Chapter 4-Mature Content Warning

After verifying that Hanabi and the baby were alright, I wandered over to Tenten's house to borrow some clothes while Naruto raided Neji's closet and then we met back up and snuck into the bathroom whilst hoping no one saw us both enter.

After making sure the door was locked, I started undressing and he turned the water on. My mother knows I'm in here, but I didn't come right out and ask her if I could have a guy in here with me so hopefully they think he went for a walk or something.

Truthfully, though, the only person I cared about finding out was Hanabi because she'll never stop teasing me about finally having a boyfriend. She already started when she saw us cuddling, but no one's actually told her yet. Naruto thinks it's funny and keeps sneakily touching me or kissing me to see what he can get away with without her noticing. So far, she seems oblivious.

"God, I sometimes forget how thin you are because your clothes are too big."

Calloused fingers danced over the bare skin of my waist and I stood straighter, face bright red, "I-I'm still trying to regain some weight…" My body's almost fully recovered from nearly starving to death, but I still need to gain another ten or fifteen pounds to be at a healthy level.

His chin rested atop my head as he hugged me back against his chest, "I still think you're beautiful." Long fingers danced down to unbuckle my belt before sliding my jeans lower on my hips so he could explore that area more easily.

A smile came to my lips and I fought the urge to shake my head knowingly. We haven't done anything of a sexual nature since the night I lost my virginity because we honestly haven't gotten the chance to be alone. He'll never say anything because he doesn't want me to feel pressured, but I can tell he wants to change that fact.

I finished undressing as casually as possible, working around his wandering hands with a blush warming my face and ears, before climbing into the shower and letting out a massive sigh of relief when the hot water hit my skin. He joined moments later and I struggled to keep my eyes on his face.

One of the benefits of all of us fighting to survive and training so hard was the physical aspect, meaning everyone has very nice bodies. Naruto's definitely part of that group. Tan skin pulled over strong, yet unimposing muscles in a way that made me want to run my hands over them.

I felt him notice my emotions and he grinned with a slight blush on his cheeks, "Are you checking me out?"

My fingers paused in the process of massaging shampoo into my hair and I gave him a mortified look, "S-Sorry! I can't help it…"

Bright blue eyes shined happily down into mine, "It's okay. I like it! You're too shy to say a lot of things, so it's kind of reassuring when I catch you having pervy thoughts." As if trying to prove his point, my body warmed substantially and I squeezed my eyes closed as I rinsed my hair of soap.

His hand suddenly grabbed mine and then I felt the lovely muscles under my fingers exactly how I'd been daydreaming. My eyes shot open in surprise.

"We should take advantage of the times we get to be alone more, don't you think?" He released my hands, but I kept them against his firm stomach as he pulled me out from under the water a bit so he could lean in and press his lips to mine.

One of his hands came down to hold my hip, thumb brushing against my pelvic bone softly, while the other firmly came up to caress my jaw in a way that allowed him to deepen our kiss and leave me nowhere to run.

After a couple minutes of his tongue invading my mouth, I had to pull back so I could breathe and his mouth dipped naturally down to my neck. Breathless, I said, "N-Naruto, we can't. Not here!"

He didn't hesitate to start debating with me, "Why not? The cleanup will be easy since we're in the shower and Kiba's not even here to eavesdrop." A swift drop of arousal sank down my abdomen and into my lower regions when his tongue ran over my skin.

My fingers twitched against him at the sensation and I struggled to mask the state of my body in my voice, "W-Won't it be hard to do it standing? And the others will wonder what's taking so long."

He rose up to whisper in my ear, "Well we better get started soon, then." Then he lightly nibbled at my earlobe while pulling my body more firmly against his.

A very specific organ of his was brushing against my lower abdomen and it wasn't soft. Defeated by his sheer willpower alone, I hesitantly brought a hand in between us to begin massaging him. When his breath hitched, my eyes snapped open and an idea came to mind.

"N-Naruto, let's make a deal."

He made a sound to encourage me to proceed, but didn't say anything or stop what he was doing.

"I-I'll…um…t-t-treat you if we can sneak away later rather than do it here."

That caught his attention. Pulling back, he looked at me with intrigue, "Treat me how?"

Not completely confident in my actions, I glanced down between us before slowly moving down onto my knees and taking him into my mouth. His face was as bright red as mine probably was as his eyes followed my movements, "O-Oh! That's what you mean!"

He agreed to the deal.

Afterwards, both of us finished showering, dried off, and got dressed with a blush on our faces. To my dismay, when I opened the door to leave the bathroom, Konohamaru was walking by in the hallway and turned to see me, then Naruto, and then his face was so bright red that it was almost purple.

I put a finger to my lips frantically, "Shh!"

The boy gave me a look of disbelief and I panic-whispered, "I-I'll help you get on Hanabi's good side if you keep this a secret!"

With his mouth open in shock, he froze for a couple moments before nodding with a look that told us he was ashamed to be so easily won over. He rolled his eyes when Naruto gave him a wink.

"Oh, there you are Hinata! Do my clothes fit you okay?" Tenten spoke after noticing me walk into the kitchen. She was chopping some vegetables with my mother, who opted to stay silent.

Wordlessly, I joined her after finding a knife in the drying rack near the sink, "Clothes are clothes these days. I'm just grateful you let me borrow them at all."

The brunette turned her head to give me a grin, only to do a double take before narrowing her eyes into a glare, "Oh, what it must be like to have God grant you a chest like that."

My face warmed and I stuttered out over her sudden laughter, "T-T-Tenten! D-Don't say stuff like that!" Her clothes truthfully fit well, just a little loosely, except for the upper half of the long sleeved shirt because a specific part of my body was filling it out to the point where it was almost too tight.

Once the girl calmed her giggles, she sighed, "Naruto's one lucky guy." I simply shook my head and focused on peeling potatoes.

The man in question had drifted into the family room to hang out with Hanabi, Neji, and the baby while Konohamaru showers.

The three of us worked in silence for a few minutes before Tenten spoke again, "Oh! My mom and dad said they don't mind watching those three, by the way. Do you want to head out tomorrow? Or would you rather wait a day or two to make sure Hanabi's alright?"

My sister didn't outright say so, but I got the feeling she wasn't happy with the idea of being left here while the rest of us go into the thick of battle. "I'll talk to her and see how she's doing."

The subject changed again, "We're making stew, by the way. Yua's famous recipe! She makes it every winter!"

My gaze hardened on the vegetable in my hands and I glanced awkwardly across the table at my silent mother, who seemed tense, but didn't try and avoid meeting my eye like I thought she would. She still didn't say anything and just gave me a small smile before returning to her work of dicing raw beef on the cutting board.

Attempting to remain civil, I tried to keep the conversation flowing, "I-Is that so? I'm excited to try it, then."

A couple more minutes passed and I was completely focused on my task, only to jump when Tenten suddenly whispered in a hissed voice, "So are you two back together then?"

I responded at the same hushed level, "We weren't really broken up, Tenten. I could never leave him so quickly!"

She snickered, "I know! I just wanted to see the cute face you make when you talk about him."

"So that blonde man is your boyfriend?" We both looked up to see my mother still had her eyes trained on the cutting board as she worked, but it'd undoubtedly been her voice asking the question.

A part of me wanted to snap at her and say it's none of her business, but for everyone else's sake, I subdued my angst, "Y-Yes. His name's Naruto."

Her lips tugged slightly as though she was holding back a smile, "He seems like a nice man. I hope he makes you happy."

Once prep was finished for dinner, Tenten took us over to her house so we could formally be introduced to her parents, Ken and Aiko Yamada. I realized, filled with guilt, that this was my first time learning Tenten's last name.

Her father, Ken, was a tall and muscular man with shaggy black hair, a thick beard, and warm brown eyes. Her mother, Aiko, was a petite and curvy woman with short brown hair and green eyes. Ken seemed very reserved, yet polite, while Aiko was fiery and outgoing.

Tenten really seemed like a perfect mixture of the two, but it was clear she was a daddy's girl at heart. How could she not be when she's been in love with weapons since a young age and he's taught her all she knows? Aiko was absolutely smitten with baby Shinzo the moment she lay eyes on him and after a few minutes of seeing her interact with him, both Hanabi and I relaxed slightly.

After visiting for a bit, we excused ourselves and headed back over to my mothers house next door. I motioned for the others to go on inside while I grabbed my sister's wrist so we could talk alone outside.

"You're leaving, aren't you?" She said the moment the door closed behind the others.

I let go of her and frowned, "I wanted to talk to you before deciding. Are you okay here? Do you want us to stay a day or two until you're more comfortable?"

Her silver eyes narrowed angrily and I expected her to go into one of her tantrums, but she surprised me yet again by taking a deep breath and shaking her head, averting her gaze to the ground, "If I had it my way, you wouldn't leave me here at all, but I know it's safer for everyone this way. You're likely to get hurt trying to keep an eye on me and I'm likely to get hurt if I go anywhere near the things you've faced."

My teeth grit and my mouth formed a firm line. A vocal response didn't seem fitting.

"You should leave as soon as possible so you can come back and get us. I'll take care of those two, so don't worry." Her voice was kind of stubborn, like she was embarrassed about something and didn't want me to know what it was.

A soft blush dusted her cheeks and I let out a sigh before pulling her into a hug. She returned it for a moment before pulling away, "Maybe I can get that guy to teach me how to shoot a gun while we're here!"

I gave her a warning look as I opened the door to the house and held it open so she could enter ahead of me, "Just…be careful."

The dinner table was quiet and a little awkward once everyone had been served and began to eat. There weren't enough chairs for everyone, so Tenten and her parents brought some foldable ones in from their house.

The small kitchen was crowded, to be sure, but I was surprised when I felt oddly comforted by that fact. With the home-y feel of the house, the hand-prepared meal warming my belly, and multiple people that I love sitting around me, I was more at ease than I thought I'd ever be in this place.

Neji, to my disbelief, was just as quiet and grumpy around our mother as he's been the entire time I've known him and both she and Tenten weren't saying anything about it so it must be how he usually acts.

As though thinking of him brought things into action, my older brother suddenly spoke, "We're leaving in the morning, Mom."

Hearing him refer to her so casually caused a pang in my chest, making me wince as I stared down into my bowl. Even if things are comfortable and warm here, I honestly can't wait to head out tomorrow. Being near her just puts me on edge because I have no idea how to act. This entire time, I've been treating her as though she's a professional acquaintance or something, trying not to offend her while also keeping as much of my personal life and information at bay.

After picking Hanabi, Konohamaru, and Shinzo up when we're done in Suna, it's my intention to never see her again. Neji and Tenten are welcome to visit any time and I sincerely hope we remain close, but it's just too painful to look her in the face and have to wonder what could have been. I'm pretty sure my older brother knew this already without either of us having to talk about it.

"I want to tell you not to go, but you won't listen so just promise me you'll come home safe."

The rest of dinner went fairly well and then Hanabi and I helped Yua with the dishes before Neji helped us set up in the family room. Naruto and Konohamaru were sleeping in his room because they're both guys and Yua requested for there to be some separation in her home.

So, Hanabi was sleeping on the loveseat and I was laying across the large sofa. Everyone said good night almost as soon as the sun set so we could be well rested for our journey to begin in the morning.

As soon as I'd fallen asleep, I was woken up by Naruto and allowed him to sneak us outside with a bright red blush on my face. I completely forgot the deal we made earlier in the day.

There was a small barn at the end of Yua's big backyard and we lucked out in that the door was unlocked and it wasn't all that cold inside. She had a couple goats, who bleated at us a few times upon our arrival, but then went back to sleep once they deemed us to not be a threat.

A small heater was running inside to keep the animals warm through the winter and when Naruto tugged my shirt off over my head, I was grateful for it. His skin was warm under my fingers as I ran them up his torso and over his shoulders once he took his shirt off as well.

Earlier, I'd acted annoyed at his wanting to hook up, but in reality I've been feeling just as pent up as him, especially after our fight.

Calloused fingers explored my body and mine returned the favor to his as we finished undressing. He'd surprised me by bringing a small blanket out with us and I understood why when I saw all the hay laying around.

I was delighted to find that there wasn't even a hint of the stinging pain I'd felt the first time we were intimate.

"Does it hurt?"

I shook my head, face red as he started to move slowly, in and out. That wasn't a lie, either. There wasn't even a ghost of the discomfort I felt during the first half of our tryst back in Oto. Everything he did felt great.

A minute or so passed, both of us quickly getting warmer, before I got the urge to change something and nervously interrupted Naruto, "C-Can I, um…"

Blue eyes widened upon realizing what I was asking and a cute blush rose to his face, "You don't have to ask, Hina."

Feeling more than a little bashful, I moved on top and adjusted myself a bit so nothing was awkward or causing discomfort. My mouth formed a firm line as I looked down in his eyes and realized I had no clue what to do.

He immediately picked up on my hesitance and moved his hands to my hips, "Don't be shy. Just do what feels good for you and it'll feel good for me, too." Despite the red dusting his cheeks, his words were confident and reassuring, giving me the courage to take his advice.

Over the next couple minutes, I experimented with different paces, movements, and techniques until it was like the stars finally aligned and a shock of heat ran up my spine from where our bodies were connecting. My hips jerked slightly in response and Naruto hissed.

My eyes shot up to his face, "Did I hurt you?" He shook his head with grit teeth, eyes closed as he tightened his grip on my hips.

So I kept going.

Gradually, I worked up the speed of my movements, simultaneously building the tension in my lower regions. Just when I was sure I was about to climax, Naruto suddenly sat up under me, bending his legs slightly, so he could press himself up into me as I continued to move on top of him.

My chest pressed against his and after a couple more moments, I was finally tossed over the edge. He wrapped an arm around my body to hold me against his chest as I trembled around him, only to continue moving when I came down from my high.

His voice was raspy and low, "Bear with me, Hina. I'm almost…"

A determined feeling came over me and I nodded wordlessly, adjusting my legs so I was no longer resting on my knees but crouched with my feet on the ground so moving would be much easier. Naruto let me pull back from him a bit and my fingers fumbled behind me to find the flat ground so I could let my weight lean back rather than against him, then I moved my hips more roughly against his since I was capable of doing so in this new position.

An increasingly familiar lusty expression rose to his face and he gripped my thighs firmly and let me build him up further. Finally, after another minute or so, he shocked me by roughly gripping my waist with both hands and pulling me down completely so he was fully sheathed and then he held me there with a clouded and far away look on his face.

Once he was done, both of us panted for breath. Naruto let himself lay back and I came down to rest against his chest as we both tried to calm down.

"I love you, Hinata." My lips tugged into a small smile and I returned the sentiment softly.

One of the goats suddenly bleated loudly, making us both jump in fright before glancing at each other and bursting out into laughter.