Chapter 17: Stranger

17: Stranger


The sun rises over the horizon, marking the start of the weekend and the beginning of something else entirely. I sit in my bed, staring at the crumpled sheets that mark my restless night. I roll my head around, feeling the muscles release their tension.

My joints ache and pop as I roll out of bed. I swear, I’m eighteen, but some days, I feel like I’m forty. The air has a slight chill to it, cold and dry. I sigh, just another Saturday. Though, I know it’s not.

It doesn’t take me long to shower, change, and brush my teeth. I spray on some cologne and let the mist settle on my skin. I don’t even know why I put it on. It’s not like I’m going anywhere special.

“Tomorrow. Be there tomorrow, and then decide which path you want to follow.”

The words echo in my mind, and I stumble to the doorway of my room. I feel a vibration at the back of my skull that sends shock waves through me. The feeling is so powerful and overwhelming to me that I think I may vomit.