Speech and recognition

I walked up to the stage as the many celebrities were looking at me, Hello my name is Ethan #$$$$$, You may not have heard of me but I am the worlds youngest billionaire, People looked surprised when I said that, You may be wondering how the hell did a kid accumulate such wealth, Well my parents died two years ago and since I was their only child I inherited all their money, properties and real estate, It's managed by my butler Michael, So ya, I just came here to say all the people in this room are outstanding actors and actresses, No matter what some award says, Well goodnight everybody, After my speech, People started clapping, and I walked back to my seat, After the Oscars, Endded their was an after party but I was too young to attend, So I went to McDonald's instead, I also told Michael to get me a black Berry aka the phone, Once we arrived Michael ordered food for me as I was getting some ice cream, Unbinouced to me and Michael, Their we're paparazzi who followed me and started talking photos of me, After I got my order, I sat down and started eating, after eating I wasn't tired so I ordered more food and ate, I won't lie I was very bored so I called Jamal's Mam, Hey sweetie wassap, Hey Auntie Chloe, Can me and Jamal go out after school tomorrow, Okay but don't be late okay, Auntie Chloe said, As soon I was done with the phone call, My new phone arrived I opened it and got out the phone, Michael did all the technical stuff, as I was waiting I so a notification on my phone, I had made 7.4 billion dollars today, Thank God for investments I said in my heart, After that we left McDonald and headed home, when I reached home I jumped into the showers and then into bed,


The next day

I woke up butt naked, In my bed I checked my phone it was 9:00 AM, Ha I got out of bed did the usual routine, This time I went to the kitchen I prepared for myself coffee, Hey I sat down and checked on my phone, I so they had appeared brought the newspaper, So I picked it up and started reading, Worlds youngest Billionaire makes an appearance at the Oscars, and then goes to McDonald since he was too young to attend the after party, I was surprised how did they get pictures of me eating but I didn't care then my phone started dipping like crazy, it was my Twitter I was gaining followers on mass, I was able to get a blue tick over night, But I truly didn't care, then I continued to read the newspaper, Ethan #$$$$ is friends with the Kardashians, I was surprised, then I continued to read even more he appeared in the latest episode of the Reality TV show, now it made sanice, I wasn't mad or anything as usual, I don't give a fuck I have all the time and the money in the world, After I had finished reading the newspaper, I went to my bedroom and was on the laptop, It was 2:30 PM, Finally I called Michael to get ready, Within 7 minutes I was out the building and in the Parking lot, then paparazzi came out of nowhere and started talking photos of me