Chapter 4: Here We Go

4: Here We Go


I nearly spit out my water as I take a sip. “Local WHAT?”

“Medium. Well, Wiccan, but I also communicate with the,” she drops her voice low and comes closer to me, whispering, “other side,” and sits back up, laughing.

I stare at her in disbelief. “Wiccan? You’re a witch?”

My mom has never spoken much of other Supernaturals, but witches have had their time in many of our discussions. Witches have had close relations with many wolf packs, bartering and trading goods as needed.

But there weren’t many around, and I definitely did not expect to find one here. But, like wolves, witches rarely venture into human towns. I highly doubt this Jenna is a true witch.

“That’s right,” she remarks and bites into her sandwich.

“And why are you telling me this?” I ask.

“Because I know why you keep staring at him. You can’t help it.”

A stone sinks to the bottom of my stomach.

“You’re bonding with him, aren’t you?” Her hazel eyes gauge me as I swallow a response.

“How did you know that?” my voice wavers.

“I told you. I’m a Wiccan.”

Suddenly her claims don’t sound so doubtful.

“Then how do you expect me to just avoid him?” I try to test how much she knows.

“You can’t, which is the cruel irony of the world, I suppose. But you’ve got me now, so I’ll be there to stop you from doing anything stupid.”

Wait. Hold up. What?

“What do you mean?” I sound skeptical.

“I’ve decided to adopt you,” she remarks with a flashing smile.

“Pfft. Adopt me?”

“Yes, I’ve always wanted a puppy.”

Okay. That’s enough. I stand abruptly, fuming. “Look, I don’t know who you are or what you want, but stay out of my business,” I growl at her and march out of the cafeteria.


The final bell signals the end of the day, and students stream out into the hall and outside with the enthusiasm of kids on the brink of summer freedom. I pull my bag up onto my back, nervously fiddling with the hanging drawstrings.

I hear my name being called from behind, and before I can turn around and inspect who it is, Jenna runs up to me and claps me on the back.

“There you are! I was looking everywhere for you!” she exclaims, her breathing heavy from running.

“I told you to leave me alone,” I warn her, my eyes drifting to Logan, who is perched on the hood of his blue truck.

He is laughing along with one of his friends, his blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight. Miss Priss twirls her blond hair and smacks a thick wad of bubblegum.

She sees me watching and glares at me, those rueful eyes sending every form of threat. ‘He’s mine. Stay away.’

“And I told you I’m adopting you,” she says, briskly walking to keep up with my long strides.

“You can’t ‘adopt’ me. I’m a person, not a dog,” I say.

She shrugs, her bag slipping from her shoulder. She hoists it back up and says, “Meh, close enough.”

I stop and spin to face her. “Who are you?” I ask, my eyes burning.

“I told you. My name is Jenna. I’m a witch,” her voice is low, so others can’t hear. “And I know that you’re a shifter.”

My blood turns to ice. “How do you know that?” I whisper.

“I can sense it. It’s one of my gifts. I also know that you’re bonding with Logan, and, by your expression, anytime you see him, you weren't expecting it and aren’t very happy about it. Am I right?”

I say nothing but glare at her bitterly.

She smiles. “I am right. But, as I said before, he’s with a freaking cheerleader who would gladly see you strung up. I would be very careful if I was you.”

I look back to Logan and his ‘girlfriend.’ I almost laugh when I see her try and jump up onto the hood next to him, but she falls to the ground with a thud.

Logan doesn’t even glance her way. Instead, he looks up and right at me. And, of course, my heart goes thudding away like its part of a marching band.

“I know,” Jenna says as her eyes follow my train of sight. “Easier said than done. Not to worry. I can help.”

“How exactly can you ‘help?’” I ask.

“Can’t spoil all my secrets, now can I?” she explains, hands on hips.

“I don’t even know who you are. How do I know I can trust you? How do I know someone didn’t just hire you to spy on me?”

I think of my father. Is he really that desperate that he would hire a witch to spy on me?

She begins laughing, almost a chortle. “Hilarious,” she says, tears in her eyes. “You can trust me. It’s that or deal with him until the end of the school year.” She points a thumb at Logan, who watches me intently with those blue eyes.

What could it hurt? Maybe she could be useful. Besides, my mom is always saying I need to make new friends. Surely this would satisfy her?

“Alright,” I say to her. “What do you have in mind?”

“Well, that depends. When is your birthday?”

My shoulders slump. “Next week.”

Her eyes grow wide. “Wow. So soon? That’s crazy. Poor timing to move to a new town,” she remarks.

“Didn’t have much choice,” I respond.

“Well, that certainly makes things interesting, but I can handle it. First change, right?” I nod.

“Good. I got my work cut out for me.” She grabs my hand.

“To my abode,” she says, directing me away from the school and away from Logan, whose eyes bore into my back.

I suppose it’s normal to have a random stranger force her to go to her house when you just arrive at a new school. Although, what the hell is normal anyway?

Good luck to me, then.