Science of Devotion

This chapter of 28 slokas, known as sraddhã traya vibhãga yoga, Threefold Devotion, deals with the spiritual and temporal aptitudes of man. S11-s13 that deal with the virtuous, the passionate and the deluded in ritualistic sense and s 23 -28 concerning Om, Tat, Sat and Asat of the Vedic hymns are clear interpolations for reasons the reader is familiar with.

However, s7 – s10 that deal with the food habits of the virtuous, the passionate and the deluded would pose a problem in determining whether or not they are interpolations. Can eating habits be linked to the innate nature of man in an infallible manner? Perhaps, some future research and analysis might resolve the universality or otherwise of this averment, and till then, it is appropriate to reserve the judgment on these.


Thus spoke Arjuna:

None the regard for scriptures

Who tend to manage life their well

What Thou say of such of beings

Virtuous, passionate or merely deluded.


Thus spoke the Lord:

It's one's nature that tends him

To be virtuous, passionate, or deluded.


Beings all have faith in some

It's one's nature that shapes it.


Virtuous seek gods in worship

Opt passionate to humour ghosts

Turn all deluded towards the Hades.


Hoping for there all to gain

Indulge vain in austerities

Though not endorsed by scriptures.


It's in delusion they all fast

Emaciating frames of theirs,

Thus in foolishness they all

Famish Mine own Self in them.


As with habits so with palates

Come to tend all in three ways.


Opt virtuous all recipes fine

Sustain health 'n enhance strength.


Hot 'n spicy, and pungent,

Prefer food passionate that ill-suits.


Food of deluded is all stale

Long in storage, and impure.


Rings with truth 'n laced with warmth

It's speech austere that's well-meaning.


Simple 'n stoic

Kind and candid

It's mind austere

With self-control.


Wanting none

Never in turn,

Done in concern

Deed it's austere.


It's in pretension passionate live

Eye they have on name 'n fame.


With troubled mind all deluded live

Hurt themselves 'n others as well.


Virtuous deed is that extends

Helping hand to one in need

Guided by the zeal to serve.


Deed passionate is quid pro quo

Ever done with some end in mind.


Aiding dubious with disdain

It's deed deluded that lacks goal.

Ends thus:

Science of Devotion,

The Seventeenth Chapter

Of Bhagavad-Gita,

Treatise of self-help.