Discern the Divine

This intriguing chapter of 42 slokas, known as vibhooti yoga, Glories of the Supreme, characterizes the Omnipresence of the Supreme Spirit. Well, for general human understanding, Lord Krishna identifies the best in heaven and earth that represent all that is glorious about Him.

One might note that His averment that Sãma Veda and tapo yagjna, meditative prayer, symbolize the glory of the Supreme was cited in the introduction to the third chapter. In the context of what Lord Krishna enumerates as symbolic of the 'Glory of the Supreme Spirit', it is interesting to note that He's the sovereign in humans in s27 but not Rama as one would have expected. However, Lord Rama enters the Hall of Fame as the first amongst the archers (s31).

Going by the dispassionate outlook towards life that Lord Krishna expostulates, it is but natural that Lord Rama who personifies attachment to the values of his time is not reckoned as the Glory of the Supreme Spirit. It is another matter that in the Hindu religio-cultural ethos, Lord Rama is revered as purushottama, the noblest human.


Thus spoke the Lord:

Ear thy lend My words peerless

Bound they regale as thee gain.


Sourced though gods 'n seers in Me

Grasp they have none of My source.


Me as Lord of all who sees

Turns his back on wrongdoings.


Sourced in Me all faculties

State of mind of beings too.


Varied I made vicissitudes

As the case with attitudes.


Willed I birth of progenitors all

Seven seers great 'n elders four

Not to mention sovereign fourteen.


Grasps as one the power of Mine

Keeps he would his mind then firm.


Who this gets in My worship

Tends he then to turn to Me.


Whoso to Me thus taken

Delight he takes in praising Me.


Him I help to realize that

Which is needed to reach Me.


Doubts I dispel his for good

Grant I wisdom to his thought.


Thus spoke Arjuna:

O Lord Thou, Supreme Brahman

Abode Ultimate, Purifier Primordial

Indweller Permanent 'n God Primeval.


That's how sages down the ages

Nãrada foremost described Thee,

Affirmed Asita, Devala 'n Vyãsã

All of that now Thou confirm.


None can ever be sure of Thee

Hold I true thus what Thou say.


God of gods

O Lord of all,

Thou but know

Self Thy true.


Pray Thee confide Thy nature

With which Thou all worlds transcend.


How to grasp all aspects Thine,

How to engage Thee in mind?


Make me privy, O, My Lord

Forms 'n attributes of Thyself.


Thus spoke the Lord:

Of all countless Glories Mine

Suffice thee knew a few of them.


I'm the Self of one and all

I'm the beginning as well end

Not to speak of in between.


Vishnu Am of all deities

Sun the luminous of luminous

Mãreechi Am immortal

As well moon the star of stars.


I am the Sãma of Vedas

It's Me Indrã, god of gods

Of all organs, mind is Me

And so life in all beings.


Shankar Am the Lord of Lords

Kuberã, richest of Yakshãs

Of the Vasus know Am Fire

And Am Meru, peak foremost.


In those echelons ruled by gods

It's Me Bruhaspathi priest of priests,

Marshal that great Skand on earth

Besides the ocean among the seas.


Bhrugur I am the well-realized

So Am 'Om' that sound supreme,

Of rituals Am prayer muted

Himalayas high that kiss the skies.


I'm the fig, the tree foremost

And so heavenly sage Nãrad,

Maestro divine Chitraradh Am

Besides Kapila, the sage attained.


Uchhaisravas, Am horse foremost

Nectar that was churned in seas

Airãvat white, Indrã's elephant

Sovereign whoso crowns mankind.


Vajrãyudh Am weapon mighty

Kãmadhenu the cow holy

Cupid who aids to sustain life

Vãsuki the fierce king serpent.


It's Me Ananth of Nãgãs

Varun I am of aquatics,

It's Me Aryamã, mane of manes

Yama the ruler of beings.


Prahlãd Am, the demon godly

Among the reckoners, I'm the Time

It's Me lion, of wildlife all

As well Garud that rules the skies.


I'm the wind that purifies all

Among the archers Rãm I'm

I'm the shark that mighty fish

And the Ganges, ever in flow.


Hinge I am that holds all worlds

Source is Me of spiritual thought

Of Vedanta, I'm pro contra.


Alpha Am of alphabets all

Likeness I'm in like compounds

I'm the time of endlessness

It's Me Brahma of four heads.


I'm the death that devours all

As well brings forth that beings

Besides what makes woman's glory.


Am Sãma the grand octane

Like none metre Gãyathri,

Mãrgasir pleasant month I am

As well splendid spring season.


I'm the splendour of splendrous

Besides fraud in dice as well

I'm the goodness in great souls

Effort that takes to succeed well.


It's Me Vasudev of Yadavs

Of the Pandavs thou art Me,

Know Am Vyãsa of sages

Poet Laureate, Sukra great.


Justice I'm in every court

Policy Am of all conquest,

Secret I'm of every mute

Wisdom Am of what is wise.


I'm the seed of all beings

From Me apart none exists.


Endless are My attributes

This brief is for just thy grasp.


All that's glorious all therein

Is but spark of My splendour.


O dear friend need there none to delve in full

Suffice to say it's portion Mine that supports all.

Ends thus:

Discern the Divine,

The Tenth Chapter

Of Bhagavad-Gita,

Treatise of self-help.