The Hidden Expert

The air was blowing calmly between the chirps of the feathered magic beasts. The scenery was very beautiful, with long trees covered in green leaves. Orange rays of light bypassed them and fell on the water's surface; the orange sky's reflection could be seen there.

Only one person could be seen in a bad mood in this friendly environment. He was a boy tied upside down; instead of a chain, a long and elongated snake was holding him. The mouth of the beast was in front of his face; The rays fell on his face, and he slowly opened his eyes.

He noticed he was getting a slight headache' He opened his enchanting purple eyes to get a mini-heart attack. The reflection of the beast's hissing could be seen on them; He was frozen by its presence, feeling goosebumps all over his body. It was then that he intuitively used 'shadow walking' and escaped.