Angel Of Hollywood

It took most of the day's light to fully capture the essence of Lilith Luther's portrayal, by the time the men's tense shoulders laxed, everyone had begun to feel the exhaustion set into their being. Not that they could complain. The hefty check they received at the end of each month muted their opinions.

Grabbing hold of the actress's arm, she assisted in removing the dried up paint that overtook the woman's usually pale white undertone. The normally perky woman being abnormally quiet as a sinister expression overtook her features from the view she had of Beatrice.

Looking back up to gaze at the crystal blue eyes that seemed to dim in comparison to the morning, Beatrice rewarded her grim aura with a sigh, acknowledging what was to come after the pleasures of the day. Awaiting for the barely notable nod Lilith would ritually give, Beatrice stood at her full height. Her heels echoing in a fashion that solidified her decision with each step.

Meeting with the man that had held his gaze on the actress since the cameras ceased to roll, she was barely noticed, him only awaiting for the words that brought him million dollars of profit each night.

"She's ready." She said moments like these causing her fingers to itch for the remaining joint.

"Make sure to keep her hydrated. The man that will take her prefers his women working." He replied, a second too fast for her liking, as it meant he knew her decision all too well. Never once doubting that she would bring a different response to him.

Not that she could blame him, each night remained the same. Lilith Luther's resolve was linked to her masochistic habits, creating the Angle of Hollywood to be anything but. Turning away from the man whose eyes continued to remain on his moneymaker, she eyed the ground knowing full well that if she looked into the eyes of Lilith now, her disgust would not remain hidden.

Her memory flickering back to the blatant judgement she manifested in the comforts of her own home. Not believing how easily she was able to utter the word 'Prostitutes' when she could not even look one in the face without attempting to conceal her true emotions. Was this what they meant by the word 'Coward'? Did she have a false sense of empathy with the lack of marijuana in her system?

In any case, she should brush aside such epiphany, her job having no luxury to draw useless conclusions. The Show Girls Studio holding no room for vulnerability as any whiff of it would lead to Cesar Lockwood conducting a full investigation on anyone that could taint the image he worked hard to set in the industry.

Becoming one with the entourage that trailed behind the young actress, Beatrice felt the gaze of the man drift through the crowd. Subconsciously imagining the man's eyes to land on her, thriving in the invisible feeling of having his gaze pick apart her every error, she closed her eyes as she walked relishing in its feel.

Fantasizing that the errors he found in her body was what caused her to stand out from the rest.