Start of Round 3

"After the mind-blowing round two, which was full of unexpected results and entertainment, It is now time for round three, full of cunning plans, decisive actions, and Survival. This will be the final round, which will test the teamwork and strategy of the top twenty guilds to their limits," said the commentator.

"The winner of this round will be judged on points. The rules are simple. Each team had to eliminate as many opponents as possible while also keeping in mind to survive, teaming up with other teams is not allowed."

"Your team will receive two points for eliminating an opponent. If your team eliminates all five members, then your team will receive a bonus of five points. The points a team gains can't be stolen," he added.

"Now comes the confusing part. Each team that is in the top ten will receive five bonus points. Teams that reach the top five will receive ten bonus points."