Chapter 27: Yellow Eyes

27: Yellow Eyes


The backseat of the cop car is far from spacious. Funny, I’ve never been in a cop car before, but I always thought they’d be a bit roomier.

Yellow Eyes glares at me from the rearview mirror. He had taken off his sunglasses, and his yellow orbs are now bright and aware.

His partner, whom I’ve labeled Donuts for no reason other than being fat and in a cop uniform, sits in the passenger seat and talks on a cell phone.

“Yes, sir. We’ve got ‘im. Bringin’ ‘im in now. Should be there in about an hour.”

There is a muffled voice on the other end, and Donuts says, “Yessir, will do.” He hangs up the phone and turns around to look at me. His eyes are also yellow but much dimmer than his friend's.

“You gotta piss?” he asks. How thoughtful.

I’m just about to respond when Yellow Eyes slaps Donuts and says, “You crazy? We ain’t letting him take a piss! He might try an’ run off!”