A tough battle

The rumor of Blue Skull appearing had just appeared when, as if confirming their guess, news spread out that he had challenged a third-year student.


"Which person has he challenged?"


"I think he has challenged Akash."


"To think he will challenge room number 450, this could backfire. I know that guy; he is not your average third-year."


Students in Santa Hostel started discussing the fight; many were excited to witness this battle.


The stage was set; the crowd had already gathered. This time, the students from other hostels also came, as this was a big fight.


"Where had he been for the past two months?"


"Who knows, he might be training or relaxing. Why are you saying that? Didn't you like our hostel to be calm and peaceful in his absence?"


"You are right, but have you forgotten about other menaces in our hostel? Why are they both in our hostel?"