Chapter 29: Nicolas

29: Nicolas


I know what you’re thinking. ‘Idiot! You should have kept your mouth shut! What were you thinking provoking a man of that size with your hands tied behind your back?’

Well, I’ll tell you what I was thinking.

I’m lying face down in the dirt, hands grabbing the back of my hair and lifting me partway off the ground. A knife is held against my throat, digging into the skin just enough for blood to dribble down my chest.

“Are we gonna keep doing this, or can you just shut up for once? Maybe this time, I’ll just cut out your tongue and be done with it,” Yellow Eyes hisses in my ear.

The early morning sun just barely peaks out over the horizon. We had been driving through the night and had stopped only rarely, mostly so that Yellow Eyes could have another go at me. Dude really has some issues to vent.