Chapter 21: The Shift

21: The Shift


We sit at a small rise in the middle of a clearing in the woods. Trees stand around us, their tall trunks, branches, and leaves casting shadows in the moonlit night.

Bugs flutter around us, buzzing as they move about their small lives, unaware of the world around them.

It must be nice, to be innocent and free of the burdens of life. How much I envy that.

Logan sits beside me, his knees drawn up to his chest and his hands clasped around them. He breathes deeply, the wind lightly touching his hair.

His hair shimmers silver in the moonlight. He looks so unreal, I think while I watch him, waiting for him to speak.

It’s almost time. I can feel the transition blooming within me like a flower about to sprout from the ground. Logan knows it too. He can sense it, even without the Bonding.