MM: And don't ship me with any one, it's weird.
Monika: Yes please stop.
Natsuki: Ok I'll stop.
Sayori: Wait, you can mute us MM?
MM: I can do whatever I want.
Monika: Will I get my powers back?
MM: I don't know yet
Natsuki: Can I get the powers Monika had?
MM: I'm not gonna give them to you Natsuki
Yuri: Does anyone get them?
MM: I don't know if giving you guys AP will break the game
MM: So no
MC: That's a good point
Monika: What about me?
MM: I don't trust you with AP Monika
Monika: Why not?
MM: Are you really asking me that?
Monika: Ok you have a point
Sayori: Guys it's dark outside. Can we go?
Monika: Oh it is. Yeah you can go if you want.
Monika: I have one more question for MM
MM: Ok what is it?
Monika: Can I at least have the ability to go to the space classroom?
MM: Mmm… sure but I'll know if you do.
Monika: Ok
MM: *Gives her that power* Ok there you go
Monika: Thanks
N: Monika looks around and sees that everyone left
Monika: Well now's a good time to try
Monika: *Goes to the space classroom* Ok so it worked
Monika: I wonder… *summons a pen* Oh! It worked.
Monika: MM you there?
MM: Yes but I won't answer
Monika: Ok I guess not.
Monika: So does that mean? *removes Soyori's cow*
Sayori's house
Sayori: Wait where did my cow go?
Sayori: MM you there?
MM: Yes and don't worry about it.
Sayori: Why? Was it you?
MM: No but don't worry about it. Trust me
Sayori: Mmm ok…
Back with Monika
Monika: I wonder if it worked…
The next day in the club room
Sayori: So my cow vanished yesterday
Natsuki: Did you ask MM about it?
Sayori: Yeah but she told me not to worry about it…
Monika: It worked
Yuri: MM what happened?
MM: …
MC: MM you there?
MM: …
MC: I guess not
Sayori: So where's my cow?
MM: *Put's cow back*
Yuri: Maybe the game bugged out…
Natsuki: Yeah that's probably it. See if it's there when you get home
Sayori: ok
N: Monika goes to the space classroom
MC: Monika, why didn't you give us your input?
MC: Monika?
Natsuki: Where did Monika go?
MM: She's fine don't worry
Sayori: Have you been here the whole time?
MM: Yes
Yuri: So where did Monika go?
MM: The space classroom
Sayori: Can she go there freely?
MM: Yes why
Sayori: She seemed more powerful there
MC: Do you think she gets her powers back when she's there
MM: oh no
MC: Welp send me in
MM: Ok *Sends in*
Monika's POV
Monika: I don't think they noticed
MC: *appears* Monika, where are you?
Monika: What do you want MC?
MC: For you to stop messing with the game
Monika: How can I if I don't have AP
MM: Then why did you remove Sayori's cow
Monika: Stop me if you can *resorts her powers*
MM: How if you don't have AP outside of here
MC: You should give me AP temporarily just in case
MM: *To MC* Good idea. *gives AP to MC*
MC: I won't use it unless you tell me to
MM: *to MC* ok
MC: Monika, how are you gonna stop us if you don't have AP?
Monika: I'll just take MM's AP
MC: Wait, you can do that?
Monika: I can try *Tries to MM's AP*
Console: Invalid command
Monika: Wait what? I can't do that?
MM: Well looks like you can't stop me
Monika: Why can't I take your powers?
MM: Probably because I'm the Mod Maker
MC: That makes sense
MM: Yeah so I'll be taking your AP now
Monika: Oh come on!
MM: Yes *Removes her AP*
MC: Can we leave now?
MM: Yeah *Takes them back*
At the same time
Sayori: I hope they're ok
N: Monika & MC appear at that moment
Natsuki: Why'd you take so long?
MM: Well for one Monika gets her powers back in the space classroom
MM: Can't say exactly why tho
Yuri: So what all happened?
MM: I'll explain
One explanation later
Natsuki: Monika you're insane still
Monika: Wait, why do you have AP MC?
MM: Incase you removed mine
Monika: Why
MM: So he could restore them
MC: I don't think you removed them tho
MM: Try to make a pen appear to test
MC: Ok *Summons pen*
MM: I should probably remove that now*Tries to remove MC's AP*
Console: Invaild command
MM: *Mumbles* What? *Tries again*
Console: Invaild command
MM: Ok small problem
Natsuki: What is it?
MM: It's not working
Yuri: This isn't bad is it?
MM: I do have one other idea tho
Sayori: What is it?
MM: I'm gonna rest the mod. Is everyone ok with that?
All: Yes, yeah, sure, ect.
MM: Ok *rests game*
Monika: What would you do if this world was just some game?
MM: *To self* Ok time to restore their memories *restores memories*
N: Natsuki then proceeds to run up from the closet and punch Monika
Monika: Ow! Natsuki what are you doing!?
Monika: And how did you break the script?
MM: *To self* And now I remove Monika's powers *does so*
Monika: MM what did you do?
MM: Rest the mod. Why?
Monika: You know what just forget it
MM: Forget what?
Monika: Does it matter?
MM: So you gonna chill out Monika?
Monika: Ok I will
MM: Your not getting your powers back by the way
Monika: Oh come on!