Chapter 37: Wolves Come Howling

37: Wolves Come Howling


I am Anirbas, paws tearing at the ground, wind in my fur, and adrenaline in my blood. I’m soaring across the open plain, the moon high above me, and the stars twinkling with their mysterious glow. There’s a universe of secrets, and I get to explore it.

To feel the raw earth between my toes fills me with pure delight. I stop at the crest of a hill, raise my head, and let my voice sing, filling the air with my might.

Distantly, many voices join in my song, letting me know they are near and are coming.

I turn and fly down the hill, the lights of the city at my back.

There are no people around, no one to tell me how to be. I am me, as pure and as simple as I can be.

Wolves dart past me, silver and tan fur glinting past. I skid to a stop and look around, my heart hammering away.

I look left and right, seeing nothing. There is a patch of trees ahead. I leap toward it, sensing the others around me but not knowing their exact location.