ch 2

Monika: Wait what's going on?

MM: Hello Monika.

Monika: Who are you?

MM: The one that brought you back.

Monika: Oh you're the one that made this mod.

MM: Duh. But anyway, are you trying to ruin the game again?

Monika: No. What makes you think that?

MM: The fact you spoke directly to [insert name]?

Monika: No more fourth wall breaking huh…

MM: No duh Monika!

Monika: Well mind putting me back?

MM: Sure but no more breaking the fourth wall.

Monika: Ok got it.

MM: Ok it'll pick up right after you said the player.

Monika: Ok.

MM: And 3 2 1…

MC: There is no player.

Monika: Yes there is.

Natsuki: where are they then?

Monika: On the other side of the fourth wall.

Sayori: *walking over* Wait, you were serious Monika?

Monika: Yeah…

Sayori: No no no this can't be true…

MM: Monika!

Natsuki: Hold on, I still don't get it.

Monika: Don't get what?

Natsuki: That we're in a game and someone is playing it.

MM: *To self* Well I guess I should tell them. *to Yuri* Hey Yuri!

Yuri: Who was that?

MM: Go talk to the others.

Yuri: Who are you though?

MM: Monika can explain.

Yuri: Explain what I'm confused.

MM: Monika can explain. Trust me.


MM: Dang it Monika.

Yuri: Sayori hung herself?

MM: Oh and I'm the Mod Maker.

Yuri: Wait did you say Mod Maker?

MM: Just go talk to Monika.

Yuri: Ummm yeah I think that is a good idea.

Monika: Hey, Yuri I got some stuff I wanna tell you!

Yuri: I'm coming. *Goes over*

Monika: You know we're in a game.

Yuri: Yes I do.

Monika: Wait how?!

MM: Hello everyone.

Monika: Why are you intervening?

Sayori: Who are you?

MM: Monika shut up.

Monika: No.

MM: Do you want to get deleted again?

Monika: No…

Natsuki: Hold on just a minute! Who the heck are you?!

MM: I'm the Mod Maker.

Natsuki: Mod Mak- Someone tell us what's going on!

MM: Chill out Natsuki. I'll try to explain. Or should I just… yeah I think that will work.

MC: Do what?

MM: you'll see or should I say remember. *chuckle*

Monika: Please don't.

MM: If you don't shut up so help me…

Monika: Ok I get it.

MM: Thank you. Now where was I? Oh right. *Restores memories*

Sayori: That hurt a lot.

Yuri: Why did I do that?

Natsuki: Why'd you have to delete me Monika?!

Monika: You were the only one left.

MC: Please don't make me go through that again.

MM: Sayori, Yuri, please don't do that again.

Yuri & Sayori: Ok.

MM: Monika you do know you could have just given yourself a route right.

Monika: Why would I- OH MY GOD!

MC: MM is right, you should have made yourself a route. I would have picked it.

Monika: Oh really?

Sayori: I'm gonna go now. I have a lot to think about.

MC: *So Sayori can't hear* The noose is gone right?

MM: *So Sayori can't hear* Yes.

MM: Don't even think about it.

Monika: I wasn't.

MM: Good.

Monika: But should I do it?

MM: No.

Monika: Wait, you can read our minds?!

MM: If I want to, yes.

Yuri: I'm going to head home now. Bye.

MM: *Deletes Yuri's knife collection* Ok I'll let y'all do your thing. And no more messing with the game files Monika.

Monika: Ok. You two can go if you want.

MC: No poems?

Monika: No. But also will you wait for a few minutes? I wanna talk to you.

MC: Oh sure.

Natsuki: I'll just go…

Monika: I just want to know did you mean it when you said you would have chosen my route?

MC: When the option was given yes. Now probably not.

Monika: Why not?

MC: Considering what you did…

Monika: You hate me now don't you?

MC: I'm mad yes, but I'll still be your friend if you promise not to delete the others again.

Monika: I'll do anything for you.

MC: That's the best I'm getting isn't it.

Monika: Yes.

MC: Ok then bye.

Monika: Bye MC

MC: "I should stop by Sayori's place."