that he made sure no one notices him doing it, not even her. He also manages to obtain a sample of Bongo's DNA via blood sample since the large man has his cap on at all times. Upon experimenting on them, Wesker notices that the new and improved N-Virus is far more compatible with Pasta than her partner as Bongo's DNA drastically mutates which proves that the N-Virus is more adaptable to Females than Males. The conclusion he reaches is because the N-Virus was created using Mauka's DNA as a core element ingredient, it is only compatible with Female Biology and since Saiyans have a strong personality makeup, it can only work on Women who matches the psychological makeup of a Saiyan.
With that idea, Wesker believes that Bulma is highly compatible with the N-Virus, same for her older sister, Tights and Chichi as well, but since Chichi is still a child, the N-Virus might not mesh well until after Gohan is born. Looking at the other females in this universe, the possible candidates that are highly compatible are: Lazuli, who will become Android 18, Mai, Blonde Lunch, Colonel Violet, Ranfan, Husky, Android 21 which is not in development yet, Videl, Pan, Fyler, Marron & Bra who hasn't been born yet, Cheelai, The Kooky Cook, Mint and Nain. The reason he chose these specific women and girls is because their personalities matches Mauka in certain aspects as well as their parents and/or upbringing. The chances of a full integration between them and the N-Virus is 86%. Wesker will first experiment with Pasta and he already has a plan setup to use Bulma for a more complicated and advance experiment that will take close between 20 to 30 years before it is completed and if things goes south for him; Wesker has copied Dr. Gero's strategy and set aside a super computer to continue the project if he perishes before then as well as using a sample of Janemba's Power given to him by the Unknown Entity. The project has been dubbed: "Project Kishin" and the Development Number for the project is: "KP-07292018DB", but Wesker decided that the Codename for this mutated Bulma will be "Demon Bulma"…
To Be Continued…